Are diamond engagement rings on the rise or fall in the information age?

Are diamond engagement rings on the rise or fall in the information age?

Attached: Capture.jpg (255x234, 14K)

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Is marriage on an upward or downward trend?

I'd say fall, it was a meme that started up and 3 generations fell for it, I've told every girl I dated 8 don't believe in diamonds, other stones are acceptable but fuck diamonds.

Needless to say I'm 33 and single, though with every year there is less push in the diamond issue.... Now if I could just get girls to forgo the wedding reception too I'll be set.

I would say holding to slightly downtrend. Been looking for a ring personally and leaning towards gemstones. But from shopping around the gemstones appear to be gaining popularity.

diamonds are next to worthless.
The only reason you don't pay coal prices for diamonds is because DeBeers literally has the world's entire gem supply under lockup and artificial inflation.

Pretty diamonds are fucking worthless, I would however consider investing in industrial use diamonds.

>not getting your woman a synthetic Lonsdaleite diamond ring which is both cheap and has history of power via only being naturally created by the most destructive meteor impacts to happen on earth

Attached: Diamond.gif (200x200, 25K)

i was too poor to buy a ring when i got hitched, funny thing is my wife and i both found diamond rings in the same month about 15 years ago

Attached: 2-91-carat-hexagon-diamond-platinum-engagement-ring-1_1_10-3-10639.jpg (500x500, 47K)

>a literal earth byproduct