Chimps are known to be from twice to thrice times stronger the average male

>chimps are known to be from twice to thrice times stronger the average male

>orangutans tend to be from 4 to 5 times stronger the average male

>gorilas go from 8 to 10 times stronger than the average male

Humans werent mean to envolve, we are SAVAGE, being part of the system, going to college, being civilized, having a job, dressing, having CULTURE, makes you literally a total KEK lm@o at your life, you will never be alpha status, if you didnt take the ape pill you will never get to your full potential

>How do i go apemode ?

>not showers
>not clothing
>not home
>eat nothing but fruits and vegetables, maybe small insects
>naked 24/7 SKERE
>living on the trees, always hitting those pull ups and muscle ups for MAXIMAL ancestral strenght gains
>sprint and jump over people for domimance gains
>masturbate as much as you can, impregnate as many women as you can
>no money

the only way you can get beastly strong and full alpha is taking the apepill, otherwise enjoy being that 30 year old guy at the gym doing lat pulldowns and dying on the geriatric with your pants shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

post his routine

*invents gun*
pssh nothin personnel kid

>Naked stinky dirty broke vegan covered in cum
>Impregnate as many women as you can

Tantra already explained all of this. Man is an animal. Get back to your natural roots and things will improve. Fighting nature is bound to fail. Embrace your natural animalistic God given imperatives. God in the sense being the totality of the universe and all its default settings. We are animals. Embrace it

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great apes don't exist, they're wholly a hoax invented by Masons in the early 20th century onward to promote Evolutionism. The ones you see on TV are CGI or humans in suits. In zoos they're animatronics or regular monkeys/midgets in suits.

yes, you all are fucking disgusting savages

this is retarded, who is the alpha when i fucking shoot the ape in the head? the brain is a masculine organ too, guess whsoe more alpha when i use my big human brain to decimate the apes

you should probably get a basic understanding of evolution before diving in this deep user

>imagine being this retarded

can you imagine if a cult of Jow Forumssters did this? A few months after living naked in the woods they all scamper into a town to steal women.

>twice to thrice times
Nice English, retard.

So in other words apes prove that evolution is real so you choose to deny their existence. Even if apes weren't real which they are other animals especially mammals still have enough characteristics in common with humans to demonstrate that evolution is a fact. You are as dumb as the flat earth retards.

quice fice sex

Denmark is dumb

>pull that up jaime

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my testicles have more synapses than your brain faggot pig-fucker !

Someone send this thread to joe rogan, he will be VERY worried

He literally believes that. God help us all.

good luck swinging from trees with your gun no-chimp

>shits in hand and throws it at OP's face but it bounces of the big cock in his mouth

Well played OP

>tfw you're thwme one who brought up cock

i've already taken the ape-pill

>written on my rock note iv

virgin chimp brainlet, chad mega brain homo superior

Brought it right up to your chin