How bad will it be?

Is he going to cuck completely out or what?

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Hahahaha alt right racists BTFO yet again

Sick of winning yet guys?

Full surrender of the Republic to Democrat demands

Maga obituary

It's a partial cuck out, but not a surrender.

I'm honestly thinking it's gonna be close to that

Ahahahhahaahah. They're going to open the government back up "temporarily".

Meaning trump caved like the little bitch was always going to do

Hes going to declare a state of emergency and try to push construction past Congress. This will ultimately fail and we will be back to square one.

He already did.

No 4D chess
No justifications

After this fucking long there will STILL be magatards clinging to hope. It's pathetic to watch.

And no, this isn't a secret victory. Even if he gets his SOTU, its still caving. The clock starts again. Morons.

Trump probably has to concede no matter what, the simple fact is regardless of what the reason is, the president is going to take the full extent of people's ire during the shutdown and could heavily damage his 2020 prospects unless this is nipped in the bud and its repercussions are resolved swiftly.

Trumps biggest mistake was being on live telivision gloating that he will happily shut down the government, so even though the democrats have basically fucked the reopening of it recently people will still point fingers at trump.

Maybe he got some wall money

Republicans most likely folded so he has no choice

Problem is whatever he got wont be enough to do anything substantial.

The airport shut down at NYC was the boiling point, hopefully he declares an emergency and proceeds forward.

When is is starting

probably this too though i'm hoping this is actually what's gonna happen and he's gonna just absolutely BTFO everyone's expectations

was supposed to start 15 minutes ago

What else can he do?

Rat Stone fucked up.

DC and New York were shut down to prevent the Dems from escaping the country when the national emergency and martial law are declared

Trump doesn't back down.

Nah, stone is fine

If he got no money for the wall the base will turn on him.
If he loses to Pelosi he will not be the nominee in 2020.

If he got money for the wall he is going to rub Pelosi's nose in it and will easily win re election.

We never wanted the silly wall anyway, right magabros?
We love our Hispanic friends, and with a civil war in Venezuela, we're all ready to welcome 5 million more. Shadilay! Kek wills it.

Where the FUCK IS HE???

>34 days of destabilizing your country for nothing
>ends it so he can have his 15 minutes of shitting in your holiest of political halls

Well wtf

roll roll roll

The stupid bitch is sitting at the TV set because he heard there would be major news about him at 1:30

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airports shouldn't be federally funded, government shut downs won't effect them then

imagine my shock when giving more power to the state would have prevented this and secured infrastructure through thick and thin while allowing a gov shut down to apply pressure on politicians

If he cucks out THAN I will unironically drop my support for him. But I'm confident he'll just say something about borders and laws and shit and the shut down will continue

Well the best thing to do would simply be to try and support efforts at the border to and show results that, even without the wall, his admin could still produce serious results. The problem there is anyone that looks at how illegal immigration has worked that the border itself is a really small problem in the grand scheme of things especially compared to overstayed passports.

Hes honestly in between a rock and a hard place, so i just expect more PR games to save face for 2020.

>34 days of destabilizing your country
>this is bad
oh hans

>Is he going to cuck out?
No matter what he does he’s going to be shat on for it

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Why would Trump give up the wall? It makes no sense? He's got the total high ground here, why the fuck would he just give up for no reason? Right when the shutdown is starting to hurt the dems, why the fuck would he throw it all away for fucking nothing? If he caves this is it. If he caves it's fucking over forever. FUCK

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Exactly, let the free market dictate which airports are subject to a major terrorist attack. small government just makes sense.

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Why are German posters the most cringe posters

He's re-thinking this whole deal.
“Impeach Trump and Die”. (2019)

Attached: Impeach Trump and Die.jpg (314x500, 25K)

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>Reopen gov't
>SOTU goes ahead
>CNN: Ruth Bader Ginsburg skips SOTU to climb Mount Everest solo! Fierce!

>Why would Trump give up the wall? It makes no sense? He's got the total high ground here
He actually doesn't, more Americans are blaming him for the shutdown, and worst of all the people directly affected in federal positions are primarily his base whom after a while of having their livelihoods threatened will turn on him.

Maybe not in like, massive droves or anything, but losing trumps base to any degree is really bad.

If he gets money for the wall he keeps his base.
If he loses to Pelosi he does not.
There are a great many things that can be forgiven.
Losing to Pelosi isn't one of them.

If he does get her to kiss the ring he will be re elected easily.


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>More Americans are blaming him for the shutdown
Thanks CNN

just kill yourself

He’s not going to cuck on the wall.

>d worst of all the people directly affected in federal positions are primarily his base wh
>trumps base is welfare niggers
nice try retard nigger

>people directly affected in federal positions are primarily his base
retard alert.

>more Americans are blaming him for the shutdown
I wonder why lol

When the government reopens he can still do the national emergency.

He shouldn’t cave that’s a really stupid move at this point


Nobody cares about the government shutdown

And yet, here we are

The airport being shutdown is bullshit airports are still functioning

The polls are in, you're a faggot says *America.
*Me and my friends

Probably some glow in the dark niggers threatened to give him the JFK treatment if he didn't stop fucking around.

The shutdown was stupid in the first place. Why would you expect funding for a wall after you lost seats in Congress during the midterms

Roger and now this. Dark day indeed. I used to think this guy was different.

We will see shortly.
If he does the chances of impeachment go up.
He will lose his base and lose his power.

There are still 2 years of things that can happen between now and when that is decided. Pretending that reelection hinges on a single issue, even a big one, is a great demoralizer, but retardedly short sighted. You know that, though.

>jew hand rubbing intensifies

Yea but the retards demand a wall. It never mattered to me personally. But he has to do something to keep their support

pelosi fucking played trump lmao. what a failure

Yeah I blame him for the shutdown and I am happy he is doing it

>the people directly affected in federal positions are primarily his base

> deep state glow niggers
> trumps base

wtf am i reading?


Having a bad day today Dumpfys? Just remember, this isn't even a tenth of the pain you will be feeling when the FBI perp walks Drumpf out of the oval office.

The point is to break the dems, dummy

It was over the day after the election when he said, "Hillary's been through a lot. Let's leave her alone.''

>wants to reopen the government
>can't even open his livestream

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>fund the government for three weeks
Trump is a cuck.

Retard nigger shilling

Why? The dems sit around while the country blames the president

As usual.

When is it fucking starting?

I'm gonna ass fuck Justin myself.

If he cucks to these communists then idgaf if the fbi does drag him out

Civilian government employees vote D 96-4.

So... Is this just a flag cam?

1:2 it's basically just guaranteeing federal employees some kind of compensation or something during the shutdown

1:3 it's announcing an end to the shutdown

1:5 the leak was a fake and this was all a ruse to make the media look stupid in the wake of the dawn raid on Stone

1:10 it's a bait and switch and Trump is going to do something unexpected

His advisors are split. Half telling him not to compromise and the other half telling him to compromise. They're still hashing out what he's going to say RIGHT NOW that's why he's late.

It would be retarded for him to cuck on the wall this far into his term, especially since he’s had the government on shutdown himself for nearly a month

Well, its failing


Not really, I want the hilarious shutdown to go on

And fuck him for wasting a half hour of my life watching a podium too.

Cringe and blue pilled

>opening to pay people like coast guard and shit
Kill yourself

>while the country blames the president
Congratulations on being an npc

more credit than blame.

This, the raid that happened this morning was a warning.

>walks up to the podium
>'Ladies and gentlemen...'
>dramatic pause
>'DMX is out of prison.'
>just leaves

We'll see what he says.

Unless he doesn't let this happen again, dems could just do this indefintely. The whole pressure of the shutdown is the paychecks.

If that's the case I'm expecting him to narrowly side with the people telling him not to cave, and this Livestream will be a really weird non statement

its true though

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1:2 trump announces state of emergency

Hey, is america okay? Is there anything we can do to help? I never wanted you guys to fall apart. I thought you getting all hyped up was so you could go into an industrial and internal overdrive.

What was the point of all this? You can negotiate in good faith with Democrats. We have countless examples of them promising to do so, and then not. He is a cuck.