How do we make whites have more children?

I was talking to my mother about shitskins recently and telling her how they have increased (gypsies, turks, albanians) she literally told me "What do you expect? Whites don't give birth. The only one giving birth are the brown ones"

This is literally happening but since shit skins have lower IQ it is exterminating our race. Whites have less and less children while shitkins have 10 children each.

What can we do to make whites have more children?

Numbers make all the difference.

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The solution is to kill shitskins faster.

Im 1 of 8 white children and my fucking cunt missus wants to be MARRIED (bible basher) before we even try.

I think there's so much shilling for Jews controlling the world that most people assume whites can also control the world to the same degree with minimum population.

Alas, the jew thing is a coincidence, at best. But I still meet white people who believe it and carry out acts (not have kids, for example) more or less based on thier perception of any observations they may or may not have made into the matter.

Bring back patriarchy and monogamy, which means restoring the rights of pater familias.

Fathers and husbands must be able to physically discipline daughters and wives, using a stick no thicker than her thumb. There must be no such thing as marital "rape", for everlasting consent is given during the wedding. Women must normally marry at around 15 or 16, with much younger marriages (10) possible for problem cases. Women must be the property of men so that men can use them to breed, rather than wandering off to waste her most fertile years from 13 to 33 fucking a hundred Chads.

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Young men really have to take the lead here: ignore women with shitty character, tell women straight up and early on that they're looking for caring, sensitive "good mom" material because they want marriage and families.

Not sure what proportion of young, white men would be needed for a cultural tipping point, but women follow men's lead. I guarantee that if more women were dismissed by men with a line spoken in sincerity, such as "you seem like a nice person, but not marriage or parent material at this time, and that's what I'm looking for. We could be friends, though..." it'll cut really deep, and if they continue to whore themselves, that statement will always be in the back of their minds.

And it will probably be the first time in their life that the message of "there are consequences for how you present yourself and behave so now you can't have a thing (male attention) that you want."

this is achieved by not giving. money to them
Which is in turn achieved by murdering all the traitors who give our money to them

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>beating women
>women are sexual objects
thats a strange flag for a muzzy.
You see, good European men can show dominance without hitting the physicly weaker ones.
Violence against women is a trait of the weak men.

Additionally, sluts and whores (same thing) must be beaten with whips in the street and married off by the state at shotgun point to whatever man will take her, as was done in 18th century Australia with the whores who came on the prison ships and slutted around in the colony.

It must be perfectly normal and indeed socially expected for an ordinary man to kill an adulterer who fucks his wife, and to kill or at least to beat within an inch of her life his adulterous wife. Make Honor Killing Great Again.

Restoring 18th century Christian patriarchy would be sufficient to save the race, but if we want to be really sure we could restore Old Testament patriarchy, with marriage by abduction, arranged marriages, and so on.

Women must not be allowed to speak in church, reminding them that they are the inferior sex.

?????how stupid are you??
Females are slaves and have no right to make any decisions.
So you want to make our females slaves JUST TO PUMP NUMBERS AND THEN OUT VOTE THEM
Then is better we start killing THEIR FEMALES.AND VOILA!!!
The brown birthrates would drop down!
Believe me jewboy

Repeal no fault divorce, reform family courts to be more fair to men (especially against cheating wives), mandatory paternity testing before a man signs a birth certificate, and bring back proper slut shaming.

That'll put a dent in the problem at least

That is blue pilled. While it is true that most white women are sufficiently well behaved never to deserve anything worse than a mild spank, a significant minority are in fact asking for a beating.

If your wife cheats on you and you want to stop short of killing her outright, a spanking is just not going to be enough. You will have to leave serious bruises and even break bones, or she will see you as weak and cheat on you again.

Even if serious beatings are rare, the possibility that serious beatings can and will be doled out should she seriously misbehave, will do wonders for keeping a woman virtuous, obedient and sexually interested in her husband. The notion that he *could* punish her at will, even if he doesn't carry it out, is sexy for her. Women, of course, deny this, but they implicitly confirm it when they hunger for BDSM.

That is going back to the 1950s. It would help, but it is not enough. The 1950s were already too feminist, and their high fertility was merely cultural inertia.

Sustained high fertility correlates in history with patriarchy, women as breeding property owned by men. Because if women are not owned by men, they wander off to waste their fertile years fucking a succession of Chads rather than having babies. (at least in superior races. Very primitive races like blacks reproduce according to a different system, more reminiscent of cats and lions.)

Lots of people who work hard would love to have more kids but can't afford to.

We need create a wage gap. A working mans stipend to encourage traditional marriage.

Once issue is there are lots of people incapable of real relationships destined to be single mothers / dead beat dads. We could have a program where thots birth kids but stable families raise them.


If it's a real emergency we could raise kids in military schools / home economics and finishing schools. There would be lots of AI and monitering making sure there are no pedos at these insitutions. Perhaps kids need love though.. Can robot parents be good loving parents??

My missus is the opposite, wanted at least 4 kids but said we didn’t need to get married and that she could change her surname by gov registration. Our parents got together and said it wouldn’t be right so we got married. It was actually kind of surreal, both our families coming together and our bloodlines would forever be joined.

You cant. White people are too materialistic and greedy to sacrifice quality of life for having a kid. Selfishness is a hard nut to crack. Not saying that the lesser races aren't universally selfish but they're so stupid and tolerant of being impoverished and living in squalor that they'll have children regardless of a lack of resources

You can afford too, you just don't want to give up your flat screen TVs and neither do 90 percent of white whores. Having children is absolutely possible it's just that nobody is willing to sacrifice a little bit to secure the next generation

We have had contraception in the form of condoms and pulling out for thousands of years. We have also had infanticide for thousands of years. These are not the major factors influencing fertility.

Short of actual starvation, economic factors have little effect on fertility. Observe pic related: even the terrible years of the war did not reduce Japanese fertility. But the US introducing Western feminism at gunpoint did, and Japanese fertility continues to fall to this day.

It is all about the legal and cultural status of women, the degree to which they are owned for breeding purposes by men.

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>beating women
>"converting" whores
oh man, how old are you?

>death for adulterery
>aranged mariage
at least you are not completly retarded, these are the only good/european values you presented.

nigger, there is a difference between middle eastetn and european women. You arent talking about the european ones.

Public execution is the only correct punishment for cheating though.
The person who got cheated on can leave the tribe aswell.

>What can we do to make whites have more children?
get rid of socialism and welfare, delegalize porn and skimpy outfits, bring back slut shaming and gas all the jews

You are ignorant of history and of Christianity.

While it is true that state conversion of whores to wives was not practiced as far as I am aware in England, the fact is that it was practiced successfully in Australia. It worked well. Given that nearly every woman in modern society is a whore, we are going to have to employ it if we want to restore white fertility.

Prior to the nineteenth century, every Christian took it for granted that women are apt to misbehave, and corporeal punishment is sometimes necessary to keep them in line. The phrase about a stick no thicker than her thumb was the rule in eighteenth century England (which had tremendous fertility). Do you, 21st century kraut, mean to tell me that my colonial ancestors were not Christian?

I would argue to continue having white babies with conservative white women, but also start bleaching the niggers, chinks and shitskins on the side. Mutts aren't bad so long as you keep bleaching them.

Public execution for adulterers, while certainly a massive improvement on what we have now, is still inherently cucked, because the state is taking responsibility for what should be a man's private business.

If a woman fears that the state will punish her, she will dutifully fuck her husband and bear his children. If she fears that he will punish her, she will enthusiastically fuck her husband and bear his children with great love and care.

Although perhaps you are right that the state should not be converting whores. Rather, individual men should convert whores by abducting them and making them into wives or concubines - marriage by abduction as in Bronze Age times.

simple. take away woman's right to vote, the jews know this better than anyone which is why israel has a high fertility rate, while they'll turn around and promote feminism in white countries. they know woman voting lowers fertility rate.if we don't take their right to vote away, the jews win.

That is a good first step, but it is merely going back to 1918, when British fertility was already on a slow decline, about to become a precipitous decline.

We have to restore patriarchy - real patriarchy, 18th century or Old Testament style, where a man has absolute power over his wife and daughters and women are not allowed to speak in church.

that's even better.

>Shitskin guy in Gaza being bombed everyday, works selling groceries yelling half the day, has 5 kids and baby.
>Middle class Europoor/White American with no children and a"Girlfriend" and no children. No plan to get married because they don't want children yet.. too afraid to have children because they'll just suffer without the Perfect environment that he'll never be able to provide.

Don't blame shitskins for your own fucking problems mate.

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The Gazan knows that his wife will not cheat on him, will not divorce him for cash and prizes, and will remain sweet and obedient all her years. He also marries her at 17, leaving lots of time for baby making. Because Islam, in some places, is still patriarchal. The Westerner marries a burned out 34 year old whore who is a total bitch to him to punish him for not being as sexy as the parade of Chads she fucked for the last 20 years, and has a >40% likelihood of divorcing him, whereupon he will be fleeced of everything he's ever earned. Understandably, the westerner is less keen on marriage.

Islam has provided a good atmosphere even in the shitiest place on earth (Even Gazans hate it) for procreation. You and everyone you know will die and what's left is your offspring.
Successful Westerners don't have this and they need it, for the future..
They're smart and work hard, they have to pass it on to the next Generation.

Also everyone thinks Global warming will make earth uninhabitable in 50 years, this as common knowledge will also make having children less attractive.

Yes, Islam fosters high fertility because it is patriarchal. That is the "atmosphere", that women are legally and culturally inferior to men. Christianity also used to be patriarchal. If we restored 18th century Christianity, making wives subservient to husbands and daughters subservient to fathers, white westerners would once again breed as fast as Muslim arabs.

Global warming is a lie and a scam.

Stop making us pay for niggers.

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bitch just check our weather right now. southern hemisphere is DRY

>Women are legally and culturally inferior to men.
Not really, just a better understanding of the differences between the two sexes. When say it like that you're implying that everyone wants what Men want, meanwhile Women don't want the same things, and both want a society with high fertility, so both will sacrifice in order to achieve it.

Build walls and ethnostates and enjoy comfortable, sustainable living while the outside world collapses under the weight of it's own uncontrolled genetic filth.

>move in and plunder their resources after the low IQ hordes kill each other

>continue this strategy until we get to space

It's not that difficult

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you guys are pretty fucked up
also racism is for low IQ trash people

People don't run businesses to make the country richer, they do it to make money for themselves, which incidentally makes the country richer. And people don't breed to raise the fertility of the society, they do so for themselves. And if there are poor incentives for any one person to breed, the society will just die out, regardless of any state-level projects to try to raise fertility. Want to raise fertility, have to create individual level incentives to breed.

Men throughout history have noted that it is very hard to describe what women want. Girls just wanna party, yet if allowed to party, they end up in loveless marriages with 1 or 2 children at best, and end up as bitter old spinsters at worst. Forcing women into monogamous marriages at a young age seems superficially to be denying them what they want, yet they end up happier.

The reason for this is that we are descended from populations which had patriarchy, in which women were not allowed to make their own decisions regarding sex and childbearing. Because populations which were not patriarchal, died out, leaving no descendants. Women have not evolved to make good decisions regarding sex. So they should not be allowed to.

If we continue to collapse, we will die out, leaving no descendants.
If we recover and begin to expand once more, we will recolonize the planet, continuing what began in the 16th century, gradually displacing and exterminating inferior races: Darwinism in action. There is no inbetween.

We dont need more children, we need less foreigners.
Perpetually adding more people only benefits money lenders, landlords and people who hire at minimum wage.

We need our own country where we can regrow our numbers.

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Hungary like plan would help
>if you get married
>.gov 100k loan for house
>1/3 is forgiven for each child born.

Or even more drastic. 1/3 college debt forgiven for each child born.

Or even further. 5% off tax bracket for each child(limit 2 for adopted)

In a world of limited resources, more mouths is not an answer. You've correctly identified the problem but the religion/control mechanism the Jews fed you contains a self destructive code of "ethics" that doesn't allow you to consider the only rational solution.

Either our population is growing, or it is shrinking. If we are shrinking, as we currently are, we will disappear from history, leaving no descendants. If we are growing, we will inevitably expand outwards, colonizing the planet and displacing inferior races to make way for ourselves. Then we will colonise the solar system, and then the galaxy.

Humans evolved by a million genocides. The biggest one yet began when the white man learned to sail, and was cut off - hopefully temporarily - in the 19th century by the rise of the cancerous religious cults of feminism and anti-racism.

Impregnate your mom.

If we were not in terminal civilizational decline, our techno-economic capabilities would be expanding at a much greater rate than our population, meaning that our "limited resources" would comprise all the matter and energy in the observable universe. Either we are expanding, or we are dying out. Evolution does not permit stagnation for long.

Not nearly drastic enough. Read my earlier comments.

>racism is for low IQ trash people
Would you care to support that assertion with falsifiable facts? Or, are you just spewing leftist shit?

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it's too late, we have been chemically castrated with shit like BPA and other xenoestrogenes.

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try finding more recent numbers

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Get married, have 4+ children. Your wifes life should revolve around Church, Children, and the Kitchen

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this is going on in ALL white countries

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Germany: sperm concentration down 70% in the last 40 years
Spain: SPerm concentration down 38% in the last 10 years

Literally this. The same guys who bitch and moan 24/7 about women spend all their time looking at ig thots and wouldnt dare marry an ultra orthodox white christian chicks.
How do i know this. They havent got into these communities. Cant goto the sahara and expect a lake anons

>What can we do to make whites have more children?

- No Anticonception pills
- No Morning after pills
- No Condoms
- No Abortions

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so it would make even more black babies since white women can't stop fucking negro penises lol