W-what happens if it's born before the due date?

W-what happens if it's born before the due date?

Attached: abortion.png (1105x630, 593K)

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I get the joke but they actually did remove protections for live births. As in if they screw up the abortion and the baby comes out alive they don't have to help it, they can just leave it to die on the ground.
They will burn.

the doctor slits its throat with a scalpel

Attached: 1548379413502.jpg (352x351, 45K)

Better get ready for millions of (((doctors))) to determine that the mother's health is at risk in the 8th month (for a premium fee).

Hell will be full of the skulls of doctors, women and unbaptized infants.

I was born a month and a half early wtf by their logic I wasn’t a human being or a real baby or person for the first month and a half of my life. By their logic anyone could’ve killed me or left me outside in the snow to die and it wouldn’t have been murder.

Attached: 504AA5DD-BF95-488F-AA53-589B1CC643BB.jpg (1014x1024, 110K)

>remove protections for live births
Can I get a source on that?

Thats the thing a womans health is always at risk in a pregnancy. They defined it so loosely that anything would qualify.

>I get the joke but they actually did remove protections for live births. As in if they screw up the abortion and the baby comes out alive they don't have to help it, they can just leave it to die on the ground.
While they will certainly burn for all eternity, I don't see any reason why we can't get them started a little early.
Ever hear of the Brazen Bull? These people deserve that.

Do you think there are more severe psychological effects for late term abortions? Like can't they feel the baby kicking around in there at that point? Surely they must know it's alive and have grown somewhat attached to it

The medical psychology profession has been zog'd for like 3 decades already so it doesn't really matter. Any post- abortion depression epidemic they'll just flip it like they did with all the mentally unstable trannys and say their depression is due to a "lack of acceptance from America's repressive Christian culture" or whatever