Make white babies
Make white babies
make eurasian babies
give me a white virgin wife
Can't afford it. Thanks globalists. Maybe if I got a bigger chunk of that tax payment.
t. going on 29 with a wife and no plans for children until we save 100k
Go kill yourself race traitor
T. Gonna have retarded babies
Nobody cares faggot.
>Can't afford it
That's the dumbest excuse, you faggot.
Not this
sorry goys i can´t help you im a Turk but i think it´s better than black
OK, find me white women who weigh less than me with daddy issues willing to breed with a 45 year old man making 80k a year.
Every woman I've seen is a whore and having kids with them would turn the kids jewish.
Do you have pets? How much do you make? Do you have debts? Renting or hhown?
What if its asian women that are posting on this board to lure white men?
>Maybe if I got a bigger chunk of that tax payment.
2,000 a year isn't enough? How much do you think kids cost?
Do you have pets? Debts? What's your housing situation? Where do you live?
White women: Corrupted
Wages: Suppressed
Media: Jewified
Not a single good reason, fuck this gay earth.
>Nobody cares faggot.
You cared enough to reply kike
Too high, it's 45° or less.
I’m English and French and I just got a German and Hungarian girl pregnant
>taxes get cut especially for people with kids
You are a roastie from tumblr who is fat
Good plan if asian women are as represented.
bad plan if they're not, the guys will be looking for "tha qts" and ignoring the uggos.
Be proud of your people, but go the fuck back to Turkey, faggot.
make mutt babies
Is it bad if my dick is half the size and girth when flaccid?
Sorry I can’t I’m ony 3/4ths white.
More than 2000 a year. That wouldn't even cover daycare. What are you, 15?
it would be, if you lived in turkey
you are part of our problem
i might. i'm thinking of bleaching some light skinned mostly spanish latina.
How's your physique? Do you work out?
This bitch on month 13
>missing part of his penis
>all those future Elliot Rodger's
Jesus christ youre fuckin weird
Get the fuck outta here
>Not a single good reason
Life isn't meant to be good coward.
You literal nigger. Kill yourself.
Have your wife take care of them
This user knows
I never said anything about Trump's tax cut, but everyone knows it went to the rich. At least anyone who read the numbers and is somewhat informed. Kids are expensive and take a lot of time. By all means be a wigger like my cousin and have 3 kids with 3 different mothers.
Good work. Keep it up. 4 is the bare minimum.
i can´t because i hate my greedy lying countryman and pisslam.
Yes. But you can bitch as much as you want and nothing will change. Whites are still gonna fuck and reproduce with nonwhites.
>Kids are expensive
no they are not
>That wouldn't even cover daycare
Why would they need to go to daycare? How poor are you that your wife needs to work?
ok boss.
I'm white, but my wife is half Chinese. Our child is 3/4 white and she looks 100% white except for her dark brown eyes.
How am I doing?
look I know it might sound strange to you but yeah I'd rather have my full penis intact than own guns sorry pal
Did your wife leave you? Sounds like she left you.
Also your incredible weakness
not bad, not bad.
it's ok
she'll be peacefully euthanized along with you and your wife instead of being gassed on dotr
You're too fucking stupid to raise kids if you believe there is some magical extreme expenses involved in having kids and can't figure out ways around them. Stop spreading this stupid bullshit.
Only gene editing to save.
I'm always preaching the truth.
>At least anyone who read the numbers and is somewhat informed knows only the rich got tax cuts.
How so?
Rice burning makes soibois.
Literally kill yourself
>implying your dick is for anything more than ramming into a vagina you destroy and planting a seed.
Wow bud.
Degeneracy at its finest.
A single income household can barely make a mortgage payment nowadays let alone every other expense that comes with having a family
the dumbest excuse. Drop out of the system and survive on bartering.
Okay then, but you better not be on fucking welfare of any type and you better vote far right.
But im 15 percent Native American, my kids would only be 92.5 percent white, also, one drop rule.
He is some retard that thinks everyone that doesnt work at taco bell like him is the rich
bald and fatter than dad bod - if I worked out it'd be easier - also quit drinking so my usual pick up skills don't work in public - and since I'm here on Jow Forums I'm obviously a misanthrope and hate most social activities.
You're not my type xx
you trying to psychologically destroy your child before they even have a chance?
How is their plastic surgery so good!?
Bitches in the US get their lips done and come out looking like a blowup doll. These chicks get an entirely new face and run for Miss Universe, shit's mental.
On it
Taxes are fuckin high still and you know it.
4 is the bare minimum.
>barely make a mortgage payment
dont live in CA or NY
>very other expense that comes with having a family
like what?
don´t worry i am self-employed and hard right
>the best way to save the white race is simply get married and make babies
>everyone on this board is a turbo incel, a yellow fever havin race traitor, or wants to fuck traps
the jews didnt do this to us we did it to ourselves
He's already served 15-life, kids gonna come out jacked.
reminder that if you have a minimum of 4 kids you doubled your genes. 4 kids should be the VERY SMALLEST amount a white family has. you should be having 8.
Kids need to socialize. Thats how they get hard and dont end up as basement pussies.
Whew lads you're really showing your immaturity. Maybe one day when you go out into the real world you'll see what it's like.
yeah nah I just prefer to have a normal penis
I know that's really weird for yanks to understand
imagine thinking white women could ever compete
I got a mortage a wife and no kids... yet.
socialize them with your friends kids
Not other randos droped of at daycare because their parents dont give a shit about them
I want my whole penis back. But your gun laws are still shitty. Pic rel my DotR/SHTF setup.
You can literally see the baby practically
I’m aiming for 20
>whites on cover
sadly checks out...
Says the guy posting his bf's dick pics.
Kids cost 10k per year.
Ok bud
Food, utilities, insurance, car payment