Extraterrestrials Are On Earth Visiting Us For Centurys

Are you Ready? Could you be ready? Soft-Disclosure Has been potentially happening for years.


twitter.com/SandiaWisdom/status/1040555665121398786 pdf here

They want to teach us telepathy for the potential 2021 first public official contact

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I'm currently in the toilet and constipated, how can telepathy help me? Feels like I'm giving birth, help ET.

That's just an Asian

well, as an almost virgin vessel myself but having a semi deep medium conection to the ET i would say just breathe, think about how grreatful you might be right now to have a toilet, to be inside, to have heating and fresh air, to have a belly full, to be able to communicate online instantly with other people

30 years ago this was literally impossible unless you, god forsaken, wanted to pick up a phone ( fuck that shit )


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Things that will never happen
>Trump or Clinton indictment
>the second coming of Christ
>revelations of a grand conspiracy involving world governments and extraterrestrials

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i also found the meaning of life


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>They want to teach us telepathy
like we waited for them to teach us ....
Remember, best defence against a telepath is to vision what he doesn't wanna see....

>retweets someone who sells "first contact" shirts
well, no.

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well if anything over the past 2 years of me "knowing" them i have learned that something... beyond my senses is real.

i cant quite pin point it. but its real. its something... something extra. its what we have always wanted right? i think its just we are programmed to only believe one way. to obey one kind of laws. one kind of rules... we can be more.. we can be everything.. we are everything...

we are god... we aare .. tear drops.. we are .. goop

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From their twitter page:
>@SandiaWisdom I have had some excellent experiences connecting with a mantis ET during meditation.

They're looney tunes

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humans are actually considered as space niggers just so you know ....

Fake and gay.

rightfully so

This is when the last invasion happened.

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I think this was when Jesus was about. Also the Renaissance had real robots.

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Aliens using radio to educate the backwards humans. It's all in plain sight!

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ayys have been here all along
the old ending of X files confirms this. before they rebooted two seasons.
they predicted 9/11 too.

x-files predicted 9/11 too, not ayys...

Are wypipo alliums?

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I always felt bad for the asgardians, but the tech they passed on before they went extinct was awesome.
Plausible deniability is the best way to hide a black project, btw.

Reminder that ayys are actually spirits

The stories of alien abductions and demonic possessions are all pretty similar They often run in the family, include violent sexual acts (like anal probing), unableness to move or speak and a general sense of being scared. Also both are reported to just stop when calling out to Christ for help
Now there are people that claim aliens come around and give us knowledge and technology. Think of Paul Hellyer, former minister of defense of canada
or Podesta rambling on about alien disclosure. Now I assume everyone knows about Pizzagate here, which brings me to the next person talking a lot about ayys giving us technology, Boyd Bushman
at 2:36 you can see the pedotriangle dangling in the background.
What did the demons and fallen angels do in the past? They gave humanity knowledge we arent supposed to have yet, same the ayys do now.
And if you know about Pizzagate you also know how its all about satanism
So we have satanic sodomizers talking about (((ayys))) giving us technology. The sodomy supposedly makes one also more receptive to the spiritual, kind of a shortcut, but probably like falling off a cliff is the shortcut of getting down from a mountain. You can be sure that the higher ups underwent the same practices as their victims (just without the murder at the end) which results in
a) Brainwashing, they will eventually thing this is normal behavior, especially the kids, and later will continue the practice
2. Blackmail, one steps out of line you expose the crimes they did during those rituals
III: Shortcut to spirituality.
>cruz said demons told him to shoot up the school

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I believe:
Grey Alien= Demons aka spirits of dead Nephilim
Reptillian=Fallen Angels, like Satan, the fallen angel that appeared in Eden in form of a serpent (reptile) and later the dragon
Nordics/Tall whites/Pleiadians=angels/inner earthers
Remember that the UFO community claims Reptillians created the grays. In this case it would be the case too as the fallen angels mated with humans, creating the nephillim whose spirit traditionally are the Demons. Thus the reptillians created them by mating with humans.

Interestingly ritual abuse, as well as demonic possessions, as well as ayy abductions, all feature sodomy
"Coincidently" around the area of the anus there is the rootchakra located. What is the purpose of this one?
>Security, safety
>Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
>Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
>Support and foundation for living our lives

Remember how rapevictims often are left Traumatized their whole life? Same area.
They trap their victims in an endless feeling of being insecure and vulnarable to have them controllable by corrupting their Root Chakra, and do this by sodomizing them as well as other forms of torture. This seems to be specifically done in satanic brainwashings where the subjects also are forced to be fucked and get fucked by animals

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the root chakra is your survival instincts. only if you rose above the constant fear of death you are able to actually process new experiences and evaluate them, see them from all angles outside of the threat they pose (sacral chakra), after that comes the solar plexus chakra responsible for our self esteem and self worth for which we have to see us in context of the new experiences and how we handle those. only once you love and value yourself you can start loving others (heart chakra), and love goes through the stomach, solar plexus>heart. next comes the throat chakra and the best speaches are those done by talking from your heart, what you truely care about and communication is the job of the throat chakra. Once you can formulate the truth properly there comes understanding and insight, the third eye chakra, and from this understanding you realize that everything is connected with another, the crown chakra

by putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness, occupied only with survival unable to really process any experiences. Early traumata like circumcission can alter your brain enough to effect your entire life.
All the fear propaganda all around merely is there to lock you into the lowest state of conciousness controlled by fear.

There is also the reptillian brain in charge of pretty much the same as the root chakra, survival instinct. Some people are "entirely" controlled by this area in the brain with every act only being there for survival. Stealing money from some guy, or even murdering people that threaten your lifestyle. The temptations of the flesh. The abuse and sodomy affecting the lowest chakra which is the easiest effected (iE through sodomy) due to its connection with the material.

The Serpent is a common symbol for evil because just as this chakra and conciousness is the lowest so is the snake crawling at the lowest on the ground representing the conciousness of the individual.

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What is MKUltra? It is the CIA program working on mindcontrol methods which (((officially))) was stopped in 1973. They kidnapped drunks, prostitutes, homeless, and whoever else they could find from the streets to perform these experiments on them (next time you see a crazy hobo, maybe you realize why he is so crazy)
How is it performed? Basically they torture and stress you until your personality breaks into multiple people and you develop a dissociative identity disorder also known as multiple personality disorder. These methods include outright torture, waterboarding, sleep deprivation, being forced to look at strobing lights
and basically everything else that induces stress and Trauma. They furthermore aid it with the use of drugs (likely LSD or something similar). Eventually they build in some trigger, like always having a certain picture (like the monarch butterfly) on the wall during the process or making the subject wear a special shirt making it aware that the torture starts resulting in a certain personality they desire to come to the front. These new personalities can be then shaped pretty much freely and often dont know about the other personalities. It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works.

Is this still being done? You tell me
Some possibly are just druguse or fake (like the first one possibly is) but I advice to check the Britney Spears one at 7:25

Pic related an artwork of Kim Noble who underwent heavy abuse resulting in her personality being split. Extra attention on the Handkerchief below the kid, likely "drawing" the Pizza related map on it right now
Catching fluids as kind of a souvenir

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This can all be summerized to "weakening ones mental and spiritual fortitude in whatever possible way" to make them controllable. If they are controllable to humans they also are to spirits and at that point the rituals and symbols come into play to call demons, as they are not omnipresent and otherwise would just miss the opportunity to take control

Some anons account on something related
>I have this early childhood memory and I am swarmed with fear currently when I write this. It's hard. I remember that it was night and I was probably 3-4 and I was in my room alone. I saw this classic flyng alien plate stop in front of my window.
>I also have another memory. An alien pictured on the wardrobe again in the middle of the night, it was only made from light.
>Also around this time I started wanting to be alone and perform this weird sexual thing where I would prostrate so that my ass is up and vulnerable.
>I am not gay to this day and I remember doing this once.
>WHAT THE FUCK totally mindfucked atm.

>Last year I have this weird dull pain between my scrotum and anus, couldn't sit without a donut pillow. 6 weeks of antiobiotics, lot of painkillers, nothing works. In january I had an Ayahuasca ceremony, in the deepest of the journey had this strong urge to pee, I don't know how I reached the bathroom but remember that the urine was dark green almost black. Since that the pain disappear. Weirder part is that the day before the ceremony I had lot of synchronicities and strange things happened. I think that root chakra was retaining some emotional stuff and Ayahuasca help me to release it.
>So, I think there's some truth in the chakra thing.

also in >It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works
pic related

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Subjugating and turning a nice tight alien into my sex slave is my fetish


ayyy lmao, ain't no pussy like extra terrestrial pussy!

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