Is survivalism rational, Jow Forums?

Are we going to run out of oil and rare metals?
And if so, will this mean the end of western civilization?

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no and no

No. The Jewish power structures in place are too strong to collapse in our life times. Survivalists are LARPers play-acting their ancient pagan-worshipping lifestyle fantasies. They talk about/believe in "the coming collapse" as a way to not feel as though their entire way of life is completely pointless and sadistic.

Mix a bit of crazy with a bit of sentimental and you get a survivalist.

You kike worshippers think this planet can handle another generation of boomers? Youre dreamin. Hopelessly dependant on a terminal system. I'll enjoy watching your cities crumble under the weight of your ego and third world cultural enrichment. Denial wont save you

God, I hope so.

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All the data suggests people like Varg and Piero San Giorgio are right.

Show us the data.

If you're too lazy to look it up yourself, I'm not interested in you being informed and surviving.

All the data suggests people like Varg and Piero San Giorgio are wrong.

Proof or gtfo

>I want to be stabed 23-times


It is, but there's big problems with it. In the first place, what most survivalists do probably wouldn't help very much in the event of SHTF. In the second place, to make preparations that would actually matter is probably too difficult for almost anyone to do.

space mining is the future. Statistically speaking, there's entire planets made of mostly diamond, gold, etc, out there. Asteroid mining seems to be closer on the horizon than interplanetary mining though.

Scarcity is mostly manufactured. There'll be a huge market crash in our lifetimes but it'll driven by people awakening to how retarded the consumerist materialist wagecuck life is. First the smart ones then it'll trickle down. Women in the workforce and hyper dense urban living are two things that have never been tried to this degree before. It worked for a while but the cracks are starting to show. Probably a lot of other long term bubbles in play too. Varg mentioned something like this in a video too, talking about the "crash of humanity".

If you're too lazy to look it up yourself, I'm not interested in you being informed and surviving.

I'm interesting in having an interesting discussion mr bong

I'm just using the tactic that survivalist nut used against me. I don't have any data and am interested in reading more on this topic.

What about oil though?

What about gas?

Why would you ship barrel loads of oil from an asteroid or another planet

Some of them do have gas though I think (at least the planets do, not so sure about asteroids)

Let's life like niggers and teachin' our children how to larp vikangz instead of space mining and cancelling welfare shit for all niggers.

>Why would you ship barrel loads of oil from an asteroid or another planet
I'm not suggesting that. My question is how will we prevent running out of oil if we do

Power to fuel. Space mining is about rare earths.

Probably would've got to it by now if we weren't funding the entire 3rd world's existence instead.

And Vikernes, and millions of dumb/weak whites.

Varg says that if everyone drained the welfare system, then the welfare system would no longer exist. He isn't wrong.

The welfare system wouldn't stop if we feed billions of niggers and idiots, the money will lost its value, that's all. The only good thing about varg is, that his kids may have an IQ above 100 and they'll become weird incel nazi killers with axe.

It would stop though because if no one is feeding it, or just offsetting it by also leeching off it in some form or another it would no longer be a viable system.

The politicians don't give a fuck, how many people leech on welfare, all what they need is a strong indepent army, look at venezuela, the currency lost his value, everbody gets state benefits, but everyone starves. Shit gets better with pure violence, not hippy tier welfare leeching.

>The politicians don't give a fuck, how many people leech on welfare
They do when it comes election time and everyone is pissed off that they have to pay more tax to foot the welfare bill

Electoral fraud is possible. Next months gonna be very exciting.