You ready to die for oil in Venezuela amerimutts?
You ready to die for oil in Venezuela amerimutts?
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when they aren't gifting it to Cuba
We’re sending Brazil in, ask them.
Good luck in another proxy war with Russia, amerimutts. You will be BTFO, as always.
Yeah the guy who’s approval has already hit the shitter will invade another country on his border to cause a refugee crisis.
Venezuelan girls are waifu tier, They are all super fit from the famine and will be welcome refugees in Canada.
Based Russia will save the day like Syria.
The CIA says jump and he’ll say how high?
>approval hit the shitter
uhm no?
I hereby certify Brazil as the Mutt Empire of South America and authorize them to do whatever stupid bullshit we wanted to do down there.
Ready to go to war for daddy?
Uh yea. I listen to media outside of the Zionist amerimutt propaganda you listen to.
>Communist news sources
Can't wait to take you all down...
I think you don't understand how South American Geopolitics work do you?
how far in debt are they to us?
I wonder if there will be false flags blamed on Venezuelan terrorists.
Venezuelan living in the U.S here. There will be innocent people blamed as "terrorists". I just want Maduro to fucking get thrown in prison for the rest of his life, man
>Russian media = communism!!!!1!
Americans. When in doubt they don’t disappoint.
Hi Satan
Nobody gives a shit about their useless heavy crude dogshit oil.
t. geophysicist