Hey Jow Forums, I'm a Laid Off Journalist

AMA, was laid off this week :(. if you'd like to donate i'd love to share my patreon account with you all.

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learn to code

>AMA, was laid off this week :(. if you'd like to donate i'd love to share my patreon account with you all.
Hey Talia why did you make threads on Jow Forums and then comment in them to take screenshots and play the victim? You guys are so disingenuous. You can't say anything without lying.


Do journalists follow Q

Now you know what it was like for coal miners after Obama’s second election. Thousands a day, starting the second the votes were counted.
2/10 larp

How many fingers can you fit up your arse?

>two cents have been deposited into your PayPal account


guys really stop being anti-semetic. it's really hard to code i can't do it.

Anything helps


Send Bitcoin here Goyim and I'll suck you off

You got laid off because you suck at your job and they can just have AI pump out their propaganda now. You're useless. You're a liability with no marketable skills what-so-ever. You produce nothing. You are nothing. Good day.

Dont give any of these people money. I never made a cent for all the trillions I generated for the economy. Let them starve to death like they tried doing with me.

Anyone have some names of who got laid off? Wanna have some laughs tn.

>begging for money
Like pottery.

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You can have your job back when I get hired by a major daily.

Until then, fuck off and die. Now you know how it feels.

I do


You contribute nothing

You deserve nothing

Learn to code

How is that question anti Semitic? Are you stupid? How many fingers can you fit up your arse is my legitimate question.

>implying Ashkenazim are semites

show bob

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Post timestamp with proof

I lost it at fat greasy kike

No, you're a laid off blogger, and your failure to learn the difference is what got you here.

Learn to drink bleach...and code.

Attached: sam hyde bear mode.jpg (2048x1536, 388K)

Learn to code