Leading ethnic women on for selfish reasons

Any non incel pol user ever feel guilty about leading ethnic women on when you know you're just using them for a quick nut and have zero intention of ever going further than that because they're non-white?

I started messing around with a nigger bitch from my job a few months back, she was actually Jamaican and I could tell from the start she had a thing for white guys by how she talked. She also had one those big jungle niggers asses and since I hadn't got laid in awhile, I decided to indulge in her advances.

And sure, she is a sub-human and what I was doing was degenerate, but it was just a nut for me. I mean, i'm a working white man, surely there isn't some rule that white men are not allowed to ever have some fun once in awhile.

Anyway, I noticed that she is really starting to get attached to me and develop strong feelings for me. Of-course, she okay for a shitskin, we share some similar interest, but she isn't white and never will be. This is still just a pit stop for me until I meet a white girl. Either way, I'm starting to feel bad now because are experiences have slightly humanized her a bit in my eyes. She isn't just a nigger anymore. Has any one on pol dealt with issues like this? How did you handle it?

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Lots of new threadin the last 5 minutes.

mods you just snort that cocain?

That's mean

I'm asking a genuine question.

eh, I mean, I fucked a 8/10 negress once a few times. Nothing to be proud of for sure but it was an experience.

>falling for Jow Forumsnigger meme
Go with her user, she could be the love of your life and mother of your children

Yes,it is wrong, because you know she wants to love you.
If you want to have casual sex find someone that doesn't mind

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You have been brainwashed by this board. I recommend taking a step back and taking some time off from all this "redpills"

Black girls can be awesome girlfriends and mothers. Don't be robbed out of a life partner because of the memers on this board.

I'v got a black GF and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me

On the plus side, if you don't ant kids, or her having 8 black kids once she finds out this white guys are scammers and players too (Not as much, obviously), you can at least make sure she doesn't have fullblown darkie kids.

>hypocrite: check
>sleazy: check
>dishonest: check
>degenerate: check
>didn't wait for marriage: check
Honestly, OP. You aren't much better than a piece of dog shit.

Wow, I didn't realize there was so many jews on this board. You gave it away by how fast you mentioned children/mother.

Enjoy lowering the IQ of your children

marry her. don't have kids. fuck like wild animals. enjoy your life.

I'll add that when I first met my black GF two years ago I was peak racist at the time because I was indoctrinated by this board. I slowly came out of it and realized I could of lost my soul mate.

How old are you by the way? I can guess your under 23?

Oh yeah because anyone who has a black GF is a jew right? Fuck off you melon

Nuture not nature

Glow in the dark CIAniggers have attempted to co-op Yellow Fever and morph it into nigger mixing. Their kike handlers hate when white men marry Asians, so they want to push niggers instead.

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Ebony thread!

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You rack disiprine faggot.

Either way you've fucked up your work life gg on making shit bad for the rest of your life.

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Come on. Why does the white man always have to be honorable and honest when no one else is. Its always the white man that needs to have his morals in check. Between my work and vidya I'm too tired to hunt for non-degenerate women. But I still want to get laid once in awhile so I took advantage of an easy opportunity. Male nigs do this ALL the time, why can't white men do it once in awhile? Fuck.

The issue is her any way, she knew what she was doing, she wanted white cock. It was a good arrangement, now she is fucking it up by developing feelings and making me feel like shit. And i'm pissed that a negress of all things is making me feel this way.

I never feel guilty following my natural instinct as a man just as women don't feel guilty being slaves to their instincts.
Grow up.

>just a pit stop for me until I meet a white girl

What is the term for this sub-category of incel?

I’m tall, white, athletic, male. I am only attracted to Asian girls, and I smash Asianpussy.

Almost exclusively SEAs that are 6s and the occasional 7. It’s just too easy. 8s are too much work. Northern Asians (Korea, China, Japan) are too smart for their own good and way too much work.

I like SEAs because they are dumb and cute and desperate for a White man to save them. They always find a way to get close to me, talk to me, make themselves available to me.

I smash a SEA 6 and usually ghost them as soon as I find a new one.

I would never marry an Asian. It would be unbelievably cruel to any hapa sons I might have.

You should stop sinning

She is the one for you. You love her and you know it, go with her

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Ooooy Jungle fever went overboard and now you have feelings for a nigress.

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Why is it white though?

who gives a shit as long as you dont impregnate it. It should be like masturbating I guess

You are using other people but it is there fault..

>Why does the white man always have to be honorable and honest when no one else is.
Assuming not a LARP, precisely because no one else is. You're forfeiting your very huwhiteity by engaging in niggerish activities.
Everytime you engage in a degenerate act such as that, a semitic demon is watching, rubbing its hands, and smirking at you in derision. Nothing makes them more giddy than seeing nobility or innocence get corrupted by perversion and evil.

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Can't resist saying that if you weren't racist you would attain happiness.
But really, I'm laughing.

Black here i did the same with white women. No remorse, you shouldnt have any either.

No, user. Do it. I fuck nigger bitches all the time. If a black girl gives me even the littlest of attention I know we're going to fuck. They're great lays too. I've never even had to lead one on. They're just horny for alpha white men.

She loves you, you love her. You won't be able to resist it.

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Its this exact thinking why whites went from 80+ % of the population to 60% and decreasing.

It's you're and nurture you moron, maybe she'll raise their IQ after all.


No whites went from 80+% to 60% in America because Jews and Anglo traitors conspired to import hordes of incontinent orcs.

I'm going to suck your moobs, CIA gay nigger.

Thats kinda pants on head retarded user, acting more honorably doesn’t make you more white, nor does acting dishonorably forfeit your race. It’s not about what individual people do, its not about your guilt or innocence, its not about justice or what’s right or wrong. It’s about knowing what you are and embracing it. And granted, race mixing is the opposite of embracing what you are as a member of your race. But acting like whites need to be more noble than the people trampling on them is bluepilled as shit. Why should OP be a cuck while black men brag endlessly if they can touch a white woman?

Was it like fucking a horse?

This, HAHAHA Good shit mate. I might copy this for pasta

>jewish nonwhite
>make a bait thread
>jews respond accordingly telling you to be good goyim as they are bad at detecting bait
>you gather that you and them are both bickering over which is a shill and a jew
You people are disgusting. You will be eliminated for the disasterous things you have done to not only the USA but to all european nations. You will never be forgiven for what you did to Prussia. Fuck you kike.

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i fugged a mullato girl for a while, i was beginning to tell she was really into me after about two months. i just eventually used a fight we got into over something trivial to break it off with her. still kind of feel bad about it honestly.

no wonder so many non white women become white man hating sjws.

Honestly, the people that tell you not to cross breed are almost always people who never have sex and the rest of them most of the time don't have children.
I have no proof but I feel entirely comfortable saying that maybe 1% of all blood purists are fatherless losers with zero game and only have sex with a woman once every 2 years if ever at all.

Hahaha what the fuck does Prussia have with anything?

They fucked up by messing with the true masterrace in 1914
>pic related

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That's what you get for being a degenerate.

Why can’t niggers roleplay? It’s like they are totally incapable.

You can make her your gf if you want, but never breed with her.
Your children will hate you forever for being mutts.

If you said hispanic or asian, I would be more inclined to believe your larp.

Jew l

Question: how bad did her pussy smell?

Not to mention he bitches about niggers but has the English of a Somali refugee

>But acting like whites need to be more noble than the people trampling on them is bluepilled as shit.
Not sure what you're upset about schlomo, there's nothing mutually exclusive in both discouraging degeneracy and putting subhuman savages to the sword. In fact they would get along together quite nicely.

No you stupid fuck. You're not pissed about a woman. You're pissed about your conditioning and morale compass. You talk about emulating black men. Make a choice, DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND. Either do yourself or redefine what normal is.

>it doesnt matter what direction you choose. you cant piss in two yards at once.
>why have two thoughts at the same time?

Yeah, sorta.. I had been dating this girl for about a year and she recently revealed to me she is black, She lied to me and also bleached her skin and even going so far as to say racist things to further the deception.

I still do miss what I had with her but there as racial identity is increasingly globally codified into political blocs and advocacy there is no way I am going to align myself with an enemy.

Nation must come before love

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I fucked a nigger bitch once. ONCE. 1 time, just for the experience. White women, and nigger bitches are completely different in every imaginable way. You're playing basketball with the hope that at a later date you'll be a great hockey player. Smarten up.

Have you by any chance reproduced?
How often do you get laid user?

What else are they good for?
You think they are harmed? All they want is to bleach. Fuck them. And leave them. And don't make more mutts.

Don't flush your genes down the toilet

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Ive done it before and the bitch fell in love with me. When I cut it off I made her cry. Pretty funny.

>you know she wants to love you.
Yeah but why is that OP's problem?
I can see the problem with leading on a white girl because you're shooting your own race's fertility in the foot, but why is OP obliged to consider the well-being of other races?

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If you're really a nigger why the hell would you want to post your women for wh*te boys to gawk at?
Cuck behavior

oh please muslims and niggers do it all the time.
>had a muslim friend (algeria)
>doesn't drink
>eats halal
>prays 5 times a day
> fucks white bitches only for several years
>ends up marrying and having kids with an algerian bride that was shipped to him from his country

this was one of my many redplill moments during my early 20s

checks out

Always remember OP, real men do what they want. They don't let women or other men dictate their sex life.

>sex before marriage

enjoy hell, you have cursed yourself for eternity. the lord will not forgive you, nigger lover.

I hope you tell her how you really feel and she kills you with her gorilla strength. Fuck off OP. Sage.

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You just need a noose and a tree.......

Forget about it and start cultivating yourself for once. You really don't need this.

>I never feel guilty being a slave to mt natural instinct as a man just as women don't feel guilty being slaves to their instincts.
don't twist it

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No, because I don't stick my dick in girls unless I respect them enough to see them as a valuable long-term partner. I will never respect ethnic girls enough to see them as valuable long-term partners.
One night stands and other such loose behavior indicates a severe lack of moral integrity.

Now I will admit that I did have one once, but I felt immediately displeased with myself and made it a fact not to do so again.
I suggest you do the same and practice some self control. I expect that you're not a child, so behave like a respectable adult.

>Has any one on pol dealt with issues like this? How did you handle it?
A few positive ticks on a standard STD panel test will snap you back to racial reality.

The Anglo strikes again.

If your girlfriend ever becomes pregnant, do us a favor and abort the fucking mutt goblin before it grows up to hate you and ruin the greater British genepool.

lol you got the herp?

Negress feet... no thanks

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I’m not upset by anything, but cucking out is what’s degenerate, and cucking out to be a good goy is how we got here in the first place. We’re supposed to match and exceed the brutality of those who would harm us, otherwise we die whimpering beneath a boot.

if you feel guilty about it, then stop doing it. you can do better, and you know it. break it off while you still can, you really don't want to end up stuck with some little black bastard who doesn't look anything like you.

I don't participate in bestiality anymore but I have in the past. I do feel bad now that I think about this one night stand I had with this sheboon. I remember I made her drive me home immediately after sex. The whole ride home I set there in silence and disgust rethinking my life. We got to my destinationand I just got out and shut the door and never spoke to her again. I feel kinda bad I guess

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Colonize it. I did. My son will get all the diversity scholarships. All that matters is hating Jews.

The way you explain it making me realize where I went wrong. I made the relationship extended further than sex, and allowed the sex to mostly happen at my place. Because of this, we always ended up hanging out before and after fucking. That's dumb on my part. Shit is so fucked now and I can't stop stressing about the situation.

another muttpost for my collection

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This. Daughter is set for life now

It's OK to feel bad but you are just prolonging the inevitable. It's best to just get it over with. Like ripping off a band-aid... unless you want to keep her as a fuck-buddy. But unless she is willing to just be friends, it will just make it harder in the long run for when you do find a more suitable partner.
But what do I know, good luck my friend.

Still whiter than you, Mohamed.

My wife is 1/8th Native American and the cutoff for being considered for scholarships and such is 1/16th, so our kids will be able to Elizabeth Warren their way through college. If her tribe ever builds a casino, she’d probably have the option of an easy 6 figure job.

Non-american black girls I am totally down with, they don't have that hood culture or that nigger jive nonsense. Like a black british girl or a black german, running into them in America normally means they are educated and hate ghetto niggers just as much as anyone else.
Leading women on for sex is nothing new, I've done it to every race of chick. If they are dumb as fuck it's a pump and dump, if they are educated it's nice to hang around a while and enjoy the conversation and see where things can go.

because it's mean and whites don't have to do that. Full out race war is fine, acting like a nigger and fucking casually outside your race and being cruel to a "lessa than" that thinks she has a chance to be with a white man just seems mean and antisocial.
OP should stop oil drilling

Don't be so smug, Nigel, Farouq will take better care of your daughter than you. Insh'allah

You work with her? Jesus user you’re in trouble. When you break her heart (and you should immediately) shit can get ugly for you. The sooner the better

You love her, get over it. You know it too you love her, so ignore the Jow Forumscels and get with her.

its better with turk whamen

I agree. OP should take what he can get

Black gfs are Jow Forums approved, newfriend

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She’s your nigger now user and always will be. It’s for you to find a white woman though. Stop fucking around. And next time buy a whore.

I'm not a race traitor, and the idea of even having my children be negro is so foreign of an idea, I literally can't even conceptualize it in my head. Its just a non-starter.

There is no future with me and a non-white, even by some slim chance I have some deep repressed feeling of genuine fondness for this negress, I would sacrifice those feelings a 100000x over as to avoid harming my race by not bringing more white babies into the world.

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No. I wouldn't even go that far. That's gross, man.

>I started messing around with a nigger bitch from my job a few months back, she was actually Jamaican and I could tell from the start she had a thing for white guys by how she talked. She also had one those big jungle niggers asses and since I hadn't got laid in awhile, I decided to indulge in her advances.


and you will die alone then friendo. Or you do what our based neanderthal ancestors did by breeding the white in the proto-niggers.

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