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>one steel mill
>100,000's of farmers

lol why are you guys so retarded?

Maybe some unemployed jewish buzzfeed reporters can apply for a job there

Thank goodness we're being forced to pay more for all of our steel, definitely an improvement

Source, Motherfucker! Do. You. Have. It?

No, they need to learn to program and were not letting them out till they do. What could possibly go wrong?

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They would unironically die

Spotted the NEET. It has helped everyone in manufacturing. You would know that if you actually worked instead of living off of my labor.

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fuck off and kill yourself

fucking wh*toids

Overwhelming support among farmers and agricultural states.
Nice try you sleazy kike mongrel...

You're not being forced to pay more your being forced to what it really costs this society to make steel. If you want we get rid of worker, social, and environmental regulations and be just like China. Otherwise shut up and sit down kike!

Republic Steel press release.

It's also driven up the cost of everything they buy as well as everything the rest of us buy. Literal gibsmedat niggers

hey check it out, a pro globalist scumbag.

enjoying slurpin on that soros daddy dick you fucking tard?

i dont care. fuck consumerism. capitalism sucks balls.

I am half black and I hate white devils so goddamned much.

Republic Steel product was not used in that sign or fencing. Likely Krupp.

>jews doing manual labour amongst a bunch of blue collar right wing goyim.

they would melt

>pay $200 more for something that lasts 300 years
>pay $25 on something that breaks every 30 seconds
hmm quality or quantity?