Who else is utterly disgusted by female sexuality?
Who else is utterly disgusted by female sexuality?
Ryder Carter
Sebastian Fisher
I-is-s that period blood and semen stew she's drinking?
Isaac Allen
i'm not but then again i'm not a fag like you
Oliver Turner
6/10 brainless cum dumpster.
But shes got that one point above 5, so black dudes will make sure she never has to have a job.
Nathaniel Morgan
I'm a chronic masturbator because it's winter and I've been laid off from my government job and will probably kill myself so yeah.
they seem like fleshy weak children.
Kevin Watson
Michael Cooper
Gay people?
Camden Wilson
>who else is utterly disgusted by female sexuality?
Faggots like you and closet faggots who will reply to me about how they’re totally straight
Aaron Diaz
Michael Myers
This guy, but I'm also becoming increasingly disgusted with everyone