'Sup Jow Forums?

>>what's your opinion on this man?

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Dirty Politican, that worked with Seth Rich ,to leak DNC emails.

Criminal that did it for the right reasons, we appreciate your sacrifice Roger

Based and redpilled

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Targeted because he had the AUDACITY to help Trump win.

He looks like Saul from Breaking Basedboy

I fucking hate that smug racist sexist asshole

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pretty sure it's the other way around, senpai. amc knows what it's doing.

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Clearly he is being persecuted for his polyamourous and bisexual proclivities.

The left are the real homophobes.

Has Ocho been confirmed as his Bull on standby?

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>claim to be connected to wikileaks
>try to exert influence but fail
>do nothing wrong
>lie to congress anyway
>try to get other people who did nothing wrong to lie to congress
>do all of this by insecure electronic communication
>be low hanging fruit

Amazing. I have been saying Stone is a charlatan intimating connections and secret knowledge he doesn't actually have to gain notoriety. He's just a faggot who wanted to be in a political thriller.

Surely this will be the end of the bad orange man!

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A literal cuck ;)

The only correct answer

>>The Donald Trump presidential campaign and >>Jewish adviser Roger Stone have parted ways.

>>The Trump campaign claimed that it fired >>Stone, while Stone said he resigned. The >>split, reportedly over several controversies >>rocking the billionaire Republican’s bid for the >>White House, came on Saturday.

(((CORRECTION: JTA is retracting this brief sent out yesterday; Roger Stone is not Jewish.)))

Read more: forward.com/news/breaking-news/318822/second-jewish-adviser-off-trump-team/


is this real life?

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>Dirty Politican, that worked with Seth Rich ,to leak DNC emails.

If this was true, evidence would have come out by now. If Stone had such evidence he would have leveraged it to avoid this stupid charge. There is a .0001% chance that he is planning to turn his trial into a circus and release evidence then and there, but it would be explosive enough on its own not to need the signal boost of a trial.

Seth Rich was killed by a random nigger. The DNC was hacked by Russia or Russian aligned actors and the data was laundered through some possibly unwitting third party to Wikileaks. Wikileaks then published the documents in the most damaging way because of Assange's reasonable dislike of Hillary.

There is literally nothing wrong with any of this. Trump will never be connected because he doesn't use written communication and, worst case, Stone verbally claimed to him that he had vague third hand information about what Wikileaks may have and do.

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Stone is neighbors with Chad (Johnson) Ochocinco...
What a strange world we live in

yes, he's a racist homophobe trump-loving asshole

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Maybe roger dosent want to shoot himself in the back of the head twice

A brainlet, and an obnoxious embarrassment to the white race.

looks like he'd have a mushroom shape penis

Dotcom repeatedly claimed to have proof and that he would release it. He has not.