It is time for all of us who TRULY care about this earth to act.
Humans are the biggest environmental burden in the ecosystem.
We should responsibly and peacefully end our own lives to save our planet.
We must have the courage to look beyond our own small fears and make this real sacrifice.
Truly ponder this and make this meaningful positive change.
It is time for all of us who TRULY care about this earth to act
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This has been my plan for years. Not sure why anyone would buy a fucking "pod" for it though. Throw me in a burlap sack and plant a tree above the grave.
This is what we do with our dogs
Do eeeeeet
You first.
Imagine the smell
The biggest burden on the environment is china, subcontinental Asia and Africa.
No people involved
Can I turn my ash into a zirconium blade? Like I expect I would need more bodies but I feel like I can't get enough magic out of it unless there are at least 10 bodies.
Dane cook had a bit about this
I can dig this without the phony virtue signaling. Make me into a mighty oak to hang commies and negros off of.
>watching dane cook
user i..
The 7 billion global population must be reduced to 2 billion in the next 12 years, or the Earth's ability to sustain life will irreversibly collapse.
The question is: which of the present 5 Billion should we purge, and which of the 2 Billion deserve to survive?
>7 billion global population
>trump is getting 7billion for the wall
>there must be another 7 somewhere
Oh stop. He’s not even relevant anymore
Hey slide nigger, volcanoes fo more harm than humans. Go write your own obituary and do us all a favor.
Are you ready to go into the tanks and become one with all the people, Jow Forums?
>The question is: which of the present 5 Billion should we purge
With the right encouragement, the morons will purge themselves.
>whites make up less then 1 billion
I think we have everyone we need
Chinese memes
You're right OP. Life is pointless and we are only perpetual suffering machines. We create more of us so they too can endure until they die, and for what? Yes, there's the environment and the animals but those are pointless too. Yet not our problem if we check out.
What I propose is a celibate death cult. No dramatic mass suicides and hey, you can even fuck if you want to, but we need to castrate everyone. Then it can just burn out however people see fit. Nothing to be sad about, and not really something to celebrate, but we can at least die in relative peace knowing we broke the cycle.
We can keep the Japanese as well. White Teutonic Shintoism is the path to restoring white culture. Venerate your fathers 2019.
Wow I'm glad to have finally founded a like-minded individual, I've been saying this for years!
However, it's not only the immense harm to our planet that's the problem, but the harm we cause to animals in the process.
Cows and steers raised for beef are typically confined in feedlots that can pack together thousands of animals (Food and Water Watch). These animals may have little or no protection extreme weather conditions. They may be castrated, de-horned, and/or branded without the aid of painkillers.
Cows raised for milk (dairy cows) also spend much of their life severely confined. Twice a day or more, they are attached to milking machines. Some are injected with bovine growth hormone to boost milk production.
Cow milking machineTo maintain milk production, cows are continuously impregnated in what the industry calls “rape racks.” The newborn calves are removed from their mothers immediately after birth to prevent a drop in milk production in the mother.
Most of the male calves are raised and slaughtered for beef. Some are chained by the neck in wood crates for 16 weeks and slaughtered for veal. Most female calves are placed in the dairy herd. When dairy production declines, the cows are slaughtered for beef. Each year, about 39 million cattle and calves are killed for food in the U.S.
Male chicks (who won’t lay eggs) are typically macerated (ground alive) or dumped into plastic bags left to suffocate. The females have the tips of their beaks seared off with a hot iron to prevent the stress-induced pecking of other hens.
But, if we kill ourselves, there will be no way to save the planet anymore :( That's why I'm studying politics in order to become a lawmaker who can improve our planet, and later to enter the military branch so that I can "accidentally" start a nuclear war, ending the scourge that is humanity once and for all!
why should people care about the enviroment beyond its ability to provide resources for us to use?
>Be playing the game of your picture
>Don't know what the fuck I am doing, but for some reason this chink sounds more smart and strong than the others
>Spam combat units and set course to destroy all the other players
>Win without knowing what the fuck just happened
Is this a dictatorship similator?
>White Teutonic Shintoism
yeah lets entirely fucking ruined 10 more times while we are at it eh?