He's not getting elected again in 2020 is he?

He's not getting elected again in 2020 is he?

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Why didn't he build the wall in the first two years????

Amerimutts are so fucking stupid it wouldn’t surprise me

If he doesnt its his own fault. Fixing our corrupt intel agencies should have been priority #1. Fuck him for blowing that one.

Depends. He was only elected because he ran against the shittiest candidate the dems could find.


Seeing his competition.... he is going to get elected.


You bet. Remember he lost popularity vote. Next time liberals will mobilize more.

if were lucky, she'll run again

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I mean, come on dude. Just today yet another one of his inner circle has been arrested. No wall. Longest government shutdown in US history.

Zero chance.
1.) By then he will probably be in prison.
2.) If not (unlikely), he will be threatened with impeachment and resign before that date.
3.) If not (unlikely), he will not be on the Republican ticket. Literally everyone will win over him in the Primaries, with room to spare. Even Jeb Bush.
4.) If not (unlikely), people disenfranchised by the Dems in the 2016 election will come back into the fold, seeing the alternative.
5.) If not (unlikely), those people will vote third party.
6.) If not (unlikely), Democrats will win.
tl;dr: ZERO chance, for all practical purposes.

>Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are not going to vote for the guy that single-handedly brought back manufacturing/steel/coal and opened up Canadian dairy markets

makes sense to me

Not likely.
One of our worst presidents to date.

there is 0 chance in hell
White trash fooled us once.. and we Dems ran a shit candidate in Hillary. If Biden is in the ring and Obama supports him.. Trump BTFO (but he'll be impeached/resigned/in jail before 2020 so who cares)

Depends on the dem. If Biden, no

The polls were right about midterms mr. ignoritall.

He'll be reelected because the Dems don't have a fighting chance after their stunts in 2016

He'll be indicted before then lol

(((Polls))) have never failed anyone before right?

I WANT the feds in utter agony and despair and starving their ugly diversity hires is BAD ASS
Fucking shill

Didnt readSyat m

Stay mad fag

He will win.

Trump will resign or be impeached before 2020. Most likely scenario is Don Jr. is found having committed massive crimes, and will get a long jail sentence, and this will break the back and spirit of the orange demon and he will resign in order to salvage what life he has left.

Cope harder, nigger lover
No one can beet him and Pence will win 2024
Everyone hates you

Yes because he's going to jail
> maga turds must be so butthurt today

>(((Polls))) have never failed anyone before right?
Yes they could be wrong but you keep pointing to that one huffington post poll giving Hillary a 90% chance of winning. That was wrong but most other polls have been correct, midterms for example.

there is ZERO chance of that. Dream on white trash.


all bias aside, lads.
Trump won by the skin of his teeth and needed independents and republicans to do it.

he's probably lost 60% of independents, and 30% of republicans that voted for him

>No one can beet him

No, he won't. He's going to be there until 2024 unless the Dems can nominate Christ Himself for office next year

To me this seems more like a targeted attack on Trump than it does any legitimate corruption on his part.

A retarded chimpanzee could have predicted the midterms. Almost President hasn't lost the house during midterms, however only 7 have GAINED senate seats.

Are you retarted, burger?

Don't worry, more layoff of """"journalists"""" coming.

I don't know. If the left keeps acting like insolent children, it'll just push people the right and into Trump's voting base. They don't have to like Trump but they'll support the (R) next to his name

Even if he loses to a dem he’ll get re-elected in 2024 when the Dems invariably negate all the economic prosperity he created.

In fact, if he loses it might wake up whites even more.

Regardless, the multiple arrests from his inner circle, no wall, longest government shutdown. These are all facts and there is no way to average voter is going to look on these favourably

Too early to say, but right now he would lose if elections were tomorrow.

because he is literally a low IQ game show host


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What is ballot harvesting and election stealing?

Lol Hillary is a 10 compared to the shit they have running now

>acting like the shutdown is a bad thing

I know this might sound strange to you, but the less government we have, the better

I look forward to a progressive America with no borders

Based on what?

Keep in mind 100m people didn't vote in 2016 because they didn't like either candidate.

Trump barely won.

After the Trump shitshow, those 100m will likely vote for....someone other than Trump.

>coping this hard

You just can't take a loss with grace, can you?

I don't think he's lost many voters, the problem is the constant, never ending flow of shitskins.

He'll win there zero competition. Tell me who will run against him. None of them would be able to get all the Democrats to vote for them.

>wishful thinking

>He's not getting elected again in 2020 is he?
Never underestimate the sheer stupidity of the average American voter. They are massive idiots, make no fucking mistake about it.
Trump will be the first person since Osama bin Laden to ground all flights in the US, but observe how he will spin that shit into PR propaganda "I stand strong for my values" and his uneducated base will swallow it all like a cuckold's creampie.

If the damned Dems ran anyone else, they'd have won it to start.
Hillary was too toxic....

>left acting like children

please tell us what is the left "demanding" in order to open up the gov? I know Trump is acting like a fucking spoiled child demanding "muhh wall", but what is the left asking for? Gays for all? Healthcare? DACA? O'right.....NOTHING.

stop being a fucking moron

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Not only do I not give a shit about the shutdown, I'm enjoying the resulting fireworks. If he doesn't get elected, I'll have a fuckin' blast betting on the outcome.

kek i bet you do muhammed

Bernie would have won. Anyone who's not Shillary will win this.

What the ass is "Morning Consult?"

I've literally never heard of it.

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It's moving towards reality.

Trump wanted to drain the swamp, but it turns out that he himself is the swamp.

Dems can certainly blow it again, but it would have to be a COLOSSAL failure.

We're even already using the best case scenarios here.
assuming trump wont be impeached.
assuming Kasich or Romney wont run.
not wise assumptions.

He needs a good old war against Evil. Mutts love that shit, it gave Bush his second term.
Of course he also needs to not get taken down by Mueller.

No, he's not.

>a bilionare
>thinks he's not in the swamp from the very beginning


>Bitching about trump fucking with the government flying the anarchist meme flag
I think you have something confused there Schlomo

>He needs a good old war against Evil.
... Venezuela

Absolutely not.

Yeah and those same (((polls))) told us he was going to lose to Hillary in 2016. Only complete idiots trust (((polls)))

All they want to do at this point is make people more dependent on the government. The left doesn't have a goddamn chance at getting its bearings until it folds. Besides, your post alone is childish enough to be a testament to the childish faggotry that has plagued politics since before 2016

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But he's already in a war against evil with the democrats.

Why can't conservatives ever just accept the fact they lost an election. Whenever they win it's "Silent Majority," and "Don't trust pollsters," and shit like that. When they lose, suddenly there's illegal voting EVERYWHERE, and people voting in multiple states, and illegal immigrants EVERYWHERE voting in multiple states.

90% of the cases where voter fraud/election fraud was charged were all Republicans! The dumbass Conservative media trumps up this lie about voter fraud, then suddenly you have these old white people doing this shit like voting twice because they think they need to outweigh the (nonexistant) voter fraud by the other side.


There isn’t a single person in Washington who’s more in bed with Jews than Donald trump. So shouldn’t the polls be in his favor?

Kasich is a pushover and Romney is old hat (and Mormon). Neither of them have a fighting chance against DJT for a nomination

The 2020 debates will be interesting to watch, assuming Trump doesn't bow out for reelection.

How is he going to lie himself, out of his lies, in front of millions of Americans on national television?
What would his campaign promises be this time?

>Of course he also needs to not get taken down by Mueller.

The Mueller investigation will drag on through to 2020. There's too much invested in it now.

>those sources

Holy shit, did you expect anyone to believe you?

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Beto and Harris are his biggest competition. But Beto is too privileged for the Dems, and Harris is an evil prosecutor who kept criminals on jail. Main concern this time is that the disingenuous media has riled the Dem base up pretty hard. They'll come out in greater numbers this time.

Former trump voter here, honestly it’s hilarious watching him crash and burn like this. But seriously, we can’t let him get his name on the ballot

>What would his campaign promises be this time?
Same as before I'm guessing, the wall has zero chance of being built before 2020, if at all.

The only problem now is he can't rely on his slogans like ''Mexico will pay for it'' because he will be called out immediately, so it will be interesting. He will double down on ''fake news'' too I guess.

Totally, best candidate right now. But I seriously doubt this administration is competent enough to launch something this big.

Romney won’t even try. It’ll just be hours of Trump calling him a loser. He won’t subject himself to that. Kasich is a total cuck as well, DJT would treat him like Jeb!

That isnt the point goofy.
They will cause enough division in the republican party.

well luckily for him, trump supporters dont really care about policy, or facts, or truth... they care about his personality.
He lies to and uses them on a daily basis and they fight for him passionately.

Wich takes 50%+ of the american vote away from him. I'm talking american-universal evil, aka communism or terrorism

Damn nu/pol/ really is full of kike loving 18 year old redditors who think they have the entire world figured out and know everything. What happened to this place.

All you newfags should be ashamed of yourselves

This is beyond retarded

Bless us with your wise insights

your right, and we are going to hate the dems even more for causing all of it out of spite for trump and the burning desire to legalize 20 million wetbacks into dem voters

You forgot that Beto is a white male, too. The Dems NEED an underdog to draw in the minorities and broads to get the votes

I've been here since /new/, nigga. There's no quitting this place

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Because there was no supermajority representation to pass it. Bills need 60 votes to become law.

Why don’t you worry about getting your brexit done. I thought England was a democracy

Can't do that while they're investigating him. Otherwise he ends up looking like the corrupt one. Honestly, it's a smart move by the FBI. So long as they keep delaying the investigation, Trump can't make any significant changes to them or force them to clean up their act.

shill harder next time. 1/10.

Nah it’s just what the MSM wants you to believe. People like having a leader that has a backbone even if some of what he does is out of spite

>Retardation is called backbone now.

That extra chromosome really screw shit up

Yep, the right wingers are trying to defraud Biden as a pedophile but that shit won't work. It's over

That’s what you call embarrassing bait niggers and gentlemen


If they aren't asking for anything, why is the government still shut down?

You’re so confused. Democrats would not unanimously support Christ because they prefer a separation of government from religion, specifically Christianity. There are better Democratic candidates than Christ.

Depends who they run and how much more he screws up. If he declares national emergency over his wall kabuki theater he wont. More violent crime in Chicago on a given weekend than anything to do with border.

He won because everyone presumed Hillary would win as all the fake polling suggested. It all backfired and made many think they didnt have to vote and hard to be enthusiastic about her in the first place. I dont forsee that happening again.

>the left demands NOTHING

Except for white genocide