>Heh, dumb roastie deserved it, am I right, bros?
>Probably a coal burner, thank God for Asian women.
>Why don't you have a black gf yet, user? They won't cheat on you like those disgusting wh*te women
>tfw no robot gf

The hatred for white women here must end.
It's understandable to be disappointed in them when they make horrible decisions and end up killing themselves and others. I'm not asking you to respect them. But teach them. Love them. And above all

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Unironically fuck white women. They are beyond saving. There are other, better options out there.

>Unironically fuck white women
gotcha senpai

Posts like this are calling for the extinction of the white race. Keep that in mind when you read them.


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>They are beyond saving.
What are you talking about?
It is incredibly easy just lead by example

Most people on Jow Forums shouldn't reproduce. We're here for that 30% who should, who probably wouldn't fall for the extinction MGTOW meme anyways.

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feminist scientists accidentally proved that women's DNA in their brains is mutated and fused with male DNA when they have sex. This scared the feminist scientists, so they postulated it must be something that can only happen when women get pregnant, and started new experiments. too bad, they only proved it right.

if a woman is not a virgin, shes not having your kids. she is carrying the DNA of every man she has slept with. This genetic pollution makes women schizophrenic and diseased, and coupled with the femen retrovirus it means only virgin right wing females are physically and mentally fit to be married.

the womens sexual and political revolution is over.

I took this picture literally five minutes ago at my university.

I’ll say it again: they are beyond saving.

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White women are fucktoys for brown and black men. Stay calm white boy

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I don't hate white women. I just don't want anything to do with most of them and the feeling is mutual. Love is not something I will ever have.


>implying coal burners don't deserve it
fuck off, cunt

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> Drinking the liquid jew
So are you, by the looks of it.


Strong white families are the most important thing for the white race.
It is undeniably the thing which those that hate whites fear most of all. They will stop at nothing to destroy traditional white families.

Slut culture
Sex dolls

All of this is pushed with one purpose in mind. The death of the white race.

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Anyone who thinks Asians are virgins is delusional. They whore themselves out to pathetic white men at the drop of a chopstick. They all fuck anything that they think will benefit their wallets. They also go bald and look like bleached Mexicans. I see you pathetic white men buying pussy. Other Asians are laughing at you too.

I usually drink the sugar-free, this kind is just better for washing down kratom.

>t. 24-year-old boomer

I don't hate white women, just coal burners and white liberals in general.

Not if your plan is having white kids, fucking retard. Only a kike/Jew, someone with ulterior motives, or maybe just some stupid slobbering selfish fucking mutt would really suggest not having white kids and fuck white women because they're just too far gone. Yeah, it's understandable to be disappointed and maybe even angry at the state of things right now, but only a fucking Jew would suggest not having white kids.

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Thanks guys, I'm really glad to haf yer support
>Just as good as males
This is the heart of it. Women aren't meant to lead, men are. Men fail but you expect women not too? Men are dogshit, either total cucks or unfaithful dogs.

Strong white families create strong white men and women.
Be the change you want to see in the world.

Fuck off, kike. Never forgive coal burners. Burn the coal, pay the toll. Sage!

Its leftypol conintelpro, convince any capable males on here not to continue their white bloodline.


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They are strong womans , they can clearly protect themselves. I say let them

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>Coal Burners exist so we should abandon and hate ALL white women

Do not fall to irrational hatred. The traitorous women will were themselves out. But do not forsake all white women.
Teach them.
Love them.
Protect them.

Fuck white women, especially Russian

Are You a women?

white women just need direction. like being mocked when their nigger/spic boyfriends beats the fuck out of them. they need a fucking wake up call.

i always wondered how does an ugly savage like pic related get that attractive girl

MGTOW and ''fuck whyte wymin'' are demoralization tactics by der Jüden.

An evergreen and friendly reminder: white babies come only out of white women. There are plenty of good women out there. Certainly damaged by the modern world (as men are), but not irredeemable and they're perfectly able to become good mothers.

Telegony doesn't work in humans, brainlet.

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White men and women loving each other and having loving families is what non whites hate most of all. Use that to fight back against them. White babies are the future of the white race. And they require white mothers and fathers.

these kind of posts are extremely cringy, do you lack msot basic self awareness?

Do you want to date an Russian girl? Be black or brown.

If you are white the only way for you is money, no Russian girl would look at you otherwise.

Some roasties need to be thrown under the bus so others learn.

probably just talked to her. you know, like saying hello.

Absolutely no part of my post was cringe you fucking retard. Learn the meaning of words before you use them.

White women and all women in general will be replaced by a sentient feminine AI that will inhabit the body of an organically grown flesh puppet fined tuned to a mans custom requirements. Men have always dealt with any inconveniences plaguing their life over the centuries, today one of those happens to be women. When the first perfect feminine bio-woman, rolls off the factory, females would have become irrelevant and society will have its true potential tapped, no longer having to waste time chasing and satisfying dishonest ultra whores. This is the future, incels will become a thing of the past and suicide rates will drop to 0 leading to the establiahment of a utopia


but do you see how ugly and retarded he looks?
do women have absolutely no standards?

Kek, this nigger is kinda funny, we hang him last.

cmon bro, niggers don't say "hello". the words that escaped his chimp lips were some variation of "yo bae wan sum fuk?!"

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Fuck off, femshit cunt

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>non boomer white women are overwhelmingly leftist and vote overwhelmingly in favor of immigration/refugees
>we should risk our lives to protect them from the shit skins that they voluntarily imported into their homes
fuck off white knight. i have a girlfriend and i will make white babies with her but she is worthy of protection because she is unapologetically racist and anti immigrant. the average white woman is absolutely not worth saving. any cuck who gives his life to defend them is only dying for their mistake and allowing them to make the mistake again. it accomplishes nothing

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white women are weak female betas

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Fuck off we are full

I'm twenty five, white, nerdy, and shy. I don't process my emotions very well and strong ones overwhelm and upset me sometimes. I figure I'm just broken and staying single is for the best, not that any woman would ever have me.

Traitors hang first and hang the highest.

all wahmen are like that - except for sheboons, who are men

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Nobody does except all non-whites and especially kikes and a few percent of white incels.

It's a discord psyops


>all wahmen are like that
Here is where you are wrong kiddo.

fuck off kike

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no, native mutts are juicy, white women have the shittiest body of all races

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Nice counter argument Andrej.
>The point still stands. Jews want to disrupt white families.
btw, yes women absorb the DNA of every man they've buggered. No hymen no diamond.

>, white women have the shittiest body of all races

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>proving my point

>Disregard the bad women bring to the table.
>Call it "hatred of women" to criticize women collectively.
>Encourage Jow Forums to be gynocentric like the rest if western society.

The world is going to shit because of selfish women and men with reproductive tunnel vision who cave to the most ridiculous demands women make.

Just fuck off.

>>proving my point
>there are unironically subhumans who would pick a sheboon or a panfaced gook over a white girl.

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I like most white women, but the ones like that saggy tit whore offering BJs for assaulting the MAGA kid...they rightfully deserve hate.

>implying they would pick a white guy
Oh wow memeflag are you even trying.

First tell white women to stop hating on us, white men, ok?

you don't get it. if we do anything, they run to the nanny state and get us thrown in jail and paying them reparations.

As if Jow Forums ever cared about hypocrisy

They need tough love which means living with the consequences of their action. I hope they get many abortions and become unable to bear children. I hope they go into debt when they are left alone with their mixed children. I hope they end up alone and miserable, crying out their last in a cold hospital bed as a spanish speaking nurse wishes the crone would die out. I hope they end up in nursing homes, with no visitors because they are childless. I hope they are ostracised at family gatherings as they stumble around drunk and despondent. I hope they reap everything they sowed.

I would pick anything over an albino potato face that has no female body

Why? Like all women they're worthless selfish abominations who exist solely to engage in ceaseless hedonism regardless of how many people they hurt.

This. Government is their husband and father now. Cant wait to see what monsters they spawn.

I'm going to become a woman.

Any white woman that willing sleeps with or works for non-whites does not deserve one iota of mercy or acceptance. That means 80% of white women are trash people that deserve rape and everything that happens to them. We don't have to lift a finger, nature will take it's course. I only wish that their last moments of suffering before they bleed out to death from their blown out pussies forces them to realize that they should have listened.

>But teach them. Love them. And above all

MGTOW, they made their bed now they can lay in it.

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nobody here has ever said this.

Lol you think that white women give a fuck when in reality they are doing better than ever.Its just white men that are affected by this and cry out in pain since they are losing their grip.

>I would pick anything over an albino potato face that has no female body

>prefering sheboons with giant asses over a cute petete pale white bodies

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you know how many mgtow faggots say there are no good white women

>Lol you think that white women give a fuck when in reality they are doing better than ever.Its just white men that are affected by this and cry out in pain since they are losing their grip.
it's true user. White women are in more demand than ever. They are riding the cock carousel free from the burdens of their white male slavemasters.

Someday they will hit the wall though and then they will just be angry bitter feminists that nobody wants. I've seen it happen over and over again.

When they decide to stop soaking their fucking brains with nigger tier music and alcohol while screaming at you about how "effeminate men are more in touch with their sensitive side and that makes them more manly than you" maybe I'll give a fuck. White women are the biggest traitors to race politics.

And your end point being? They will either opt for a non white man to have a couple of kids or simply be the business woman.So everybody wins.

What the fuck, I love white women soooo much now. How do a black guy like me get a pristine white woman like this?

Good little goy!

>just lead by example
>women doesn't like it
>makes a power play
>divorces you
You need to think ahead before making a dumb post, user.

>And your end point being? They will either opt for a non white man to have a couple of kids or simply be the business woman.So everybody wins.
my point is that we all lose in this game. even they will lose eventually, because they have no foresight.

Indoctrination culture

>You need to think ahead before making a dumb post, user.
thank you user. I'm so sick of these fricken tradcucks that have no idea how things work


Its alright since this is what we want isnt it? So like all societies before that came to an end so will this one.

posting mommy is cheap shot, now I have to agree with you

Fuck white women, it's what God made them for.

I honestly agree that they're the mosr aesthetic and generally make great life mates. I'd get on with one better than any other race since I'm white. However, their gigantic egos combined with disloyalty and constant desire for hedonism and attention means they just aren't quite worth it for me. It's like having a £500 bottle of quality whisky and a £15 bottle of whisky that's almost the same. Although the former IS better, is it worth that massive difference in price when you can get something similar for So much less? (Asian women for this analogy)

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Eggs are already made at birth.
So even if she is full of male dna from fucking 500 random guys.
That will not affect her offspring at all.

>Its alright since this is what we want isnt it?
it's not at all what I want. But I have my eyes open and see what's happening every day around me, unlike the freaking tradcucks.