Repilling Pics

Post pics you can use to redpill normies

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The hardest redpill too swallow if youre unfortunate like me.

Attached: ff.jpg (831x900, 186K)

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i saw one pen and teller episode back in the day where some crazy old guy regrew his forskin with some wierd metal ball stretcher thing

Its not the same, but it is an improvement. Although that isnt saying much.

Theres nothing crazy about it.

im sorry.

circumcision is probably an act of jewish colonization. hope you experience an improvement somehow

Only hope for me is pic related or a possible competitor yet to come.

Its awful. We are missing 30-60 percent of our penile tissue and I myself am especially tight. Also a lot of my frenelum is gone

Attached: ff.jpg (560x292, 31K)


I'll post what i have.

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it's literally just stretched skin, you can't regrow the glands and nerves

works better without the block of text at the bottom, makes it look like a liberal meme.

Attached: file.png (922x1226, 1.95M)

You can't regrow it all but I think that the inner foreskin you have left works pretty well as a replacement foreskin

Attached: PassAlong.jpg (1653x859, 704K)

Jews being expelled over and over, from pretty much everywhere is a message in an of itself.

You forgot Romans 15:27
> They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.
In other words, Give jew stuff if jew makes you feel warm and tingly. You should also realize the meanings of the stories change dramatically when in the mother tounge because of language and word play. Genesis in Hebrew tells a MUCH different story.

Imagine being expelled from 359 countries and/or territories

Attached: EXPELLED.png (928x8800, 1005K)

Attached: wallcost1.jpg (778x1002, 113K)

Attached: wallexamples1.png (1215x743, 408K)

Kalergi plan.