What the fuck is going on in this picture?
What a fucking country can tolerate that?
I just want to figure it out
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I agree, this looks kinda dumb.
How's your foreskin by the way?
They think it will cure him of the evil spirits but really the boy is just a NPC
Plottwist: priest is also a NPC just copying something her saw some badass babushkas doing
It's called baptism, you evil satanic atheist. It's a Holy Sacrament. You're too spiritually dead to understand.
It's just a little bit of water, there are supposedly first world countries who mutilate the genitals of their male children.
Exposure to cold is good for you.
blood for the ice god
It's child sacrifice to the water spirits. The lakes will only feed us fish if we give something back.
Never seen a baptism by immersion before?
Exposure to extremely cold temperature for a short period of time uncucks your immune system Try it burger.
Kid has a young heart so he won't have a stroke.
this, russian culture is mostly bland and basic but some of these Orthodox rituals are бaзeд и кpacнaятaблeткa
you can obviously just purchase the anti-wrinkle cream with foreskin collagen tissue in it, liberally apply it to your dick
*smacks lips profusely*
and yo (muh) dick regrows the skin
alternatively you can just find a fine quality roastie & tape a bit of her beef curtains around your dick
boom, fixed forever
The fat guy dropped his fishing pole in the water, they're sending the kid in to get it because he's a good swimmer.
based terrible jokes
worst translation ive seen in a while
hang yourself pidor
What is this from?
The Wicker Man
as if your starving 1st generation immigrant parents have even managed to learn conversational English ивaн
The Orthodox priest is immersing the boy in cold water to drive out the homosexual and transsexual demons. You can tell by the boy’s expression itMs working.
>tfw haven't been baptized
am i gonna burn in hell lads?
Ethnic finn herre living in swedistan.
He's just having a pleasant bath. Don't mock it I'd you haven't tried it.
literally just walk in to any church and say you want to be baptized next sunday and they will do it
You dont need to pay to go to church
An optional right of passage. It strengthens the bond of shared experience between the individual and the family. The child is not harmed and everyone gets to party after.
Stop being a little bitch.
that's not true a baptism here is like 15 dollarydoos
eh i'll do it when my kids get baptized
Dude, its a blast. There is nothing as exhilarating as going from a 200 F sauna to a 32 F pool and back. You feel super alive.
Looks like a baptism
Not baptism. Orthodox do that in infancy. THis is just what slavs do for the feast of the Epiphany
looks like a baptism, which is just way worse in Russia because it's cold as fuck
everyone white country where boy fuckers are allowed to run rampant
Making a future Wim Hoff
Only shitskins can't handle swimming during the winter time.
buy a new washbasin, jesus
Would only do that if there’s a sauna/hot tub / hotpot nearby to warm up in.
they do that in infancy or any time after
>not taking ice cold showers every morning to put your body in a shallow state of hypothermia to train it to tolerate for whats coming.
wish i had a frozen lake in my backyard
Fishhies eating the foreskin
>not christening your kid in -20 celcius in a fucking frozen lake with Babushkas cheering him on
>mutilating your dick by rabbi doctor Moishe
the utter , irreparable state of Merishartlets
Classic homosexual shit. Russian reality.
This looks rough... But I keked
Where are the money, Lebowsky?
I took a bath in a lake that wad nearly frozen .Its slavic untermensch thing .You cant understand
This happens during epiphany .It has to be done 3 times in and out .Its a simbol of Christ rebirth
OП - хyй
It's an orthodox holiday, Epiphany. People take cold baths as a form of penitence, or sometimes just to celebrate it.
What the fuck is going on in this picture?
What a fucking country can tolerate that?
It's just an old fishing tradition
bump for eurochan.org/ru
caught me off guard
Good one, Ivan
Baptism of the soul by the holy spirit, it's not a physical operation but a spiritual one.
Yea because putting the kid in cold water will magically remove his evil deeds lol, great way to get a cold shock response
I'm guessing an orthodox baptism
What the fuck is going on in this picture?
What a fucking country can tolerate that?
(really, what don`t you like in Epiphany?
A country that doesn't want to raise pussy men, unlike your father
jesus christ, pol, some times you disappoint me. this is called an ephyphany. it is a very old tradition in orthodox christian church. you dip three times(god, his son and holy spirit) in cold water. yes it will cleanse your soul. it also feels real good.
why would anyone one of you be against something so traditional, so white.......
>imagine being a pr*testant in the year of our lord 2019 (julian calendar)
lmaoing at you
in awe at the size of this lad
Its a giant trident? the sigil of kikes?
Baffling.....not really.
What is his endgame?
>giant three toothed symbol made out of fat in ukraine caused food poisoning in dozens of people
>American spetsnaz
Are coming, the horde of the antichrist will burn!
>Trad life, taking over by Jesus Christ
>the sigil of kikes?
No, the sigil of Great Ukranian Pegemoga. Made by fat. Which was laying on the ground for several hours.
But Ukranians ate it, lol. With a predictable result.
Yep, this is symbol of Ukraine.
>Giving your child that's old enough to understand what's going on a temporary bad feeling is bad, mkay
>Coming from a country where cutting part of the dick of your son off is legal and widely accepted
You didn't understand what I said to include me in your response.
If only you knew how bad things really are
a nation with rites of passage that invite you to be better
.....there is virtually no reason to be doing it this way. Baptism is supposed to be positive, not something the poor kid is going to associate with trauma. Hold his nose and submerge. Don't flip him all topsy turvy. Someone needs to be critical with that guy.
Something so inconceivable stupid can only be about religion.