can drumpfkins argue with facts and logic? how many of you have a PhD in economics or a net worth of $50m or more? what are your thoughts on this or is your position literally the right wing equivalent of orange man bad?


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>requesting additional taxes
>when our taxes currently are being used with wanton abandon.

Fuckers like you are the reason why toll is $8.00. Zuck gave $100 million to schools and none of it got to the classroom. FUCK YOU.


I support tax cuts for jannies if they'd clean up these boring samethreads. Actually no I wouldn't; I'm against that kind of censorship.

By my god your slogans were tired and busted the moment they came down the system to you to keep chanting mindlessly.

Based Trump hehehe

Attached: bear.jpg (243x208, 9K)

Oh Hanz! You're so RUGGED! Oh, take me! Do those "things" you always wanted to do!

so it's literally right wing orange man bad? you cant change taxes at all because it doesn't do anything is literally your fucking arguments?

>thinking the money net from the wealth tax would improve the lives of the everyday man and not end up in some fuckpie
Honestly you're too dumb to live, kys immediately faggot and tell your shill discord friends rope day will come

>he thinks that increasing military spending doesn't lead to the same fuckpie
wow, you're real smart ain't ya?

>The Dems have become the party of the rich kikes
>Uppity new Dem browns start trying to raise taxes on their masters
Will never happen.

its wrong to steal from others or have the gov do it for you...i live in trailer trashland and not once have i ever been jealous of moneyed people the way you cringey faggots are

My argument is why raise taxes if we're just pissing the money away? You're advocating taxing the rich just because they are rich. Which is literally theft. Oh you have money, so now I am going to take if from you. Sorry that's what you get for having something. Imagine the same fucking logic being used on households who make over $100k. Oh you have money, so fuck you gimme dat.

the simple fact drumpfkins is that your arguments about it not mattering if taxes are raised because of mismanagement and bureaucracy could be literally applied to any change in the budget.
>raising military spending
doesn't matter gets mismanaged, no effect
>decreasing military spending
doesn't matter was getting mismanaged anyway, no effect
>slight increase in tax on super wealthy
doesn't matter etc
>slight decrease
doesn't matter etc
>increase education spending
see above
>decrease education spending
and so on

>3% tax on net worth
> bill gates would literally pay $1 billion more taxes per year, all the while earning less than $1 billion per year
These people are absolutely nuts. Many if the rich would end up paying more in taxes than they earn

On top of that, if you tax the rich, they will just leave. They have the means to simply pull their money out and go to a nation where it can be applied better. I know several wealthy families from the Bay Area who have relocated to Italy, just because they could buy a fucking villa for the same amount as a condo in SF. And with their piles of money they could start franchises over seas.

I stopped reading at Berkeley

As if socialists will all of a sudden agree that’s enough. Don’t forget, they idolize European governments which tax middle and lower classes at 40%+.

That’s not even saying the immorality of randomly arbitrating a number to tax people at. A race for gibs is what the 2020 election is about.

Absolutely retarded. And you wonder why communism has never worked afterwards.

But hey, I’m sure it’ll work next time, never mind the fact that it’s fucking up again in venezuela

France has a wealth tax and the result was millionaires left the country and shrank the franch economy. That’s the problem with trying to soak the rich there are so many ways they can use to avoid the taxes.

Let's make the maximum wage $40 an hour so everyone can be equal. We'll have random wack jobs as CEO's and doctors. It will be paradise, swear to AOC.

>slighht increase
You clearly didnt read the bill.
This is suggesting an increase of 3% of net worth in taxes.
For someone like warren buffet, that’s over 1.5 billion increase in taxes per year.
Ironically enough, warren buffet’s income is around 100,000$ per year. You would be taxing someone who earns 100,000 per year over 1 billion per year with that new tax
Learn to read you fuckwit

>what are your thoughts on this
in general taxes are always bad, though it is possible that sometimes they do things we want anyway regardless of the bad things

Taxes on the rich are a simple means of ensuring the elites stay elites. In the race to accrue wealth, taxes represent a hill. When you raise taxes, you raise the hill. The people already on the other end aren't running anymore and don't care about how high the hill gets.

Notice, for instance, that the bulk of the tax, the first 2%, goes to the people with 50 mill assets and only after 20 times that wealth does the rate go up again. This should be the first clue that this is a tax meant to entrench elites, not level things out.

Property taxes serve a similar role. They are burdensome, but their function is not to "pay for schools" or whatever nonsense, their function is to keep undesireables out of the "good" neighborhoods. There may be other benefits, like a new football field, but primarily their function is to make it harder to own a home in the area. "We're doing it for the kids." I know what you mean, man, I know what you mean.

Perhaps an asset tax like this could do some good, but that would be a coincidence—and anyway it's unlikely since it is the federal government collecting the money. Warren frames this as helping income inequality, but how does it do that at all, even indirectly? It isn't like we're taxing Buffet and handing it out to people every other Friday.

But this is standard practice for democrats. Everything they do serve to entrench elites. After all, without elites they couldn't keep up their class war rhetoric, and they would have no power at all.

As a right winger Trump supporter. I fully support this. High-net worth individuals are mostly Democrats any that push poz. I think the percentage should be much much higher.

yeah, except you're defending people that are literally robbing you. the GDP of our country is 19.3 trillion dollars. of that total value, we only get 3.2 trillion to spend on things like education or healthcare. People who are not you are walking away with 16 trillion dollars and you have no problem with that
>i stopped reading
really not surprising retard
so what would you propose? is there a way to play hardball effectively?

gee, so maybe warren buffet could liquidate some of his assets or sell off shares. are you fucking retarded? he makes more than $100,000 a year, where the fuck do you get this nonsense you white nigger

100k is not 10 million a year. Who need that much? Nobody and Wallmart proves they wont give it back to employees.

why would i have a problem with people posessing wealth that is not mine anyway?

finally a thoughtful fucking take

>yeah, except you're defending people that are literally robbing you. the GDP of our country is 19.3 trillion dollars. of that total value, we only get 3.2 trillion to spend on things like education or healthcare. People who are not you are walking away with 16 trillion dollars and you have no problem with that

I refuse to believe people re this dumb.

"and millions more went to $1,000-a-day consultants."
What a fuckin joke.

>salary is the same as assets
I can see you’ve never gotten past basic accounting principles

because they gained that wealth from you in exchange for something not actually worth it. take the value of any big thing, whether it's mcdonalds hamburgers or walmart shit etc. is that product really worth the insane wealth that these people accrue? in exchange for billions and trillions of dollars you get what exactly? a hamburger?

GDP is not a public revenue retard

>salary is the same as profit
wow, don't play the market

Watching the government take 1% away from my neighbor is the same as watching them take 1% away from me. It doesn't matter if they need that much, it is the very definition of theft.

Fucking commie. I hope you live to see true communism and die after watching your children starve to death. Fuckers like you need to be deported to Cambodia circa 1978. You are insulated from the consequences of your actions by the society you fucking hate so much. Fucking despicable piece of shit.

i mean no one never took Warren offer seriously it's stupid to begin with
50 millions are not the real rich it's the little bourgeoisie
just stop the usury scam from the federal reserve privatize the fed and regulate wallstreet so that shitfest of corruption stop and no need to tax the pseudo wealthy freaking their ass out of their yacht

imagine being this much of a bootlicker, except the boot is made from fine italian leather

Nah, it's more like left man
>orange tax cuts for billionaires bad
I'm not even right wing, although I guess you might prefer to call me that from your perspective. But it's like I want to be a molymeme so I can let you know you're free to argue anytime.

I don't know where you're reading in to it that we can't change taxes. Part of the whole proposed plan was to rejigger the taxes. I'd rather they had come with an even more progressive tax curve and managed to get a few more people at the bottom out of having to pay any federal income taxes at all.

If you want to know what I think, I think the IRS should be abolished and nobody should pay any income taxes. If you want to build a bridge to what you think Jow Forums is about, try it from more of a Ron Paul type angle. Normal people aren't all buttflustered that there always were and always will be rich people who basically operate above the law anyway.

the fed is privatized

>is there a way to play hardball effectively?
Not while the rich are smarter than the politicians. AOC’s rhetoric is pretty embarrassing.

oopps *nationalize i just woke up i'm a retard

>Jow Forums is about

I'm for tax cuts for everyone.

The govt. is the biggest waster of money; giving it even MORE money is stupid.

(sry no rare doom pauls on this laptop to fence; at least those aren't taxed away from me)