What’s wrong with being gay ?


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you get a stick up your pooper. hurts

Cant reproduce naturally like all living organisms


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dude you’re indian don’t talk about something related to poop.........


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well hybrids like a mule can’t reproduce

yes being gay is pretty a gay thing but is it inherently bad???

it is a waste of time, energy, and resources.
It is a perversion and is a symptom of a much larger problem.
it is a dangerous behavior, gay men are much more likely to contract STI's than their heterosexual counterparts.
Encouraging homosexuality and accepting it will drop birth rates
"muh slippery slope" . but honestly, it goes from cuck porn, to being bi, to being gay, to becoming a trap/crazy ass transexual faggot. happens at an alarming rate.
>pushing homosexuality on children increases childhood sexual abuse
>it creates and endless cycle of abused children becoming those who abuse children.
>promoting homosexuality openly works to destroy the traditional western family, therefore it works to destroy western civilization
>normalizing homosexuality makes white men effeminate, weak, and unwilling to fight for their people.

gays don’t reproduce so they’re more likely to be a productive member of the society, they don’t waste time raising a family

the earth will get better with lesser birthes

homosexuality and close friendship are historically strongly correlated with the military