Soros on China

>The billionaire philanthropist George Soros has used his annual speech at the World Economic Forum, in Davos, to launch a scathing attack on China and its president Xi Jinping.

>"China is not the only authoritarian regime in the world but it is the wealthiest, strongest and technologically most advanced," he said, noting concerns too about Vladimir Putin's Russia.

What's his deal
Whose interests is he working for

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He's a jew, he always plays on both sides.

>Whose interests is he working for

The Chinese are ethnically aware and are btfo’n Soro’s favourite mudslime pets. Destroying the West is his priority, fits his narrative.

>What's his deal
George Soros was the student of the science-philosopher Karl Popper who wrote the famous book "The Open Society and Its Enemies". Soros was always acting by that book, trying to influence the world with the money he got. He is not some scheeming genious, read the book and you'll understand where Soros is coming from and what he is trying to achieve.

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He's only bothered because they're bigger fish than him. If he was the biggest he wouldn't give rats ass about free societies.

What's it about? I will never read it, give qrd.

He is full of shit, USA already does worse things.

>Plato bad! Aristotle bad, mkay? Their philosophy can be used for totalitarism, mkay? Totalitarism is bad, mkay? Plato and Aristotle are in the center of European philosophy and its sourse of all evil. Liberalism and societies that transform and govern without violance are good. There are good open societies and their enemies who want to destroy open societies and turn them into bad totalitarian societies...

And thats again and again in different words.

why does he have such a hard on for 'open' societies

Guaranteed the Jews are actually in bed with China or some shit if he's saying this.

Do the Jews own any media in China, they're probably propagandizing them about us as we speak.

>be open goy
he doesn't, the 'open society foundation' was behind the alternate influence network report and isdglobal some of the biggest online free speech crackdowns in recent history.

That would explain a lot, including his love for niggers.

All those m'kays....
Camille la paglia now has speech to txt.

but...he's the jew

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Because he suffered the Holohost or whatever, heard from jews who expirienced it and the book is like playing into this very good. He is the man from different time, but he has money. He is just like Trump, living by some ridiculous rules and principles. Sometimes he fucking ignores reality and never says shit about Saudi Arabia for example, so he is flexy Soros, turning the blind eye on some things, and criticizing the others.

oh look, another fucking retard bong who thinks chinese don’t worship jews over their “business savvy”

fair enough, but what's his endgame, what's he trying to gain? is he just sowing dissent wherever, or does he have deeper ambitions?

Hopefully China will not be subverted.

As imperfect as they are, they are the only ones left with the potential to save humankind.

I'm more worried about George Soros's global influence than I am about China.

He has single handedly funded more libtard propaganda through Netflix than China has through every single one of their self-fellating newspapers.

He works for the US it's pretty obvious and before some nigger says but he's Trump's and Netanyahus enemy both mossed and the CIA could have had his plane crash before he pissed of either of them

Imagine you had a teacher who was a historic figure, who influenced you into believing into this struggle "open society that can criticize and improve itself VS. bad totalitarians stagnant societies where people suffer". So you will have like a moral code, what is good and what is bad. There is no end goal to smart people who understand their mortality, only struggle with bad tendencies in the world, trying to make the world a "better more open place"(whatever the fuck that means) and trying to lay the foundation so that after you die the world could follow the path that is right in your opinion.

jews overplayed their hand hard. They not only disrupted the West but totally turned it feminine and destabilized it. Now the new age is rising in the East and I don't think the Jews will be able to stop it.

so you think his aims are based purely on Popper's ideology and his idea of altruism rather than some ulterior motives?

The (((CIA))) supplied weapons to Moa and his communist army against the Chinese nationalists during WW2.

the jew FEARS the rising dragon!

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Perhaps the most idiotic thing ever written. China is a land of slave-minded subservient cucks who have NEVER been free their entire history. They went from centuries of rule by oppressive Emperors right into Communist totalitarian dystopia. The only thing they will save is a few expensive additives in their cheap ass weapon stockpile.

I met an American ww2 veteran who operated in China at the end of the war and he told me that a lot of American troops were helping the nationalists out until a government order came down forcing them to stop on penalty of court martial.

His (((own))). He is the rothschilds frontman.

for the record he was a really good Yank. A really well respected man. He drove those cool boats in the Pacific, you know the ones that Americans had on D-Day. He was really something else. He told me that they used to get into gunfights with Chinese communists and kill them in waves until the order came down. He was really sad by that, he said we have no idea what China had the potential to become

>what is lipservice

was it china or america who gave israel 38 billion as christmas bonus? fucking idiot

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Shut up you silly fat cunt, the gooks know a friendly parasite when they see one
>feed us white man patents
They still recognise them as parasites as well as their Abrahamic stooges

Sounds like he's just mad that China got their shit together.

Suddenly he's not exactly wrong.

The world is finished.

yes, thats why people who believe in stupid ideas of "jews vs. the rest" can't understand why Soros sometimes can even criticize Israel.

There are sometimes people who have no moral code, they can deal with China, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, whatever as long as it fits their short end goal of getting more rich or geopolitics, but Soros is like a moralist, he doesn't play 4D chess with wars, jihadi, religion, oil.
No, no, no, he just gives money to grassroots and foundations for open democracy and rights within the societies to influence them from within. China restricted some of his proxies foundations and he is pissed about thinking its a sign of something bigger, because China has more money than he does. He actually believes in this shit, even though his own societies sometimes used by CIA, so he is playing his game, USA government or who the fuck in charge of that country at the moment - they play their game.

The burger is right.
China has a program to research on how jew manage to jew all you western country, and they want to learn how and apply it.


Jews absolutely hate China because they know the Chinks lack empathy and won't be swayed and controlled like whitie.

God I can't wait for China to btfo these faggots

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>admiring someone's attributes means you want them to rule over you
what are you down syndrome?

>He thinks the Zerg will save the Terran periphery

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this kills "he hates totalitarism and violence" narrative

interesting take
anyone here care to argue with it?

Chinese worship their own government above all else as they been born and bred to do for the last 2500 years. Anyone that does not subject himself to the Chinese state is nothing but a potential future enemy, that includes people like Soros. The Chinese state apparatus will never subject themselves to anyone so globalists are assmad

>save humankind
Insectoids with no humanity in them can not "save humankind"

I guess that depends on what your interpretation of what a free society is.
it certainly has nothing to do with democracy

Didn' he get rich by selling nazi gold or some shit

Xi Jinping is the enemy of the CIA, they're both enemies of Your freedom.

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>Implying an “open society” could ever allow actual free speech
It’s the age-old question, how can you build an utopia as long as some people dislike it. The answer many like Soros arrive at is “we disallow them to dislike it”.

>be china
>other than populist, you are only major threat to new globalist world order

The jews are feeding gooks whites’ creations so why interrupt a free meal? The are still programmed in their ancient rice growing collectivism and destroy anything (((christian))) or (((islamic))) the minute they see it. The jews won’t win in China.

Confucius really did a number on those guys.
>chinese deep state bureaucracy assumes buddhist monks out innamountains are plotting to overthrow the deep state because what else would they be doing out there? fucking currynigger cultists.
>chinese deep state burns the temple to the ground and slaughters the monks on suspicion of being enemies of the emperor and the insane eunuchs of the court
>master confucius say: better safe than sorry.

Not really, that was a pretty accurate rundown iirc.

>tfw you realize that Jow Forums was wrong about George Soros and he truly does just care about protecting democracy from oppressive regimes

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Does freedom even have any friends anymore? He used to be so popular and cool.

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Never fall for Jewish tricks.

If you're a trump supporter you already have. And it's right in your face too

Because open borders are how you get the most, cheapest slaves. That's why our ruling class wants it.
It's that simple--don't listen to the other retards.

>that one friend that sticks by your side no matter what

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He’s working for common sense? Do you not remember Xi eliminating presidential term limits after being re-elected?

>and they want to learn how and apply it.

Well that’s just retarded. The jews look similar so can undermine from within whereas you insects standout a mile away among other ethnicities.


>>"China is not the only authoritarian regime in the world but it is the wealthiest, strongest and technologically most advanced," he said, noting concerns too about Vladimir Putin's Russia.

what country is truly free?
none of them.

based xi confirmed

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omg based chinks!!!

Popper loves globalism

Based Ron Paul


Did you forgot Hillary and her email?
>bribe politicians and gain something from US
>tech, sercet, or even influence

We can't say my fellow white, but we can do some other sneaky stuff too.

And we can apply those skills that jews used in western to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other asian countries.

>What's his deal
George Soros thinks he is only the second most dangerous man to free societies. He is jealous.

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Read the entire speech, all of it was based.

>we can apply those skills that jews used in western to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other asian countries.

Aren’t you learning that off Singapore? And obviously you’re happy with a free western patent lunch and undermining your largest potential adversary.

It's simple, China is a socialist country, Soros is a capitalist.

Soros also helped bring down the USSR.

Singapore is pissed that we try to make it one of our vassal.
They are anti-China now.

But Taiwan is the important key now.
We get it, than it is end of western influence in Southern East Asia.

And we will get it, soon.


Not so fast

It is interesting to see how much power and control Soros is given.

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The current Chinese hierarchy are globalist, just not western globalist. We're in a new age of colonialism because the Chinese are expanding into Africa and creating debt bondage schemes with countries that have territory in the Indian Ocean to set up military bases. Why do you think the EU but more importantly France and Germany have been accelerating superstate military, they are already engaged in expanding into northern African countries with their military, new empires are in the process of being created it's just that sovereign nations have taken Europe by storm that the globalists are in panic to get pillars of power established before the EU comes crashing down.

Yes, JAPAN, once we deal with the rest of asia, we will show those nip who are the true asian masterrace.

Japan will be the frontier of clash, and they will resent US when we start bombing the shit out of their mosaic dick.

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I'm starting to view Soros as just a hipster shitposter who got fucking rich and still funds all those silly little things he liked back in college.

WTF I’m with Soros now

>people seriously don't understand why a billionaire western capitalist would be against China
People who aren't marxists are retarded brainlets.

it kept the jews out did it not?


chinks serve kike interests as well, dont be fooled by this

china's communist party is basically a jewish invention and mao also had his jew handler
soros is there to be a scapegoat and a psyop


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"Open society" is capitalist new speak for unbridled neo-liberal capitalism and western imperialism.

This fucker ruined Europe. I rather deal with Chinks than submit to a traitor of humanity

Every society bans it's people from speaking out against it.

You can't openly talk about racism, transgenderism or the holocaust (pic related) in countries like the USA, Europe, Australia etc.

Sometimes you can talk about things in China, Iran or Russia that you can't talk about in our countries and since I'm not interested in criticizing the Chinese or Russian governments I don't see those countries as "less free" than my own.

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>save humankind
>so much pollution you can't breath in major cities and the number one threat to China is water shortage
the second most disgusting country in the world after India
I fail to see how people who are killing themselves can save others

no it did not because jewish chinese have been there since the 7th century LOL


Soros is an amoral psychopath. Karl Popper was a deviant kike and student of Marxism, Hegel and his dialectic, the Frankfurt School, and the progenitor of them all, Sabbatai Zevi and the talmud.
Soros' investment strategy, what he calls "reflexivity" is just jewish praxeology and Hegelian dialectic.
Think about the old freak shows. There was a movement to get them banned, because they are mean and exploitative and inhumane. So propaganda was put out, public opinion turned, and the freak shows were banned. Asking one of the former freaks what he thought, he angrily responded that now hes broke and homeless, he used to make big money every night, people would come to see him he was like a star, now he has nothing.
No one asked the freaks what they wanted because the whole thing was always a selfish power move. Someone saw a freak show and didnt like it and set out to remake the world to be more pleasing to him. But if he had just said "I want to ban the freak shows I hate those guys", people might have resisted, maybe even sided with the freaks, who enjoyed employment and status. The way to get the public to go along was to appeal to their base illogical emotions while obscuring the truth until too late.
The people that run this world think praxeologically, reflexivistically, like chess moves 20 steps ahead, with traps and pitfalls set along the way that you try to lure your victim into. The Shikimaru tournament fight in Naruto is a good example. Its about making faster better decisions while distracting to hide your true goal.

Globalism, marxism, they are all evil world domination plots with a thin coating of bullshit to trigger illogical emotive responses, human rights, equality, (((fairness))) all tricks to trap
They know what theyre doing. They know they are evil and they get off on it

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wtf I love soros now?

kaifeng jewish communities. pretty sure you can check isreali sites on it as well with their whole documenting the tribes and stuff.

You need to fix your own back yard first, most of China is a dirt poor crumbling shithole. I get going into Africa to steal their resources, secure your food supply and making them debt slaves. Niggers are dumb enough to let you get on with it for a few beads but pouring money into pakistan and SE Asia (who are richer on a per-person capita basis) instead of your hinderland is just dumb. At least the Nips can preserve their shit. Not that the US will ever Japan.

This user speaks truth.

great, now I will have to reconsider my opinion of Xi

Why bother with peasants?
The thing that you westerner don't understand is, we don't consider those peasants human.
They are expandable.

Cannon fodder, sex slave, drone, you name it.

We don't really need them, they might be the workforces of the country, but their sacrifice is acceptable.

The only trouble is IF they decide the rebel at the same time, which they never will.

They are slave from birth, they will never know what freedom is, so they will be slave for life.

We will colonise SE asia, australia, NZ, and we will tell those peasants that China is growing stronger.

As a slave, they will feel happy because they think they are on the same boat with us, and this will keep them down.

>China strong now!
>fucking white cracker can't look down on us now!
>Better work harder for China!

he is right, culture of china is literally based on beeing a slave, no freedom can exist in society where everyone is subservient to the state, and free tought can only be tolerated if it's in accordance to ideology of the party

This lol. So I think people like Soros dislike militaristic dictators like Xi Jinping because their countries are controlled by a strong fist and can't be internally manipulated through (((democracy))) by foreign powers, weakening the global capitalist's puppeteering scheme. Just my guess. Also some posts in this thread are definitely shills. Our topic of conversation is important. There's also multiple slide threads on the catalog right now.

US China super friends when?

"Freedom" is a spook. Freedom isn't a virtue in and of itself. Good outcomes are. If "freedom" means being free to degenerate and be controlled by foreign powers that don't serve the interests of your people and in China's case(90% Han Chinese and growing!) your state, then freedom is terrible.

Never, the requirement for China to be super power is US has to fuck off from the asia.

One day the USA will drop nuclear warheads on mainland China and nothing will stop it from happening.