New President of Venezuela is a full fledged Mason

New President of Venezuela is a full fledged Mason

Question: Who do you support - a mason or a commie?

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Maduro > Mason

No more regime change. Let the PEOPLE of the country vote on their leader. Maduro has the military behind him and it isn't our place to worry about their government.

Neither, but what I don’t support is regime change.

What's wrong with regime change. Everybody hates Maduro in Latin America

>What's wrong with regime change. Everybody hates Maduro in Latin America
I hope someone kills Netanyahu next time he makes a public speech.

he's a Freemason. He may as well have a big ball & chain attached to his leg

A lot of our founding fathers were Freemasons. What's wrong with masonry?


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Commie because Venezuela must be transformed into walled in country where from nobody escapes and all socialists from west are booted to.

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Hopefully they both kill each other.

POTTERY. Praise Satan.

I trust Masons with all my heart.


>tfw your elections are rigged and ameritards believe it's a democracy

Explains the absolute state of the US today... Our french revolution that terminated monarchy and brought us degeneracy was lead by Freemasons too.

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i support maduro. i hate niggers amd jews

>Question: Who do you support - a mason or a commie?
How about fucking NEITHER.
What the fuck is it with you shills? You seem to think that everyone plays your jewish, fucking republican vs. democrat, show-you-one-shitty-alternative-so-that-you'll-have-to-choose-the-other, bullshit games. fuck off back to

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>He may as well have a big ball & chain attached to his leg
His wife?

Can't have been led by too many of them, given that they outlawed it as part of the revolution.

>New President of Venezuela is a full fledged Mason
but what degree, though?

Wow this is a retarded thread.

All you could muster?

The mason

Well I support a Yellowstone eruption followed by a meteorite impact, but on this occasion I'd support the anti communists.

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obviously tapped by the CIA while at George Washington University

>President of Venezuela
MM, duh.

desire to know more intensifies

yea but this isnt the 1700's anymore. These guys usually dont have everyones best interests in mind. Only their freemason friends

well at least he graduated fucking high school goddamn.

He literally lost by 2 million votes out of 14 million combined votes and retards on pol will scream voter fraud

no wonder he is being shilled so hard my the government and media

There are 3 degrees in freemasonry. Third being a master mason. Other degrees are conferred via appendant orders but not in a blue lodge.
t. Master mason and marked man.

Am I allowed to say what degree he is in the picture? lol

I'm not familiary with spic regalia but I'm pretty confident centre is master mason and possibly a grand lodge officer. The other two are first degree.

>spic regalia
Way to treat a brother

delete this

Oh nevermind, I thought you meant us, because we have so many Mexicans. You were talking about Venezuela

>tfw /sg/ is finally winding down after all these long years and /vg/ comes to the rescue just in time

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Fuck Venezuela.

I assumed the photo was in Venezuela. I dunno what burger regalia is like either. We go lambskin, rosary then the full borders and shit.

Cuffs are only grand lodge officers.

But guido has the globalist currency backing for some lucrative oil deals. It has grown to be a corrupt institutional power that operates in secresy. It is repugnant and its secret oath rituals have spawned luciferian spin offs that seek to secularize the brotherhood for satanic conspiracy

Septics are hella varied. Many have a plain white apron, worn in different ways for EA and FC. Others have plain white with a blue border. Some have tassels. Usually aprons are provided by the lodge, so each officer has their own temporary apron with a symbol on it. For the most part, their grand lodge kit is purple.
And I won't even start with Prince Hall gear.

Yeah, my lambskin one for the degrees is just plain white. Officers have their symbols, and I think only the grand lodge wears collars and has other bling

Are you fucking serious? The entire economy in America is based off a socialist corporate monopoly ran by Freemasons