>girls encounter a naked man in Palm Springs swim center >Foster says her daughter, Ashley, a 17-year-old senior, and two teammates, encountered the person taking a shower, when they entered the locker room, during a team practice session at the city pool. >"I think this individual is a predator, a predatory nature and found a loophole in the law with transgender issues,' said Foster. >Foster said water polo coaches confronted the person, who they said told them they could be in women's shower, because they identified as "female." >The parents say the person left the pool when they "tried to take his picture." >All parties were contacted. No arrests were made as no laws were broken >Under the state's so called "Gender Neutral" bathroom law, people can use a bathroom, according to the gender they identify with. The law makes no mention of shared shower spaces.
Why haven't you used that excuse to look at some naked women yet Jow Forums?
God it’s been a great day >stocks did awesome thanks PG&are >huffpo and more layoffs in lugenpresse >closed on my house and got money out of it due to a flub up >my stupid canker sore is finally not as painful >watching libs get a dose of the slippery slope Man just a good day all around I should buy a lotto ticket hmmm
Samuel Reed
It's also fun to abuse freedom of religion laws when asked to remove a head covering in a store.
Zachary Jackson
Because it's more comfy to look at naked women on the internet.
Shut up queer. Don't brag in a anonymous board you Reddit homo
Ian Walker
>when asked to remove a head covering in a store. wtf is Australia the 1930s?
Julian Morales
Its a free country
Mason Howard
>side with a mentally ill minority that probably makes up 0.5-0.8% of the population. >Cant understand when the majority get angry that their rights are now being infringed upon.
Man journalists are retarded.
Kayden Johnson
We men warned you women. You made this fucking rule. Now shower with the rapists, you goddamn problem causing sluts.