How do you reconcile the fact that Trump is and have been surrounding himself with criminals?

How do you reconcile the fact that Trump is and have been surrounding himself with criminals?

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How do you reconcile guilty before being proved innocent?

>being indicted = being guilty

I thought your education system was supposed to be better?

I don't care. I care that Hillary is not president.

How many guilty verdicts and pleads so far from the Mueller arrests? I think 6 of 8 so far. Certainly enough to say, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are."

They're all plants to try and take him down.

i dont. between this and him about to reopen the government without wall funding im not voting for him again.

i don't care if he's a criminal himself, don't care about collusion with russia either, shit i hope he colluded with russia, i care for putin more than i care for rat kike journalists

The same way i reconciled that a majority of our political and judicial establishment consists of and is surrounded by criminals. This nation was built on the foundation of secrecy, genocide, human exploitation and theft, nothing new here.

Lol what is his crime? Using an intermediary to talk to journalism outlets the US government doesnt like?

Bootlicking faggot. Ask daddy mueller to suspend habeus corpus next

criminal whites > (((law))) abiding rats any and everyday

you didnt want this?

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all of his 30 year old business partners and associates are just plants by Mueller's deep state using FEMA time travel. the wall is a metaphor to keep the deep state from time traveling and altering the future.

do you remember a time when you would get partyvanned for leaving comments like this? Let's bring it back. :)

remember shills "we're not closing gitmo, we're going to fill it up"

How do you reconcile the fact that you're a faggot?

All politicians are criminals

>How do you reconcile guilty before being proved innocent

Many of Trump's best people have plead guilty. Some are going to prison.

its not far fetched fag. If they cant find any dirt on someone then they create their own dirt and surround their target with it.

Literally everyone is a criminal.

What about Benghazi? 11 people died there. They died. And Hillary did it.

Oh wait I don’t hive a fuck about Benghazi I’m just mocking faggots

A better question would be “how can one man surround himself with so much corruption and yet his supporters still claim he is squeaky clean, ‘a gud boy who dindu nuffin’”?

>partyv& for leaving a comment on a website using his first ammendment right

Lol. How about I leave a tip for your govt that you're posting on a known far right website?

Fucking pathetic germans. Hitler's first mistake was thinking you were worth anything at all.

guilty of what having to do with Trump?
>Many of Trump's best people
guilt by association fallacy

He’s Norwegian so he probably reconciles with a huge dick in his mouth

>Guilt by association fallacy
Isn’t that literally what Jow Forums does with blacks and Jews?

we already know the doj and fbi are corrupt in all of this and stone, flynn, and manafort and cohen are innocent, and so are the russians
hillary, the dnc, and the 50 fired and demoted fbi and doj agents however are not, neither are the foreign intel operatives from the UK and AUS

that's scapegoating fallacy.

Are you pretending that he's the only one? Because he's not. This is clearly a trend in Trump's circle. Not to mention his Mafia connections. I don't see how you can ignore these facts.

>Michael D. Cohen
Sentenced to prison
>George Papadopoulos
Sentenced to prison
>Paul Manafort
Convicted of financial fraud
>Alex van der Zwaan
Sentenced to prison
>Rick Gates
Pleaded guilty
>Michael T. Flynn
Pleaded guilty

This isn't even all people who have been arrested and sentenced in relation to Trump.

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That’s dodging the question

many more fbi and doj officials are canned and demoted
"it doesn't matter" in the insane 2 yr old retarded minds of the TDS idiots - watching retards ruin the USA because they are so fucking stupid has been going on for at least a decade now....

Wow, she's such a powerful womayn.

i accept all of your facts and intend to vote for trump again in 2020

try again Eurofag Mueller has alot of indictments then that

Could ask you the same thing you rapefugee immigration policy fagnord

let's cite FBI statistics about the trump administration's crimes. its just genetics at this point, trump and trump's circle evolved more corrupt behavior as a necessity for survival. have you ever seen trump's circle invent anything of use? ever heard of trump connect philosophers? how many classical composers are associated with the trump administration? that's right, 0. there is no evidence mueller ever launched a special investigation, but if he did, mueller was right to try and wipe the planet free of the trump administration

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>implying most of DC isn't criminals

Good try, Chaim. Nice digits though.

you don't turn on your own, don't expect us to turn on ours, you only embolden us

Cohen - never prosecuted before - trhe libturds had john edwards - INNOCENT
GPapa - INNOCENT - it's a fucking joke a spy setup - name the crime tard hahah it's a fucking joke
Manafort - worked for the USA as Obama and co fucked up Ukraine as Russia penmetrated their anus - after the fact loser frustration - INNOCENT - ILLEGAL EX POST FACTO
Alex whoever - fuck him and the 25FIRED FBI AGENT CRIMINALS
Rick - guess the media covered that one up too must really be a negative burger

I don't know dude - it's all a fucking joke and lie - the FBI and DOJ criminal watergate X1000 misconduct is right in the open - a whole fucking 7th floor of them fired and demoted - and that's with the ultimate teflon protection - it's so bad no one can even believe it is still happening but that's what the jewcommies have directed - I am waiting for the beatings and executions which it appears are nowhere... unfortunately.

Do you realize that the average American commits 3 felonies a day. Not because they’re bad people, but because there are so many laws that it’s almost impossible to not break the law. You think Hillary or Obama were surrounded by angels. Trump isn’t a politician. I guarantee that and national politician in the world has more real criminals around them then trump.

Imagine if we really lived like the Chinese

Jokes on you, I'm an American.

And if I make you confess to being a witch, can you in fact make men into newts?

UPSA (United Pople States of America) is a communist country so Trumptards are enemy of the people, and as such they deserve a bulett in the head.

>rich people are all criminal jews
REALLY makes you think

You wish, Erik


Not really. I could take it or leave it at this point. For obvious reasons, I'm not going to show you more than this.

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they have zero russian collusion felonies
it's all one big fat lie and they knew it since at least 2016 when they had their spies and wiretaps all over the trumps and their campaign as the HEAD OF THE NSA MIKE ROGERS SECRETLY TOLD DONALD TRUMP - BECAUSE HE SAW THEM DOING IT FROM NSA HQ...

Trump claimed he was wiretapped and trhe media lol'ed and ridiculed him - trump moved the HQ immediately - in an effort to thwart the ILLEGAL SPYING on his campaign
Even with all the CRIME Obama and hillary pulled in the deepest dark inside the trump campaign research they still lost...

I’m on your side man.

Yawn. Federal prosecutors trying to protect the Deep.State. Perjury traps. What actual crimes were committed? None.


FBI Departures:

James Comey, director (fired)
Andrew McCabe, deputy director (fired)
Peter Strzok, counterintelligence expert (fired)
Lisa Page, attorney (demoted; resigned)
James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

DOJ Departures:

Sally Yates, deputy attorney general (fired)
Bruce Ohr, associate deputy attorney general (twice demoted)
David Laufman, counterintelligence chief (resigned)
Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)
Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)
John P. Carlin, assistant attorney general (resigned)
Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)
Mary McCord, acting assistant attorney general (resigned)
Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)
Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)
Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)
Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)
Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)
Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

Yawn. Shill.

>everyone is a felon
Is that really the reasoning you're going with? How often have you been an unregistered agent of a foreign nation, obstructed justice, committed tax, bank fraud, and financial fraud, made false statements to the FBI or congress? Are you really suggesting that these are random, accidental felonies every American citizen commits on a regular basis?

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The only crimes are from the illegal investigation lead by a corrupt FBI offical

your best people u fucking idiot criminal

Washington is a swamp.
He's a New York businessman.
Know the difference.

Best people? Like a temporary campaign manager.

What corruption?
These are perjury traps.

>Jokes on you, I'm an American.
congrats, your faggotry is 6 gorllion dimensional

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Eat shit bitch.

To me Trump is the criminal.

Roger dindu nuffin.

Shut up dumb piece of shit.
I guess you are afraid to see the pieces of shit Democrats who really want to run Washington.

>How do you reconcile the fact that Trump is and have been surrounding himself with criminals?
You just sit back and watch the entertainment unfold. They're a bunch of crooks who don't care at all about America. And some of you retards even voted for them.

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Trump supporters are immoral

I don’t care. The crimes his enemies commit are against the American people so fuck you and all of them

They cant OP, theyre in denial because theyre in a retard cult.

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Wow, I’ve never heard such an intellectual argument as this. That’s it guys, he convinced me, I’m voting against trump next time. Long live Hillary!!!

Democrats are immoral. What now bitch?

"our 'vestigations were being thwarted that's why we lost our collusion bid!!!! really we meanie mean it!! all our spying since 2016 and not a single fucking piece of evidence - fuck it everyone goes to jail for lying to us ! "

Desperate corrupt deep state establishment still trying to frame the legally elected President. They don't have anything, not even evidence who hacked the emails - they're failing bigly as ever.

Bullshit, I found video proof the president collided with Russians. What do you have to say about this?

What gets me is he isn't being charged with anything about russia or collusion. They are just claiming he lied to congress. Barr will shut this down when he gets confirmed.

isn't that every politician in history though?

They called it a gaffe?

Russia, don’t worry I’ll have more flexibility after this election. Trump is going down bro!

Most of the crimes are technicalities like lying to the FBI and are being selectively enforced
All this convinces me is that as America becomes further non-white, the rule of law will continue to warp and fall apart as a Banana republic intensifies

Absolutely the truth. Using the NSA to spy on Carter Page - and by extension on Trump - is a new low for Leftists. The NSA says it is a very big deal to spy on American citizens without a properly-adjudicated FISA warrant. Who pushed the false dossier in order to get a false warrant? Was it Comey?
I would like to see our new Attorney General run down this rabbit hole.

Yeah, your asshole is going to be a lot more flexible after the pounding you guys get.

Unironically gas yourself

Lol, did you watch the video? Do you know what side I’m on? Watch the video.

Has anyone who has been indicted so far beaten the charges?.....

Stone will cut a deal to save his own ass like everyone else.

Stone is crazy as fuck, in a good way. Doubt he’ll take a deal. The dude is a fighter and you can’t take that away from him. Love him or hate him.

Guilty of meaningless "process crimes"

the real question is when do the cartels or china just move into california without even hiding it anymore. Trump has been beaten, america is dead as of today. on the plus side we'll get cheap fentayl so we can die while high.

How do you reconcile the fact that entire government is a criminal organization and you’re shilling for them?

He architected the pizzagate psyop and probably Q as well.

Were Americans. Our founding fathers were wanted for treason by one of the most powerful nations on earth at the time.....we don’t have to reconcile anything. We’re a nation conceived by ‘criminals’


No Collusion

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Anyone who thinks a billionaire real estate tycoon is squeeky clean is kidding themselves. He was simply the least bad choice for pres.

Do you know anyone who has never broken a law or process rule? Maybe you do in your country.

In America it’s a felony to throw away junk mail that comes to your home, but is addressed to someone else. Kinda fucked up

If you did a thorough investigation of almost any Presidents campaign team, you would find tons of shady characters with criminal dealings in the past.

Hillary was as pure as a virgin. You couldn’t do this investigation on her! In all seriousness, I love Hillary, and I would never commit suicide.