Silicon Valley Crypto Billionaire is Claiming “The Holocaust Never Happened”

One of a kind person - original video was banned in most countries except USA and a few others:

Attached: holocaust.png (1930x1310, 2.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Weird vid, he doesn't sound very confident.

He speaks like a fucking autist

how long till he's accused of pedofelia or various sexual crimes?

that's because he's a fucking autist like most people in tech

>my philosophy on life
literally 1:00 long


Owning crypto is the most Fascist anti-Semitic thing you can do it is a rejection of the Jewish confetti.

The coming crypto revolution is gonna make many right winger very rich with enough fuck you money to piss all over these liberal faggots

>antisemite billionare found dead of aparent 67 self inflicted gunshit wounds to the head

Yeah I get that, but whats the point of the video?
He's never gonna convince anyone. If anything this video kind of harms his agenda

flamboyant, bad style, no confidence, fat
but i like him

he said there has never been a mass murder in history or any genocide at the end.....

Crypto will power the hate engines are you scared yids of a goyim no longer shackled to your Jew debt

>it just didnt happen
lol i feel that

>He sounds like an autist
Can't you fucking tell that from OP's picture? That awkward arm cross is textbook autism. Also he's in silicon valley and invested in crypto. How many more hints do you want?

p.s. he's not wrong

He's going to get into an accident very soon.

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i went into this wondering why he had so many dislikes and thought it was going smooth until the half way point. It's safe to assume at this point that Silicon Valley's water supply is worse than Flint's.

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refer to
p.p.s I never said he was wrong

It's all the Estrogen from faggot piss.

Armenian genocide also didn't happen apparently

I promise you that flints water is cleaner than yours nigger.


>literal crypto-Jew being held at gunpoint

How do you watch the video? I can only go to the playlist where there's "Armenian genocide never happend" and "the moon landing never happened" videos. going to OP I just get a wailing wall

Which shitcoin is he affiliated with?
Clicking on youtube links is utterly plebian just give me a qrd on how my shekels can escape the Rothschild banking system you shitcunts.


Crypto is worthless. Bits have no value AT ALL.


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>thumbs down

its banned in most countries except USA and a few others

Well if, as he seems to believe, the world didn't really exist until August 21, 2001, then nothing before then actually "happened." All we know about from before then is implanted memories. All of WW2 never happened. Or Korea. Vietnam. Lies, all of them!

I'm triggered. Also, Fuck the jews and their milking of the world thru fake genocide.

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And they talk shit about China/Russia being censored dictatorships HAHHAHAHA

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The consiusness thing he talked about is more interesting desu, what did he mean by that?

>the earth is only 17 years old

Before Jow Forums if someone dropped this line it would be the moment I immediately thought they were a crazy person and disregard everything else they said. Now after Jow Forums the moment someone says something like that I’m like “ok, now you have my attention, go on.”

Is 17 year old earth the real redpill?

I think he meant something like this:
Before 9/11 the world was so 'asleep' that most people were just sleepwalking and not away.

After 9/11 which was the Global Consciousness Project everyone started to wake up slowly.
"reality" didn't begin until after that point

i could be wrong imo

interesting vid tho
what did he mean about releasing the video on 10/24 and about 24,000 1st class...
cant tell if this guy is legit or a faggot
we'll see soon

He thinks everything prior to 2001 is a hallucination..

He's bonkers

>crypto revolution
that wont happen utnil one of these coins can prove that it actually works on a large scale
most of them seem like hobby nerd projects so far desu

>Silicon Valley Crypto Billionaire is Claiming “The Holocaust Never Happened”
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Attached: jew US WW2.jpg (1653x1620, 401K)

probably because he was born in that year, by the looks of him

>Is 17 year old earth the real redpill?
Kikes like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), le lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.

This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.

9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "a energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).

Ok but which one? 99% of them will be worth 0 long term

That's all true,
which is why pushing theories like that on a platform like youtube can be a good tactic to keep your channel from getting shut down while you push actual truths.
It also keeps peoeple from taking you too seriously, and making it so that only smart peoeple can hear ur actual message

Bitcoin seems like the only one that matters.. well not the only but one of the main ones

The problem is that bitcoin split into like 8 different versions that are all trying to be 'the real bitcoin' its fucking complicated desu
i think if you can't research that shit for yourself and figure out which one is best then you just gotta wait for the dust to sebble

nigga holocaust denial isn't illegal here, why the fuck is the video restricted???????

It did happen.

Attached: Tisha-BAV-Blog_Temple-e1466719037593.jpg (640x468, 62K)

The Rothschilds have been pushing crypto for years.

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Because he said it in English

Hey it's a short ass video but he's right. We need more people speaking out like this dude. The only reason they are able to censor us is because there's so few of us speaking out. Enough people speak out and it becomes impossible to censor.

the earth couldn’t be older than 29 years.

That video is censored to all shit. I can't even share it, according to YouTube's pop up.

hes based

It doesn't work even if you copy the URL at the top?


shapiro is low hanging fruit
the holocaust is not tho

i cant tell if hes based or not
u gotte be skeptical of everyone in teh crypto space
but im paying attention now desu.

got some interesting videos on his channel recently

This video seems more of a shill tactic to discredit any critism of the holocaust rather than an actual argument.

1. The guy simply makes a blanket statement and doesn't even say a logical argument.

2. He goes off into lala land and says there was no conscious memory prior to 2001.

This is clearly a fake video not intended at revealing the truth but is actually there to discredit the notion that the holocaust was largely a lie.

The Truth about the Government Shutdown

Guys check his videos out they are based af
idk about him as a person yet, if hes trustworthy
but his videos are nice

You seem awfully inclined to share and spread this literal who's content.

checked. this so-called billionaire is being pushed by ((()))

fuck the ((())) and their shillings

If you don't want to see someone digging through his content then what the fuck are you doing in this thread

>t. shill

False flag. The dude looks and acts like a leftist. He says some retarded shit about the world being a simulation. He doesn't actually have a reason why it never happened. This is being used for something.

probably some faggot thats about to be arrested for frauding people and made a deal that hed kill his reputation by spreading redpills as pennance

t. retard that should kill himself to make the world a better place

lmao what a great line of reasoning to deny the holocaust: "there have never been any mass murders". look, the holocaust is fake, but that line of reasoning is stupid as shit.



this thread is a honeypot for the ((( )))

can we make him a pol user. he has a small audience, just latch onto him and feed him propaganda. he for sure will read it with his pathethic follower count. watch him finance right wing death squads in 2 years.

Sounds like he's a lefty and he's joking.

Give it a month. Soon it'll be the main source of money for news outlets.


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Got his fuck you money, so now he can finally speak his mind

pic related

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I forgot about this guy. If you aren't him and are listening to this shill kys.

his own coin. kelsey coin.

kek thats fuckin funny
i hate scamming faggots , so bad.
they all deserve severe punishments

but his videos are still fun and have good redpills
ima watch em

ive learned to be sketpical of everyone
even myself

Attached: trust-nobody-not-even-yourself-not-trusting-you-not-trusting-11052535.png (500x391, 97K)

Right? Does he deny what the Mongols did? What Mao did What Stalin did? Pol pot?...

look at the guy's twitter. he's a fucking aut

It's my first time knowing about Chris Kelsey. He does a lot of YouTube videos where he talks to the camera like the typical nobody on YouTube.

It got shoahed, never got to see it.
A satire comedian.

He should build a right wing friendly payments processor

it's not shoa'd, it just has a warning
doesn't matter though, you're not really missing out if you can't see it

Attached: 20e2433b-aa37-47e1-abbe-184f23836721.png (1892x905, 37K)

Yes it is, not available in my country.
You're probably right though i just came here to see how long does it take for the kike army of hell to shut it down.


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lol wtf

broke: the holocaust happened
woke: the holocaust didn't happen
bespoke: the holocaust happened in cites that were firebombed or nuked

beswoke: the jews are smarter than the goys and said that the holocaust happened in order to prevent the holocaust from happening because in the past the holocaust happened so in order to prevent the holocaust that happened from happening against they created another holocaust that wasn't their holocaust and through this they guaranteed another holocaust

What a narcissistic and solipsistic little bitch. Literally thinks the world began when he had his first memories.
This is what's wrong with the world, twats like him thinks because he got rich off of apps that he's fucking God. He has no idea what real power is or how it works, and I'm sure some retards here will lament his downfall as an orchestration of 'the Jews'.

blocked in austria

>all genocides are fake
Seems more like an effort to make any questioning balls to the walls insane denial.

Well its illegal in my country thanks to you kikes and you also extradite so dont givee that shit faggot.

>The world started on August 21st 2001
I'm pretty sure this is fake psyop bullshit to get you to defend a crazy person and discredit any serious evidence against Roller Coaster Ovens, Masturbation Machines, and childhood immunity to Zyklon B.

Here's the video.

Attached: 1472668846566.jpg (398x600, 154K)

I know that socialist joke that every psychopath that gets rich in silicon valley feels the need to write their own Mein Kampf with wifi and apps but I think this guy went to literal

Propping up (((shooting stars))). If it works it ain't stupid.

Video is getting blocked hard. I literally had to go through five proxy sites before I could get it to work.

Strange, as there isnt much special or new in it

Just a bunch of mumbling desu
His best videos are the ones where he calls out people and companies and ideas for being shit.
His philosophical and self-help ones are garbage.

bc its true , it didnt happen , when turkish government was prepared to investigate it with them , they refused to comply bc they know the ottoman empire had documented everything and there narrative wouldn't hold if real numbers would come out.

Man, reading about this guy is a trip. Piece of work and total piece of shit, brags about being a scammer. Pretended to be a girl online to scam people for money, stole credit cards, the works.