Portland Antifa House Vandalized



Attached: Screenshot from 2019-01-25 11.14.08.png (1629x1011, 2.02M)

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What exactly were "we" supposed to have learned from Detroit, my deniable regime goon friend

we shouldn't smash communism?

Whatcha doing rabbi?

Right wingers would have written it in cursive.

Hey rabbi whatcha doing?

I wonder who's most likely to own a black spray paint and feel comfortable spray painting someone's home with political slogans.

Surely it wouldn't be antifa, right?

The house already looks pretty fucked up without the shit written all over it.

Watcha doin there rabbi?

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Nothing appears to have been smashed at all

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>do the exact same thing antifas do
>get called a coward
I guess a coward would recognize a coward

>didn't burn it down

(((Abram Goldman)))

I belive it. The two extreme sides locally have been going at it for a while. One of the Maga type groups that did security for patriot prayer (prolly nazis) got beat up real bad by them at his house. Like they were waiting for him behind bushes or something.

Two groups of dickheads doing dickheaded stuff. They have more in common then they realize.

pretty "expert" technique if you ask me. the A in particular sure looks like an anarchist logo.

>up the punx album font
Fuck off fags, you did this yourself. Also, listen to Crass more deeply. They're talking about (you)


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Big brained Centrist hot take.

Theres a white power group that has recruitment videos of them doing pro tier graffiti too though. They were just busted recently for all sorts of real bad shit. Big time racical gangbangers. They wore skull masks was all white guys.

I met them in 1979, they stank of shite despite being posh little middle-class faggots, people wanted the support back to come back on after 2 "songs", so go suck your own shite off their decaying dicks you faggot.

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Poor us! Plz donate to our cause!

>They wore skull masks was all white guys.
oh scary. did they lift weights and use trigger words too? I'm honestly shaking just thinking about this.

Hey grandpa. What is using their own heroes words against them?

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>Nothing appears to have been smashed at all

That's how you know conservatives did it.

Hey rabbi whatcha doing?

A lot worse than that. Their videos looked like some legit terrorist shit and their leader who used to be in a diffrent gang stabbed a rival in NYC on camera was convicted and such. Prison radicalized him or someshit. Im no expert i just follow the news some. npr.org/2018/10/25/660401404/four-white-supremacists-face-federal-charges-in-california-attacks

My point was its asinine
to presume that graffiti skills are only held by a certain type. Im not impling its not fake either.

I'm sorry, man. I just lost the plot seeing "CRASS" posted here, it brought back stuff as traumatic as a repressed abuse memory.
We left early anyway, they were the worst act I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of crap bands. Thank fuck it was only £1 to get in.

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this was probably done at 1 in the afternoon. those retarded commies were still asleep until 3pm

I just know been escalating between those groups for a while because Owen Shroyer? The younger guy from infowars however its spelled did a live stream in portland for that patriot prayer thing and he had a bunch of goons in taticool shit and he interviewed like everyone around him. One of them had recently been attacked pretty badly too at his own house in an ambush. It wouldnt suprise me of they retaliated by trashing their house. Those are two opposing gangs what would you expect?

You need to smash communism

>leftists firebomb buildings and shoot congressmen
>right wingers just spray paint an already spray painted cheap house

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>goes to punk shows
>surprised when it's garbage music

>cheap housing in portland

They like to made it sound like its opt in communal living like some artsy hippy utopia but sleeping 20 to a house is not nothing anyone opts into. Lmaooo

It's a cheap ass piece of shit that's falling apart because drug addict degenerates don't take care of it. That's not the point anyway.

Fair enough senpai.

I can't wait untill WROL. These commies need to be excised like the tumor they are.

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Considering not one of these cunts has ever picked up a paint brush in their lives, look for the gofundme for repairs. Or they'll just use mom and dad's money.

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This is why the communists are going to win long term

That’s the problem, everyone’s just about had it but everyone is just waiting for a savior that won’t come, everyone expecting everyone else to do something
So nothing happens while everything gets worse

You have never been to the west coast or researched real estate value. I can show you million dollar home that would be worth less than used trailers in normal places.

>Spraypainted the house
>Didn't barricade the doors and burn it down
no news here

You're not even paying attention.

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I saw a post say this guy was training antifa with guns

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Plot twist
leftists spray painted their own house


Not even fucking hiding it

I wonder if they'll take the first shots

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niggers and jews are bad news?

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is there an address for this antifa house? I'd wage money it's also a trap house

Not buying it. Graffiti is weak, not based. Spray spray and then run away. If they were being messed with by a anti-commie group they would be bloody. Hate Hoax!

Most those guys (or any regular protestor of any ideology) arent even allowed firearm possesion as they tend to get arrested too much. They have felonies going down to E class now. D was unthinkable now they expanded that shit to E. Stay away from protests if you want to keep a clean record and constitutional rights.

>I wonder if they'll take the first shots

*cough* Steve Scalise *cough*

2249 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97214

>They wore skull masks was all white guys.
Unironically describes some Antifa. That guy who annoyed the Covington kids was pictured with one recently.

>Most those guys (or any regular protestor of any ideology) arent even allowed firearm possesion as they tend to get arrested too much

Like they give a fuck.

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They tagged it, rather than setting it on fire? Fucking faggots.

You mean RAM (Rise Above Movement)? I 'member a promo video of a bunch of buff right wing chads in skull masks doing shit like that.

Absolute degenerate sign

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What other punk bands have you seen?

More contact info in pic related. Its published on their website portlandiww.org

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Yah that group. Those guys are bad news bears. I only mentioned them cause people were implying that only the anti fascists do graffiti. Not the case at all.

>spraypaint own house
literally an industry of victimhood

yea, shoulda thrown a molotov cocktail through the window after barricading the door



Checked my glowing friend.

>Antifa House Vandalized
you mean improved

Why not just burn it down, it’s made of wood

>Won the 5-day workweek, 8-hour work day

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that's a good idea.

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They have a house? Why don't they have 40 pizzas on the way?





and play anarchists games
win anarchists prizes

>the "A" literally written as the Antifa sign
sure case of watcha doin

Look at the "a" ... Anarchy

What Nazi says "smash."

I love delusional people.

You think too small and short sighted as to why they are winning.

What about buying the house across the street painting it American Flag and turing it into a Communist History museum.

Guided tours of all the failures and literature. Attract tourists.

Get a non for profit. Crowdfund it from this very board. Buy out the current owner.

You know they did that across the street from Westborro Church and it has been majorlu successful as a tourist trap that smothers their hateful message.

Think smarter. What is most impactful and propigates long standing change?

Playing within the rules. Prison is full of dumb asses like you.

That has tagger written all over it and I don't know a lot of taggers who want to "smash communism," much less anti-communists who use the term "smash."

>cider riot owner (((Abram Goldman-Armstrong)))

You know who

There is though. It was addressed. ^

Graffiti is not is a skillset that resides in any ideology. Many white extremists are from inner cities and prisons. Some from former gangs.

Even white as snow grandmas can rock a rattle can. Its not some new secret craft ffs.

I remember these guys. They all got arrested for conspiracy to incite a riot at Charlottesville.

Uh huh..so where do the people that live in that house work? Industry? Farming? Maybe linemen for the electric company? Whats that? They're a bunch of permanently unemployed rich kids living off of trustfunds and larping as communist revolutionaries? I see.

Always wanted to start a nationalist anarcho-punk band, never got around to it.

I'd take credit for it if I lived anywhere close.

>I am Alpharius

Dude, they have coffee shop gigs and work as busboys at restaurants and bar-backs at the local vegan owned crustpunk bar.

Just as marx intended. Groucho. Not Karl.

You dont have have to pay back student loans till you are no longer in school. I cant count on my fingers and toes how many middle aged students i know.

this is important.
>art degree
>works as barista
>angry that glass cieling patriarchy is preventing six fig salary and vagina art gallery

>believing Proud Bois and Antifa aren't supported by the same divide-and-conquer globalists who profit off division and civil unrest

who's order dominos?
black sun edition

Silk screen hustle too. Point me to signage in Portland proper that is even legible from all the sticker ztreet art. They get money.

Wonder if Verizon Wireless would hire them in sales?
Oh man, xey's resume is going to be amazing


Of course I have. Why do you think I avoid groids as much as possible?

Think bigger. What better place to be a silk screener than where theres a protest for something every day. Imagine being a group that organizes protests to get their screen prints into marketplace.

Like I said. I miss old Jow Forums

Nu-Jow Forums doesnt have the attention span to make it past the cover page of "Rules For Radicals"


cool crack house bro

exactly on leftist faggots run around destroying property

pants so tight that it will be shot 16 times before it even can take 2 steps

reminds me of "White supremacists vandalizing basketball americans vehicles, it's always stuff insurance will pay to fix that gets vandalized

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How can you tell the difference between a vandalised and non-vandalised antifa house?

It's still worth half a mil at least just being where it is

Actual link
