He's consistent in that his opinions always benefit him and his interests. On the occasion that his interests coincide with yours it's not confirmation of agreement on anything.
>raped your country and "broke the bank of England" >he's truly free thinking
Like flies on shit this parasite has his sycophants like OP.
Jeremiah Sanders
It is weird tho, most rich people just shut & try not to cause waves because they dont want to draw attention to themselves. He does the opposite & there does not seem to be a really reason why he does it, maybe he just likes being in the spot light.
Ryan Sullivan
He's not the big fish. He's the public arm of the big fish. He does the leg work, makes the enemies, etc. They have generational plans for their wealth and their children's children's children.
Anthony Mitchell
Well for one, he is projecting, and two, I have a feeling Trump is about to come to a deal on trade with China that benefits both countries. Soros has NO interest in that happening.
Thomas Sanders
WTF, now I love Xi jinping and China.
Connor Walker
Whatever he is, his actions caused us to fight back.