You guys really pissed off Talia. She's tweeting about us again

You guys really pissed off Talia. She's tweeting about us again

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Other urls found in this thread:

but I think she secretly admires us

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Gas them all

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to be fair, I don't think she has much else to do nowadays

maybe she is improving her skill set so she can be marketable in the new global service based economy?

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It's expanding. We might be in the news by this evening

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I think we lost interest already... they are begging for attention. Girls...

She'll be ok. Her tribal cousins will hook her up with a job as a *shuffles rolodex* organizer of a fundraiser.

we could all use little an hero right now /b/ros


LoL they salty af

Okay my fellow gamers, here is the plan i drew out for the attack on women, minorities, and journalists. I think if we follow this, we will successfully shitpost them off for good

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This jewess wants a filthy nazi goy cock stuffed into her.

she's a jew? you don't say...

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I was pretty involved in most of those threads and don't remember any talk of "bullying journalists into becoming an hero". I suppose it's possible, but it was mostly just laughing at their off the chart reeeing and her clear lack of any physically appealing traits.

No one cares, you greasy fat kike. Go fuck up fact checking another story which Jow Forums BTFO.

oh, the one who's #1 on google for "fat greasy kike"?

Lol this

she's probably the one making the fucking threads and then 'reporting' on them. these lame ass journalists do this all the time and always hook a few retards into responding to their shit bait plot threads

BTW, anybody got an update on how her paypal begging is going? Too bad she's so unattrractive, if she were she could at least fall back on some Instathot fast cash.

>women, minorities, and jews
oh no someone told the three most protected species of human to get a fucking job, charge them with a felony

>she's a jew? you don't say...
But....whyever would a Jew be such a skanky oily lube sack? Noooo.

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We should tweet her about potential employment opportunities that require her journalistic accuracy and direct her to

Is she too Jewish to make cute white babies with? Asking for a friend.

Any shitposting=intricate and coordinated Jow Forums plan to journalists. They are so spoiled by their own station that they unironically believe that it couldn't possibly be normal people calling them out and laughing, but an entire clandestine organization of forgein actors and undead nazis. Remember these are the same people who think that Russia shitpposting on facebook was enough to sway 31 million people

i think we should audible to a pass if the SS wants to move into the box. their corners can't cover shit, which is why they all got fired as journalists.

This won't get your job back Talia sorry sweaty

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>Is she too Jewish to make cute white babies with?
Yes, any baby born to a Jewish mother is considered 100% full Jew. Regardless of father.
So you just make more Jews.
They do this because their genetics are so fucked. So they steal ours.
White peoples, when they aren't humping on nigger cock ( they don't birth those babies ).

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I think she’s flirting this is one step away from dipping our pigtails in the inkwell

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I thought that was pretty pathetic. Her tweet gets a thousand retweets so she adds a tweet below it asking for money. Journalists truly are the scum of the earth

some air spray to overwhelm the stale farts and Cheetos, too, i think..

Dont fuck jews there is something in their DNA that makes half whites become completely evil.

She seems to decide an explanation in her head and commit to the idea it's the only possible explanation. Paleocon types have been mocking the "learn to code" mantra for years.

Sounds jewish to me. Like levin

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If these stupid whores want to lurk here they know the rules. Tits or GTFO.

i bet her pussy smells like gvelta fish

if a smirk was involved, its a hate crime too

>Jow Forums trying so hard

Y'all realize this shit lasts like two weeks then dies off every time.

>she's probably the one making the fucking threads and then 'reporting' on them. these lame ass journalists do this all the time and always hook a few retards into responding to their shit bait plot threads
god who has that much free time doesn’t she have a job oh wait

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the only kind they laid off in other words


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How did an hero come about?

discord faggots are not Jow Forums
4chan does not coordinate attacks, shit just happens when you piss off the internet.

>Dont fuck jews there is something in their DNA that makes half whites become completely evil.
Well it's the inbreeding. So much of it in the woman. Bleeds still into the child.
The first signs of inbreeding is often psychopathy, followed by outright retardation.
The Jews have managed to not go retarded mostly, but they do exhibit mass psychopathy.
As a result of their high degree of inbreeding.

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>You Guys
New Yorker
>Talia instead of (((Lavin)))
Hmmmm. Hi there unemployed "Doctor"

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Good. Jews are of success.

and it's a good two weeks to make the unemployed bloggers feel absolutely miserable and helpless

should be
>and that's how jewish mafia works

>Jews are of success.
Worldly success won't last. All fades in time.
And when it does the Jews are going straight to the pit.

Jews were always psychos based on that filth I read in the Torah.

>Jews were always psychos
They were always highly inbred.

Do I have to pour out my piss bottles?

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The bulk of the idiots fired were browns, cunts, and mutts.

> like we give a flying fuck

I've lived in the midwest my whole life. Furthest east i've lived is Shittsburgh. not a New Yorker

Based and redpilled.

Ok, I'm in. Do you know if Talia is wet dreaming with Jow Forums hacker?

> I want to be Katie's little tampon boy
> I want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body
I can not fucking breath right now....

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the worst part about all this is these fucking scumbags have all the free time in the world now collecting unemployment. they are going to raid here pro bono now.
be sure to dial up the incivility.

Based on Twitter's official response to the Covington Catholic kids, it's perfectly ok to coordinate harrassment mobs on Twitter.

She is trying to position herself as a victim of Jow Forums, and the strong brave woman who stood up to Jow Forums.

>Raids are no fun allowed on Jow Forums for years now
>Perfectly fine on twitter though
It's just not right...


Does she think we all just forgot about that time she falsely accused a veteran of being a Nazi?

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Let's have some fun guys

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it must be great to cry about being so oppressed while making six figs

Do you faggots actually still say 'an hero' in 2019?

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Talia, I know you're lurking. I can't wait until we gas you, your whole kike family, and then open the gates to israel to let the shitskins rape your evil race out of existence. Please add this to your next tweet. Thanks.

keep lurking, cunt


Same. It was the first thing I noticed. Seems like instead of it being anglicized (((they))) slavicized it.

Fuck that roastie.

Welcome newfag, it was some dumbass kid that got his iPhone stolen and he killed himself. Naturally Jow Forums harrassed the family and one of them said something to the effect of "how dare you he was an hero", and that's been the go-to for suicide ever since

a complete attention whore that is entirely dependent on people feeling sorry for her

Twinkie house

It's still ok, but not if you say "becoming an hero" like she did.

>tell laid off reporters to "learn to code"
>racist, sexist, harassment, this must be stopped
>reporters literally call for the doxing and beating of a minor wearing a MAGA hat, and then baltenly lying about the facts
>that's ok, its freedom of speach and the press

Sheep don't know the difference between /b/ 2009 and Jow Forums 2019.

Jow Forums can be bros but in the future don't use your real name etc.This is still Jow Forums

Why is she making threads about herself on a Nazi loving board guys??

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>user caring about what's trendy or new on Jow Forums
You have to go back

tbqh i wish you the same talia. i would like to feel sorry, but i cant

habeeb it


>Jow Forums is a pathetic incel site filled with powerless white men
>Jow Forums is a powerful right wing hate machine made up of privileged white men that is capable of launching dangerous campaigns

Pick one, hag.

>Bad even for jou
Darnned typos.
Keep the pressure on them Prerak. ;-)

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I don't get it. If the blue-collar workers that they looked down on were capable of learning how to code, albeit with time, shouldn't a college-educated journalist be able to learn how to code much faster and more effectively?
>pic related

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Do you really think I would use my real name and photo for a shit posting account. You underestimate me my man that guy is my neighbor and he doesn't even know that he's triggering libtards left and right!!

>You guys really pissed off Talia. She's tweeting about us again
Fuck off Talia. I know you are unemployed, but you should be writing resumes and not shit-posting on our Sudanese gourd carving image board.

Well you know whaman ... only way to not feel like a sullied victim now is to have sex with the perpetrator in question .. give this shit a year or something and a lot of you incels are finally gonna get some pussy ...if you have the curage

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Yo Talia not gonna lie you got some mean curves let me nut over you i know your a kike but we don't have to have offspring :)

>something in their DNA
yeah it's called an increased risk profile for an astounding number of genetic diseases

"here son, let me cut off your dick so you can't enjoy sex until the multiple sclerosis sets in"

But we have always wanted these worthless sacks of shit to die.
This isnt new

Nostalgia Keks

Hey Talia, stop trolling the fukken trolls and get your fat back to finding a coding job...

Hi, Prerak. Don't you have some bobs and vagenes to expose.