I don't want to get married but I feel the need to spread my seed, should I go to shitty poor countries and raw dog some women? Where would be the best place? Or should I find women who need sperm doners?
I don't want to get married but I feel the need to spread my seed...
Yeah. South-East Asia, but why not marry them? They’re qt and trad.
Degenerate detected
If you are rich, adopt. If you are broke, stay on tinder.
I spent a few months in laos. It was really good.
You don't understand. I don't want to care for any kids, I just want to know my genetic material has been spread
Girl in pic is hot. What's her ethnicity?
as a man, passing only your dna is not ideal. It is when you pass on your ideology along with your dna, that you really spread your seed. You must pass on nature AND nurture. The children of single mothers tend to be left leaning because they lacked patriarchal ideological exposure. You want to reproduce in not just quantity but quality as well
sorry to burst your bubble, but you need to get married. spreading the seed doesn't do much unless you do it on a gigantic scale like Gengis Khan. Point is rearing, that's going to determine whether your progeny is going to nigger out or succeed.