Attached: vt02bnaezhc21.jpg (720x578, 83K)
Oy vey! It's 17 now
Jason Walker
Asher Sullivan
57 * (3/5) = 34.2
Fuck off with your neocon propaganda that abortions are destroying the based black family
Bentley Gutierrez
>57.7 Million shitskins have died since 1973
Imagine if abortion was banned, America would’ve became South Africa decades ago.
Landon Cooper
Never forget the 17 zillions goy.
Elijah Bell
anti-semites be gone
William Cook
>muh 17 gorillion
Noah Reyes
When we still had automatics; it would have been comfy
Tyler Cox
I wouldn't trust those numbers, considering the 17 gorillion to the left
John Rodriguez
>6 million of european jews
>11 million of other casualities
it's literally on the wikipedia page you daft retards
>inb4 (((wikipedia)))
Jackson Gonzalez
Less than 20 million of the aborted babies were black. That's 40 million white babies that were murdered.
Thomas Smith
>stalin worse than holocaust
alright which one of you did this?
Cameron Ward
here, eat your own shit retard
Oliver Roberts
>23 million lmao
Lucas Cruz
>shall not be infringed
Parker Bell
>The Holocaust
>The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah, was a genocide during World War II in which Nazi Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered approximately 6 million European Jews, around two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe, between 1941 and 1945.More at Wikipedia
>approximately 6 million European Jews
Show your flag, Israeli scum.
Oliver Torres
>white women have never had abortions
Ok retard
Joseph White
well according to the juden peterson's favorite author Solzhenitsyn, he killed ~60 Million
Samuel Rogers
You lose, now post your dickpic
Cooper Evans
White swedish women have aborted children from the 70's when it was made legal at the same rate we have imported shit skins.
Abortion is satanic and tied in deep with white replacement! Kikes absolutely love it
Jeremiah Ramirez
>muh hortler
Christcucks deserve the rope
Easton Moore
but that's not holocaust you dumb fuck, do you even know what were talking about here you utter moron..
Cooper Green
It's literally from the article about holocaust. What do you think it is, assface?
Also still waiting for that cock.
Robert Watson
That's also physically impossible even if you do the simplest calculations.
Noah Sullivan
>6 million
>17 million
oy vey when will the shoah stop?!
Dominic Lee
80% of abortions are blacks. Sorry there is zero ambiguity on these numbers.
Wyatt Ward
Ah yes... 71 million people died in the WWII in total but 17 million of those being done by systematic genocide is too imnpossible.
Get dunked on, cunt.
Ryan Fisher
kek show this to principled conservative neocon kikes
Andrew Richardson
Is the 17 million everyone who died in WWII?
Matthew Ramirez
>burger education
Adam Miller
7 gorillion you jerk.
Jace Richardson
>In 1920, [the] Russian Soviet Republic became the first country in the world to allow abortion in all circumstances
Jace Powell
It doesn't matter that niggers are having much more abortions that anyone else, they are parasites, they don't matter, they may as well all be death for what most people care.
The problem is that human women are killing their children too. That's a big no no.
Brody Stewart
Is there anything more cucked than a hardcore pro-life male??
Parker Russell
Not necessarily. If women were forced to take responsibility for their actions their legs would close up tight.
David Lee
answers in genesis lol
Evan Gray
>27 million
Cutting it pretty short there.
Grayson Parker
Abortion. Isn’t a good thing, but overpopulation isn’t either. Got any solutions, or do you just like to point out obvious problems and add nothing to the discussion?
Wyatt Phillips
I doubt that dude, women without males limiting their ability to spread their legs will fuck up regardless.
John Davis
We know your tricks Schlomo, you want whites to go against abortion so that way you can flood us with more niggers.
Brayden Bennett
However, abortion is still a grotesque practice and needs an effective replacement.
Luis Brown
Your brain doesn't work if you think that's the case. Black women have a shitload of kids already.
Also, "women take responsibility for their actions."
Women don't need to "responsible" for putting food on the table. That's men's job. Take your incel shit back to beddit.
Adam Campbell
There was no population drop except the soldiers killed in WW2 in Soviet Union. So tell me where is the supposed genocide under Stalin.
Or do you seriously think that every single one of the 53 work camps had hundreds of thousands prisoners stationed at once?
Leo Morgan
Cutting it short? Most of those deaths are from WW2's eastern front. Acting like it's a genocide stat is peak goy.
Christian Young
Remember the 17 gorillion
Blake Hall
fixed it
Xavier Price
forgot to change the date as well
Adrian Martinez
>taking responsibility
David Parker
How many of those are niggers?
Christian Jenkins
>Thinks people only died in the camps
Hunger is a bitch when soldiers steal all your grain for propaganda.
Cooper King
>soviet genocide started in ww2
It's good to see you put those 80iq points to work.
Nathaniel Hernandez
lmao 1929 financial crisis has nothing to do with. Find me a country that hadn't had starving citizen at that time.
suck a dick