Measles outbreak

Fucking morons!

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>and that's a good thing
>t. Jow Forums

how many deaths so far?

Oh, zero?

Thanks for the news you fucking retard. Kill yourself.

We are a victim of our own success. People have forgotten how horrific the diseases are that we stopped with vaccines. Now, they will learn, and their children will forever bare the scars.

>children will forever bare the scars
And I will laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

t. angry self loathing incel

Those kids can’t help their parents are fucking morons.

Unless their black then I laugh and laugh and laugh with you.


Oh No! 23 cases of Measles! Make sure you get your vaccine goys!

Attached: Get_Vaccinated.jpg (426x550, 174K)

It's measles.

Literally everyone had measels, chicken pox, and mumps when they were kids back in my day and I'm not even 40.

based retards removing their genes from society

I believe in natural selection. If you simply stopped treating people with impacted wisdom teeth, such poor oral genetics would die out over time. Instead, dentists threat them and now entire lineages will have to line up and get dental treatment like father like son.


If you’re in favor of an unchecked flow of illegals (more of them than antivaxxers) many of which bring or are carriers of diseases we’ve eradicated or have never seen before and sure as shit don’t have vaccines for then you reap what you sow. It’s actually hilarious and ironic desu you can call antivaxxers retarded all day long but you also will succumb to a rare African pathogen or typhus even if you took all the vaccines on the market.

wtf those kids are already parents and also morons

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non-impacted wisdom teeth master race reporting in

But the herbal mommy blog said vaccines cause da autism!!!!

2/4 for me. Lower jaw is too beta to hold them

Uh oh, some kids might have a rash for a week! Better let government inject your children with untested drugs to avoid this terrible fate

>get measles virus in vial
>go to public place
>whoops it slipped
>measles outbreak goy
>quick get vaccinated
Nah, not for 23 infections w/ 0 deaths.

outbreaks of once eradicated diseases thanks to central american refugees and other shitholers. must build the wall. pelosi wake up!

desu I didn't get the wisdom teeth business at all growing up and I was always puzzled why people need surgery to get teeth pulled out - the common knowledge I was imparted with was "everybody goes through it", so I was fretting my turn, until the dentist told mine are all good

anyway, find a woman with hers intact and eugenics your lineage up, leaf
>Measles affects about 20 million people a year,[3] primarily in the developing areas of Africa and Asia.[6] No other vaccine-preventable disease causes as many deaths.[11] In 1980, 2.6 million people died of it,[6] and in 1990, 545,000 died; by 2014, global vaccination programs had reduced the number of deaths from measles to 73,000.[8][12] Rates of disease and deaths, however, increased in 2017 due to a decrease in immunization.[13] The risk of death among those infected is usually 0.2%,[5] but may be up to 10% in people with malnutrition.[6] Most of those who die from the infection are less than five years old.[6]

"uh oh, my kid's dead from a preventable disease because I was a fucking idiot and didn't get them vaccinated!"

Wow, an 0.2% death rate. How frightening. I'm sure all the kids in that 0.2% were totally healthy and weren't already almost dead from cancer or some other shit.

>We are a victim of our own success
No one seems to ever really think about the fact that, in the past, when people who slept around caught, say, syphilis, they couldn't hope over to the doctor for a cure right away.
You were fucked for life.
But noooo, it was that evil Church oppressing women's sexuality, not the very real possibility of a life-long illness that marked your face and fucked up your mind.

Attached: syph.jpg (960x720, 64K)

It doesn’t matter with the way things are going you’re focusing on the lesser of two threats so you’re dead anyway

>I'm going to rail on vaccines because there is a very very slight chance there might be complications, but also try to downplay the far greater dangers of the diseases they prevent!

more like

"uhoh my kids dead because millions of shithole brown people are flooding the border at the same time and since they arent coming legally and getting vaxxed, they are bringing their shitty diseases with them"

Why do you think the first world is largely disease free? Vaccines, you dope!

There is no agenda behind this story. It is completely factual and without any type of bias.

What about "my body, my choice"? Why are pro-vaccine advocates and organizations also pro-immigration?

If you want to amputate your hands then go right ahead. I am going to call you a retard for it though.

They bring in third worlder diseases we don’t have treatments or vaccines for, you dope!

Oh even better the “MY BODY MY CHOICE” retards are always pro circumcision

Measles is everywhere, and was very common here before vaccines. Will be again without them.

why do you think diseases are making a comeback you dope? niggers from the 3rd world! along with lazy vaxing 1st world population

dont forget lots of vaccines arent for life. so you might have been vaxxd for childhood diseases, now youve grown up and havent gotten boosters,and you catch some shithole virus because 50,000 central americans are crossing the southern border every single month

Because retarded mothers heard from someone that they cause autism and so don't get their kids vaccinated, which then leads to their kids getting sick.

>hey doc, can I cut off my penis? I'm a girl btw
>"sure! Gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness after all"
>hey doc, can I amputate my hand? I don't feel comfortable with it and don't identify with this particular body part
>*cue straight jacket and mental illness diagnosis*
I can't go right ahead, no medical professional would see it through.

She has a vagina, that makes her more smarter than a real doctor

Measles isn't a bad disease for Euros.

Only precious minorities get fucked by it.

Btw, the only vaccine worth getting if you're healthy is the tetanus one, and if WW3, anthrax/small pox.

Measles will unironically be the least of your worries

>There are other diseases that you may not be vaccinated against
>So you should not be immunized to Measles either!

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Mine caused headaches until I got them out. Then gave me jaw pain for life. You are just lucky or I am not.

No vaccine will save you from what’s coming but please feel free to live in denial if it gives you a false sense of security. I’m not even antivaxx btw I’m anti shortsighted retard

>some vague doomsaying means that you should not get vaccinated against the very real threat of disease

Nah, you get get fucked with your bullshit.

"of the 23 cases, 20 were unimmunized"


"three (((immunized))) kids got sick (((mysteriously)))"

>disease spreads
>get tetanus and die

It’s not vague I literally spelled it out for you you’re just that fucking dense

>Get tetanus shot
>disease spreads
>get typhus and die

>disease spreads
>not immunized

i'm vaxxed against typhus too brethren

There is no typhus vaccine you have no immunity to it you’re both absolutely retarded and it’s beautiful



Unironically, this.

Yeah I'm not even 30 and everyone had chickenpox when they were like 5 when i was little...

We were all fine...

Not quite better than suffering the human experimentation the government wanted for them, but very damn close.

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For the record, in the 1950s there was an annual average of 500 deaths from measles while 95% of people claimed to have gotten measles in their lifetime.

Remember how most of the native Americans were killed accidentally by European disease. Maybe that is what is going on in Africa. Maybe the decedents of Europeans can handle it naturally for the most part.

Maybe the risk of measles is just as big of a threat as injecting a very young human being to a mercury based preservative.

Maybe modern medicine is actually also causing problems that need to be addressed.

Maybe the "experts" are really just people who have been indoctrinated into promoting the business interest of multi-national corporations with manipulated scientific data.

Maybe the lower death rate is also advanced by the MANY other advancements such as sewage management, water purification, modern agriculture preventing mass malnutrition, etc etc

Just some thoughts.

Now is where you are supposed to call me a moron and other various insults...

500 deaths in the US alone that is...

oy vey goy isn't taking 72 vaccines schedule make news quick!

Measles was one of those eradicated diseases in the USA until recently. We are fucking morons for letting in turd worlders with their diseases.

Most anti vaccine people are white rich suburban moms with nothing better to do than live frivolously through their kids so this in a grand sense is poetic justice. Their dreams are dead and so will their kids they’ve lost all meaning, namaste

In all fairness you sound like a poorfag who will probably sooner be exposed to paco and maria’s open tb in your gentrified ghetto.

Dumb nigger I’ve gotten my shots because I’m not retarded. And I hope you and everyone else does too because in this day and age measles should be only mentioned in retrospect

There’s no vaccine that makes you immune from tuberculosis you stupid nigger that’s the point I’m making. Did you think your tb test was a vaccine? Holy shit that’s retarded

>was in the Couv/Portland a couple weekends ago w my two aryan kids and live in/around the areas dude lives at
>literally dodged all the places this nog went to
>dude basically went to all the places in Portland I wouldve gone to if not for my ailing family as cause for visit

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