Legalized faggot marriage

>legalized faggot marriage
>literally owned and run by jews
>instigate instability in countries all around the world for personal gain
>highest abortion count out of any nation in history
>15% of the population are monkeys, 20% is made up of evolved half monkeys
>a nation of subverted cattle that's easily manipulated by their propaganda apparatus
>90% of the population can't even locate Venezuela on the world map
>50%+ of the nation is morbidly obese and overweight
>cancerously exports their satanic culture onto the rest of the world
>the list is endless

wait a sec, so why am I supposed to like the U.S. again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No one cares if you like America or not.

Especially not Americans.

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Fpbp as usual.

come on son, don't give me that spiel

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Why should you? Please provide a better alternative.

you proved him right in your first post. we can't even point you out on a map we care so little.


Now you're just trolling.

Like the rest of European countries are the Pinnacle of morality and don't rejoice when usa does wicked things

>t. pic related
not even Venezuelan, and if you don't understand the meaning of that point, then it's confirmed you're a burgerbrain

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Unless you're from Switzerland, Norway, Japan, Singapore, Finland, Denmark, Cyprus, or Luxembourg, you're in a worse position than the US.

When you drop the meme flag, we can mine the core of your salt.

We gave the world Sea Monkeys. You're welcome.

You know, it's not our fault, all that shit you mentioned.
The jew arrived here from Eastern Europe. Blame those faggots. We're just unwitting adoptive parents to their freak love-children.

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>it's the jews from eastern europe's fault
wow, that's a first

I think you forgot
>Hong Kong
and probably some others. you're shit's weak and you're well on your way to becoming a 2nd world country amigo

Also, tf? Finland and Cyprus? you really are a dumbfuckistani aren't you.

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yea your little thread is gonna die like the memeflaggot you are
hopefully your stereotypes actually get backing soon faggot, but knowing shills like you you'd rather have this be a slide thread and i can't wait for newfags to think this is the time to pounce
I must say though, bravo shill for having such a master strategy for slide threads!
take off your memeflag and you'll be able to prove half of what you actually listed too lol
also shill, bit of advice, you can't bump your thread anymore

ok, this is epic
not only is this epic, but it's going straight into my LMAO folder

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They've been here since the 1700's you fool, we used to be smart enough to keep power from them

This is a blatant russian disinformation thread, probably because the whole Venezuela thing

holy fucking kek haha, so you mean to tell me that the U.S. didn't do or isn't any of the things I listed? buddy, you realize how jewish you sound right now right?

>Doesn't reveal flag
>Refuses to negotiate countries based on quality of life, and adds 4 shit their countries, and several tax havens to the list.

We're done here. Op is doing all the work for us.

>m-muh flag tho

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At this point, literally nothing. We are literally the Great Satan of the world. After the 1960s America fell to the Marxists and the Jews. All we can do now is fight

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>First post: case in point.
Well done hank.

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Hello Israeli

>exports culture onto rest of world
>rest of world is so weak minded and susceptible to brainwashing that they gobble it all up
Not my problem

>shit country detected

it started much earlier than that. the jews took over england though masonry and subverting the monetary system because of the strategic advantages of its navy and infiltrated spain, for the same reason, then got ran out during the spanish inquisition. they may have also established the jesuits in spain. they then migrated to the americas, that includes north, south, and central, after they turned europe to shit with central banking and your usual jewish shit. the founding fathers fought tooth and nail against their spys and secret societies.

oh right? you mean the same yiddish culture your pig pen gobbled up without questioning and adopted it into its mainstream?
get fucked you dumbfuckistani

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don't point these things out to amerisharts, they hate getting told that they're WEAK

besides, they're next on the globalist list of getting dismantled, first was the USSR

sit and enjoy the upcoming burger civil wars

Odd it didn't work on me.

We literally do not give a single fuck what other countries think of us. Although it is pretty funny that we're pretty much living in your heads rent free.

I bet you like the EU lol

>huh, that's so strange that I was able to exercise the simple and basic human instinct of questioning and reasoning
>huh, i wonder what gives?
that's the whole fucking point you utter utter twat

Why are you whining then. Retards are gonna be retards.

i agree with you, just post your flag.

I'm just here to post eagles

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What’s wrong with abortion retarded christcuck faggot
Your entire religion is based on turning the other cheek if anything you should love zog shoving it’s meaty dick in you

USA is the great satan

Sometimes eagles fuck up when grabbing fish and end up in the water. Then they do this weird butterfly swim move and people think they are drowning. So they jump in the water to save them. That always cracks me up cause they get hypothermia. Fucking transplants
>t. Alaskan.

>using atheism to justify immorality
once the egg is fertilized it is a person with rights


Attached: Bald Eagle swimming to shore wih lunch.webm (960x720, 2.95M)

Fucking saved!!! It’s hard to explain that. I’ve come across them on the shore tired/drying out where you could pet it if you wanted.

This. I just pity shithole third rate Europeans “countries” when they hate us.

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it is incapable of thought, and is pretty much identical to any other mammal embryo

the genetics are human, not "any other mammal" regardless of mental capacity humans have rights.

So you are telling me you’d rather have hundreds of thousands of kids being born into meth head families, to take even more of the jobs you complain about LE MEXICANTS stealing?


It pains Europeans to know how little we care about them.

gud bord

We might as well take ownership and make the best of it.

Greater Israel

I am American and I fucking hate this nation. The corruption the USA causes world wide and the corruption within itself completely disgusts me. This is not the greatest nation in the world.

Speak for yourself idiot. I fucking hate this place.

The US has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome I'm afraid to say they still buy into the whole "Trump is a Russian puppet!" bullshit while he readies for a Nuclear War with them. I'm not sure just how the tantrums of an idiot nuking the World serves the interest of Russia.

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That thought pattern worked wonders because america has always been the big boy in every fight its ever participated in but with China you're going to have to start being a lot more amenable to other countries' desires and prerogatives in the future.

Because you retarded limp wristed cock sucking faggot, when you dont like it, you change it. Thats what me and my ancestors have fought for. For you to be a little twink fag boi and bitch about your country on the internet. If you actually give a fuck get out and change it.

Because as shit as it is, its still better than every other place on the planet.

How drugged up is that eagle? I'd like some of what he's having.

Everything about it fucking sucks except for the nature

even if all that shit OP said is true which i didn't bother reading it because of meme flag we're still better than every other country on earth combined.

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>After the 1960s America fell to the Marxists and the Jews.
Unchecked capitalism is what is really ruining America. It is rampant greed on a global scale emanating from the US.

low-tier bait

Low-tier bait and not funny.