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lol I guess Mueller made his point.


what's the agreement tho?

if he rly caved on the wall funding he's done

he knows he'll be done, he can't be this stupid

then again.. burgers are retarded

2020 vote AOC (she makes my dick hard)

Fuck, it's real this time and Leaf OP is NOT a faggot.

>its real
holy fuck

hehe based Drump

> meanwhile the CIA is preparing to invade Venezuela

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Rush is talking about it now. He thinks it's to pay the workers.

1pm its over

I give up. Trump is a zionist shill and all this russia shit is just to make us think he's the hero and keep us all divided. It's the same fucking shit it always has been. 100% blackpilled.


(((Drudge Report)))

stop spamming this you retarded kraut

who cares about a 3rd world shithole


Meh he probably just wants to give his State of The Union address (aka Propaganda Rally). I would bet it's only for a couple of weeks

Fuck the "workers".

we have not proof that there was a save on anything, while this is disappointing from an acceleration perspective, It is to be expected in all honestly. The only question is what are the terms, something we will find out soon it seems.

We got like 30 minutes til we find out how fucking gay and wrong you are. Enjoy the brief period of masturbation leaf.

How can it be that ALL memeflag posters are retarded? I mean, most, yeah, that makes sense. But every single one?


>2020 vote AOC (she makes my dick hard)
2024 you mean. She won't be old enough in 2020.

Vote for Bernie or Pocahontas instead.

you need better taste in women senpai

>Dems' gleeful: Preview of 'coming attractions'...
god damn it he did cave

kek, but at least he's triggering the libs on twitter, amirite?

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Pelosi the ballbuster is an ice cold bitch

why is trump so fucking stupid guys?

goddamn, my grammar fucking broke on this post.

That story is about the response to Stone's arrest.

"Caved" shut up you fucking retard. He showed the entire country that Democrats aren't willing to defend the country and have sold us out completely. The only ones on their side anymore are the illegals and the traitors. All of America is behind Trump, and he did everything in his power short of a drastic executive order.
Trump won and I'll be enjoying your tears for the next 5 years faggot!

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Im scared guys what if its real and trump actually commits political suicide?

What a stupid fucking nigger ahahahahahaha. This is why we have problems in America.

Shitskins are trying to get in while it's still open.

I can't find it on drudge. Fake.

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Haha Trump is so fuckin soft

how does one reach this level of cult worship

Post link

I'll call your bullshit. He had one fucking job. An EO would get shit done but no. Muh fucking optics. Stupid shit at this point.

AOC wont be 35 till 2025. She can't run for pres till 2028

He didn’t cave he’s trying to please the retards that fell for the wall meme. Trump acts unhinged because it’s a reflection of the MAGA mobs he agitated and now can’t fully control.

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INB4 Dems cave. La Guardia shutting down only affects liberals. Anyone actually impacted by this is willing to give wall funding. Liberals are cowards and don't know how to actually stand on principle. With Venezuela crisis looming, and Trump drafting plans to completely restructure the executive branch under cost-cutting procedures, the Dems only chance at maintaining any desired policies is to give up on the wall. Covington story, a distraction for how badly Dems were losing on the budget, will not bee seen in headlines again. Shadilay.

>no link

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The wall was his flagship policy. If he completely fails to deliver on it, he's fucking finished.

then he shouldnt have gotten in over his head, we elected him for clear reasons and expect him to deliver.

>mark of the benis

>vote retarded spic abomination because muh dick
Literal nigger.

this is the only thing giving me hope rn

So I take it Ginsberg is finally dead then.

he's already made so many concessions for the wall it's basically just a symbolic thing at this point. the retards will forgive him like they always

>breaking anything anti-trump first
unless this is somehow a good thing in which no one else is touching. And for "newspeak" this could just be paying people again and giving out more gibs.

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what tf is going on in america? i never pay attention. last i hesrd there was a gofundme for the wall. someone catch me up

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I don't get it. Why is everyone assuming a deal means no border wall?

t a guy that just spent a whole month shilling for some spic whore

A 30ft wall covering a significant portion of the border would be a legitimate win.

Unrelated to the OP, the shutdown is the only thing making the Democrats come to the table. If this ends without a wall, he'll never get it. Their backs are against the wall, and its a fight of who will give in first.

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its real

Probably to pay the gov workers, then its back to shudown town.

you need more fucking help


This better be fake news.

What concessions? Physical barriers are either present or not. He never made a deal on DACA.

>he can't be this stupid
That's where you're wrong..

What a completely useless faggot

It seems very unlikely that the Democrats would ever agree to a piece of infrastructure that would stop their core vote getting into the country.

>no archive
drudgeshills over here

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Hahha stupid drumpf

LOL. Trump BTFO by Pelosi. I love them apples.

Can you really not recognize drudge when you see it?

>He thinks it's to pay the workers.
Those workers are all Democrats pretty much.

So...shutdown in name only.

Geez the JIDF anti-Trump shills are worse here than on Twitter


I honestly don't know what Trumps plan is here. But I do know that it will probably work against the dems.

They make a fair bit of cash off that sweet sweet heroin

yep. fuck trump and fuck Jow Forums, its all russians, jidf and plebbitors anyway

the wall went from a 50 billion concrete wall(that mexico was supposed to be paying for) to a 5 billion steel fence and that money wouldn't even be enough for that

Understood. I have a feeling it is going to be very temporary just to get people money. Sounds like Trump is just trying to look out for people who haven't been paid in 30+ days. My guess is the opening will last a week or something.

But drudge has no link you moron.

Would be hilarious if he leaked that he is caving so 100% of media covers it live and then he announces something totally different. Wouldn't be the first time he has done this.

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>losing is a strategy



Is no one going to witness this?

The American people aren't as stupid as the fuckers here. They saw him work harder for it than any President has, so the blame is easily laid at the Democrats feet. It's clear that nobody will work harder for border security than Trump. This isn't hard to understand.

Because Pelosi moved on him like a bitch.

I hope he goes midevil and drops some uncomfortable truths

Early word is saying the Democrats have caved for wall funding

$5B is an initial cost, and 30ft steel bars with spikes on the end are going to be an absolute cunt to get through.

Drudge's link is an article that referenced Drudge. What the fuck

So what was the point of all this? You were to weak to see it through. So why do it at all?

No E for effort. No participation trophy. He's useless

Look niggers. Neither bill past yesterday, the one with wall funding and the one without. How do you faggots think the government will reopen?

A Kenyan Indonesian can't be President either but they made it so anyway. Don't put anything past these fuckers; if they want AOC in 2020 it's not like the media will say a peep about age requirements.

No it didn't. Left wing pundits and deep state shills "estimated" the cost at 50 billion. Mexico has already paid for the wall in tariffs. And Steel is stronger than concrete. Are you retarded?

This, I was just talking about how excited I was for a possible chimp out. Fuck you Donald.

If your wondering what happens next, Trump Emergency Declaration will be immediately blocked by a liberal court and it will take till 2021 to start building the wall, not counting the the eminent domain lawsuits necessary to kick boomers off their land.

He better not cave...

Imagine having to make things up