Depends how granular you want to get. Vegeta saved Gohan a bunch by virtue of instigating the Saiyan saga that ended with both Goku and Gohan unlocking their potential, but Goku probably wouldn't give two shits if he didn't have Gohan to begin with. Of course there's also the whole observation that the threats faced by the z fighters are all ultimately caused by them in one way or another, too.
Nolan Brown
Saiyans are Irish
Eli Young
That seems like a bit of a stretch with the Cell saga. Gero and 19 weren't built to fight the z fighters in the first place were they?
Camden Sanders
You're thinking too much about it--for example.
On Namek I can name 1 time in where gohan knocked vegeta out of the way of Rakooms blast, and Vegeta knocked Gohan out of the way of Freiza's blast.
Then during Cells fight, Gohan sacrificed his arm to save vegeta, but then Vegeta saved Gohan during the Ka-ma-ha-ma-ha blast fight.
Can you think of anymore examples? I just think it's interesting...Vegeta and Gohan's relationship has an interesting dynamic.
Not quite like uncle and nephew, but something similar.
Chase Baker
The original series was better.
t. old moomer
Jonathan Ortiz
More Cell in general I guess. The trouble tends to actively seek them out, I mean. The Gohan/Vegeta dynamic is interesting because they're the successful son and failed father archetype, respectively. Buu Saga was a tonal mess because it missed out on opportunities to explore things like this. There was never any interesting change in the way Vegeta raised young Trunks having effectively failed to do so with Future Trunks, for example.
Nathan Adams
>There was never any interesting change in the way Vegeta raised young Trunks I don't think that's necessarily true--Vegeta trained with young trunks all the time, and the young trunks was very mischievous and prideful like his pops.
Interesting that you do mention Gohan and Vegeta's interactions during the buu saga--Vegeta kept telling Gohan "You're weaker now than when you fought cell"---and constantly bringing it up, implying that Vegeta respected Gohan's strength back then, but has since lost his respect for Gohan because he became a faggot bookworm.
Vegeta also implies that he wishes Gohan kept up his training, that he would far surpass everyone if he did.
Oliver Cooper
“Not to you Gohan, but to a warrior it matters greatly”. Vegetas speech at the world tournament is awesome, one of my favorite scenes
I honestly don't care about DB until the story goes beyond the manga. I don't care what happened between Buu arc and the final chapters of the manga because is irrelevant thanks to the timeskip in the final chapers.
Michael Fisher
>Fuck this gay earth hi leddit
Kevin Davis
>doesn't know a subject is best discussed on any board except for the one it's meant to go on How much of a newfag are you?
Jaxson Fisher
Buu and cell should’ve been in the tournament of power
Camden Green
Remember that time Vegeta yelled at Krillin to hurt him so he could get stronger like Goku, and Krillin nearly fucking kills him by lunching a hole in his gut? I'm pretty sure that's the reason Vegeta rarely makes fun of him and allowed him to save 18.
Anthony King
you can make a thread about DBZ on most boards that are not /a/ and get a ton more replies that if you did it there, those faggots are too busy jacking off to their flavor of the month moeshit to give a fuck about anyting else, they like super tho, wich should give you a hint about their horrendous taste
Julian Jackson
Yeah at this point it's basically a Murphy's Law corollary
Brainlet here, are they reusing whole chunks of animation?
Jackson Martin
DB Super was a waste of fucking time. It introduced a bunch of retarded transformations that had 1/100th of the appeal of the SSJ1 & 2 transformations. I do not give a shit about ssj god, ssj blue, or ultra instinct. There's no basis to compare them by. They felt unearned, and their enemies were lame as fuck. Especially Jiren. Jiren had that one cool scene where he kicks gokus ass and frieza says 'looks like quite the monster is on the move'. And that was mostly just circumstantial tension that had nothing to do with jiren himself. I didn't like the character design. The alternate universe saiyans looked like yu gi oh rejects. Toppo was such an absurd design I thought he was a joke. They literally had a rabbit in the series. Remember when the characters were terrifyingly scary? Frieza was intimidating as fuck. Cell was beautiful. Even Buu had some qualities that made him fun to look at. Although I'll admit the series went down hill with buu.
Ayden Bell
Best anime ever.
Jace Wright
The DBS manga shits so hard on the excuse we got for an anime it's not even funny. Love this callback.
Leaf waht the fuck are you talking about, there's a DB thread each and every single day. And it's going to ramp up once again when the show is renewed.
yeah go back to your shitty general which gets a few bumps an hour lol
Blake Morris
he probably hates the japanese voices too.
Samuel Wright
That happens all the time. It happened a lot in the original DBZ. Why do you think DBZ's filler had so many god damn flashbacks usually of episodes that happened prior? Some episodes would just be entirely made out of flashbacks for fuck sakes.
James Baker
Dragon Ball was so good, DBZ doesn't even compare
Noah Richardson
>tfw goku is the hero and male role model you never had from your own father >tfw the other characters are also other parts of your life you always wanted to be like >tfw redemption arcs: the anime Sorry, I'm still just a little lost boy inside, I guess. It seems like an accidentally brilliant animes.
Wyatt Edwards
Childhood was thinking Goku was the hero
Adulthood is realizing that the greatest character arc is Vegeta
Carson Wood
>in the USA dub you forgot. Goku is not a role model in the original. He's just a fighting fanatic that's fun to watch.
Levi Gomez
Just admit super is garbage.
Carson Smith
Piccolo has a pretty good one as well that didn't rely on boning the biggest bitch in the show and turning into a pink shirt wearing pansy.
Adrian Wilson
The anime is. The manga does its best to fix it.
Samuel Garcia
It's the only dub I've ever liked. They nailed that one.
Nicholas Gutierrez
Vegeta is based and fucking redpilled. Toryima has fucked over vegeta several times when the moments were opportune to make him the victor. When cell kills trunks, for instance. Or at the end of resurrection F
Thomas Miller
Boning the hottest bitch in the show is a very valid reason to turn into a pink shirt wearing pantsy. Wasnt the only reason, but is a valid one. Family and all that.
Piccolo had a very good arch as Gohan´s mentor, but it was never really clear why he became good. Also, what the hell was of his life in between fights?
Christian Richardson
>WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE, A FLOWER?! >I'M A WARRIOR! good lels from back before it got too campy
Hudson Ward
You have to go back to dragon ball to get the backstory for piccolo. It's more just like cartoons for children lulz than DBZ but it's still fun recreation.
Nicholas Gonzalez
>should i post this bhutanese anime show on a video games board or should i post it on a weaboo board
Colton Jackson
Also I would like to state for the record that DBZA is the best version of DBZ.
Jayden Davis
>They nailed that one. By making it a super generic marvel super hero jelly donuts dub? Get the fuck out of here and listen to more of your falconer noise.
Bulma stopped being hot before gohan was even born.
>but it was never really clear why he became good He didn't, fusing with Kami mostly made him good. The whole reason he trained gohan was to use him to kill goku and take over the world. Up until he fused with kami that was still his plan, and it quite possibly still is. They just didn't translate that in the dub.
Austin White
Holy fuck you have horrible taste. DBZA is Doug Walker tier.
Liam Diaz
Dragon Ball always sucked ass and anybody who watches it should be sterilized. Hokuto No Ken is the far superior manga/anime series.
Best version is my unreplayed SVHS copies from the original Funmation airing in perfect, nearly uncropped NTSC aspect ratio. And you'll never lay your grubby fingers on it.
Christian Perry
You're just jelly I have a hand-written note from Falconer's wife and you don't. Neener.
I've never heard a worse insult in my life. Jesus user, its not that bad. I'd fucking neck myself before I watched anything related to tgwtg. Bruh. You how much cum does your dakimura have on it?
Michael Perez
The only reason she wrote you a note is because she had to be fucking deaf to live with him.
Landon Taylor
I dont mind super but Japanese VA's 70% of the time are trash in any anime. And I can fucking speak Japanese
Leo Gray
I've watch every single episode of DB like 100 times. They still play that shit here nonstop
I get he stopped being this supreme evil after his fusion with Kami. I mean, after that you could talk to him without he trying to kill you. But how did we move to him becoming a "part of the gang?"
Adam Morales
Nah, she was his advertising arm and wanted to give former direct buyers an incentive to get the next latest installment of BRUCE FALCONERS COMPILATION iV ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
But you're doing something wrong if it makes you go deaf. I can help set up your room or get you a better system that doesn't #rek your ears if you can't blast that shit.
Robert Hall
I just fucking hate listening to moonspeak unless its a Kurosawa film or something. In anime the shit is Actually grating.
John Rogers
I'm sorry to be so harsh man but the truth is the truth. the people in TFS all co-mingle with the same sort of people as TGWTG and their audiences overlap by a wide margin and so does their material and what they consider funny. DBZA had some good moments like a decade ago but holy shit did they ever run it off a cliff since then.
Brayden Powell
He got beat by a higher power and saw a more urgent calling for his talents to help lesser people. It's the same thing over and over again with all the other characters.
>But how did we move to him becoming a "part of the gang?" It's a dub thing. he basically became 100% good guy the moment he gave gohan clothes in the dub.
Robert Hughes
Goku is a deadbeat dad nigger
Brandon Hernandez
Like most people dont know what i mean by, VA's dont sound like how real people talk, but think of it this way. Imagine everyone trying to talk like a superhero in a Saturday morning cartoon in the 90s and being super serious about it. Thats what its like to listen to a Japanese voice action talk as a character in a serious situation. Its fucking annoying and only weebs like it. Also that high pitched screaming shit would get your ass beat in any part of japan that is not completely fag infested
>not even making fun of the goku and piccolo try to get a driver's license episode m8 at least refer to the mango rather than dub/sub if you wan't to act all high and mighty.
Nathaniel Powell
Watch original dragon ball, nigga knows some shit.
James Hernandez
The manga strongly implies that goku was raped by chi chi and that he never wanted to be a father or was even aware that he was biologically capable of such a thing. He's never even kissed her.
Michael James
all I remember from DB is up to the buu saga after that it's been a clusterfuck from GT to whatever is happening today
Luis Baker
He is a weird mix of Superman and Michael Jackson in his combination of strength and childlike mindset. He has fathered children but never kissed his wife.
Ethan Nelson
>End of resurrection F
I’m still fucking mad
Jaxon Ross
Same here.
Michael Hall
Yeah I never understood that. Though as a kid I didn’t like him much, as I got older he’s now my favorite. Just listen to how he talks to bulma at 1:40, guys a beast
Also dropped it at GT. I'm told some of the recent stuff is game on again, but I haven't tried it. But there's nothing like it when they're still on namek, you know?
Or maybe that was the LSD. But what a time to be alive. One episode a week. That's the way it should be.
Liam Russell
What kind of government is in the world of Dragon Ball, where the Red Ribbon Army pretty much had worldwide influence?
On topic, it baffles me that Gohan could not do both studies and physical training, as if he wouldn't have study time during recovery periods. Considering both his godmother Bulma and his wife are fucking rich, it's not as if he had too many obligations to be Jow Forumslit/
>chris sabat Don't remind me, indeed. The funimation VA's are some of the worst actors in the business.
Lincoln Morris
>What kind of government is in the world of Dragon Ball, where the Red Ribbon Army pretty much had worldwide influence? Kingdom ruled by a dog. Not meant to be taken seriously imo.
Thomas Robinson
It was probably best for the universe overall that Frieza blew up Planet Vegeta. If the Saiyans hadn’t been kept under the boot, they’d be chimping out all over the universe
He had high hopes for kakorat's son. If nothing else he wanted gohan to continue the sayan lineage and legacy.
Asher Roberts
Yeah it is weird that ChiChi acts like she's so poor in the Buu Saga when she was sole heiress to the Ox King's estate. Sure the Ox King's treasure all burned up in the Beerus saga but in the Cell and Buu saga ChiChi was still one rich bitch.
Justin Davis
DB super had more actual character development than DBZ except for possibly the cell saga.
It was also funnier.
Jaxson Stewart
Yeah but they’re pussified freedom fighters rather than a race of brutal meatheads
William Taylor
Ox King owned a small mansion on top of a mountain and ruled over bumpkins. He could only afford a metal bikini for his only daughter.
That said, Ox King did buy gohan a shitload of books.
Xavier Bell
We honestly need more anime about jacked guys fighting. That's why JoJo is so good, it's the last one where the men are shaped like men. Even the flambouyant sissy guys are more masculine than any other anime males.
Nathaniel Garcia
Namek is one of a kind. The only time the show got close to that was the androids arriving up until cell become perfect.
DBZ is at its best when it's a lot of characters of varying powerlevels from at least 3 different "teams" running around trying to achieve certain goals and desperately gain and advantagr, not some big dumb powerful bad guy like broly or buu just smashing the heroes over and over until goku does the spirit bomb or whatever.
Andrew Morales
I wish Toyotaro didn't have to reference the dogshit anime.
Maybe Vegito wouldn't have been retconned and have would have avoided all the garbage plot that we got towards the end of the Zamasu arc.
Andrew Anderson
Yeah no kidding
Luke Richardson
He specifically had a hoard of treasure he kept on Fire Mountain. ChiChi was "piles and piles of gold" rich.
Joshua Martinez
I couldn't get into jojo, people talked too much and posed too much, maybe they toned it down later but I couldn't be arsed to watch the rest of the episodes
Matthew Smith
flamboyant jojo, yes sissy? no.
Ryder Foster
Why did he include a char called Satan cherised by all the people around the globe? What did he mean by this?