If he runs in 2020, then Drumpf is fucked beyond all hope

If he runs in 2020, then Drumpf is fucked beyond all hope.

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He's just gonna jew kids for a fourth and fifth house.

76 yo candidate that might not naturally survive one term, sketchy ass political philosphy that has just experienced a devastating failire in Venezuela. Democrat party elite hate him more than opposition party. Nothing to worry about. Do it faggots !

He already has the fourth house I think. But I’m sure he’s letting underprivileged people’s live in it for free

Bernie will beat Trump if he actually won the democratic primary, the problem is getting there. They will come at him hard, his biggest opponent is probably Kamala Harris.

Nobody likes him anymore.
Even his former supporters have disavowed him after he scammed them of their money and endorsed Hillary.

he lost half his base when he endorsed clinton.

The dems have already sidelined him and cast him as a 3rd party candidate, similar to Ralph Nader or Dennis Kusenich. They don't take him seriously, even if he's the favorite. They'll just run over him with a female/brown candidate that meets their audience polling data and demographic appeal charts.

can you feel the burn ?

This old commie is still alive?

he's worse than a jew

oh wait, he is a jew

Na, Bernie cucked up in 16'. The majority of Bernie Bros are in the Trump camp 2020.

>implying he wants to run.

he had his chance. he could have beat Trump. the DNC railroaded him and now they're paying the price.

if he runs it'll be solely to feed the candidate that the libs actually want all of the retarded college libs again like in 2016

More like he dies in 2020. Dude's old, just so you know.

Democrats are no longer a white political party, exit Beto, Biden and Bernie. Democrat nomination race is between Kamala, Tulsi and fauxcahontas.

You Bern-Outs are in full denial if younthink the DNC will let him run again. They are already putting the Bernie campaign in damage control mode over sexual abuse allegations of one of his staffers.

Bernie will not be allowed to be effective e en of he does run. He is too good at taking away votes from the DNC.

He'll wait until retards like you throw money his way. Half-way through the election tours. He cucks out AGAIN when his coffers are at $25-50+ million.

Then you dumb fucking libtards will autistic screech when some other dumb-fucking libtard runs and loses.

He's running because he wants money to buy another house.

that cuck. that would be funnier to witness than watching Trump steamroll Jeb Guac Bush.

The only running Bernie will be doing in 2020 is running on life support.

he won't even make it to the California primary this time lol

Hope he's smart enough to know theyll rig it against him again lol. They will never allow a socialist in office