Trumps speech - The takeaway

Short rundown. Because it's very simple. Ignore the shill threads that will say trump caved on a wall. When 90% of the speech was about how great walls are and how walls/barriers work. The thing they will harp on is natural barriers, where they will try to say trump doesn't want a barrier that works. But that's not what he said.
Ok well. Short and to the point rundown. So basically walls are great barriers work and democrats have conceded that barrier is necessary and have accepted that as part of negotiation, mentioned that several times. That's pretty clear. The big question is. What will the US democrats want in return.
And i will show you this because i think this is what it is about.
tl;dr kushner floats citizenship for 1.8 million 'dreamers' aka kids of illegal aliens. In exchange for 25 BILLION in wall funding and border security.
I think this is one of the things on the table. That made the dems say. Well if you do that, we might give you 25 bill forget the 1.3b if that's on the table. 25 + even additional might then be considered.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Israel_barrier

Fuck off sweden
Go -26m and you'll get the recently held speech.
Go suck a leaf.

So Kike Kushner is helping the take over America. Got it thanks

You're a shill you stupid nigger. You're dumb as shit.

"Art of the Deal"

>Fuck off sweden
Well you do know how to insult a dane don't you.
>So Kike Kushner is helping the take over America. Got it thanks
Just trying to give you an objective tl;dw
>You're a shill you stupid nigger. You're dumb as shit.
For what reason?

cry some more cuck, your president is a cuck and you worship his cuckery. I love seeing you brainwashed drooling retards chimp out

It's called fear mongering. Apprehension at the border is at a 50 year low. How about that caravan? Did the non-existent wall stop them?

it seems there's enough money for israel, our (((loyal congressmen))) managed to pass that without too much politicking

>kushner floats citizenship for 1.8 million 'dreamers' aka kids of illegal aliens. In exchange for 25 BILLION in wall funding and border security.

How about for $5.7 billion in """border security""". Take it or leave it kid idgaf 2020 is a lock now.

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>"Art of the Deal"
To give 1.8 million illegal kids citizenship who were already illegally in the country and was otherwise to be soon deported, i think they gave them 2 years or 3 years extension of ICE collection for deportation. in exchange for a barrier that reduces future illegal immigration to usa by 40%
Not too shabby. And still it is not final whatsoever. But seems obviously enough for the dems to want to go to the table.

I like how he 'caved' and 100 threads all saying the same thing desperately popped up
don't you think if he completely 'caved' they wouldn't need flood the board for demoralization? don't you think it would be... you know.. obvious?

>How about for $5.7 billion in """border security""". Take it or leave it kid idgaf 2020 is a lock now.
He'll not take that. It's 25 billion at the very least for that shit. Kushner floated 25 bill + 25 bill and something additional for that kind of thing. So nah.

1.8 million Democrat voters and anchors for more and more chain migration. Great.

Seriously, how fucking stupid are you? The illegal children have no legal right to be here other than "it's not their fault they broke the law, just give em citizenship dude!"

>I like how he 'caved' and 100 threads all saying the same thing desperately popped up
>don't you think if he completely 'caved' they wouldn't need flood the board for demoralization? don't you think it would be... you know.. obvious?
Ofcourse, but that's how shills work. Gaslighting.

he still got cucked over the wall

>tl;dr kushner floats citizenship for 1.8 million 'dreamers' aka kids of illegal aliens. In exchange for 25 BILLION in wall funding and border security.
Why do Never Trumpers keep pushing this? Trump offered 3 million dreamers for $25bn and the Democrats shut down the government for a weekend because it made them so mad.

>Seriously, how fucking stupid are you? The illegal children have no legal right to be here other than "it's not their fault they broke the law, just give em citizenship dude!"
I KNOW THAT. Don't you think he doesn't know that. I'm just trying to paint you a picture here. And this floating of 1.8 million kids of illegals given citizenship coincides neatly with this. But in exchange he can then get 25 billlion not 5.7 bill or 1.3 billion but 25 billion +. To reduce future illegal immigration which is like 40% of it comes through US southern border because no decent barrier. From a numbers perspective this makes a lot of sense. And ofcourse nothing is final whatsoever.

Sorry, cant do it. The DEFICIT and DEBT is too high thats the best we can do. Take it or leave it.

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>he still got cucked over the wall
No he didn´t. 90% of his speech which i just watched/heard, was about how barriers work and the US democrats have understood that.

You're a faggot. Cheeto-kike cucked out. Next stop, civil war.

>Sorry, cant do it. The DEFICIT and DEBT is too high thats the best we can do. Take it or leave it.
Oh yeah right. What an idiot you are. Trying to save taxpayers money by not agreeing to 5.7 billion when illegal immigration costs over 100 billion for the taxpayers every year. HAHAHAHA


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Imagine how bad it'd look to have millions of nigs chimping out over their EBT running dry.

>Why do Never Trumpers keep pushing this? Trump offered 3 million dreamers for $25bn and the Democrats shut down the government for a weekend because it made them so mad.
I just linked you the article.

President Cuck cucked on the wall.

Take it or leave it, Norway.

>Imagine how bad it'd look to have millions of nigs chimping out over their EBT running dry.
Right the temporary reinstating allows him backpay. If the dems will screw him over and go back on what some of them obviously has promised him as part of the negotiation essentially saying he'll get the wall 'if´and what i think is the if is what i already put out in the op. But if they decide to say no wall. he can shut it down for another month in principle. And nobody needs to riot because they now have their money. It's not about holding people hostage. He just don't want to accept a rotten deal. He wants the barrier and seemed very confident that whatever happened behind the scenes, he will now get that.

Denying reality is how we got here.

The tears from the anti-wall leftists will be all the sweeter after the wall is built.

>Take it or leave it, Norway.
Norway. Holy shit you must be a democrat to be that stupid. I am probably more 'american' than you are. pic related.

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Shill faggot. Guess you just got paid

Dude. The bottom line is we aren't getting any wall. Which doesn't bother me so much. I wanted enforcement-- all illegals removed and returned all 20 million of them. But we already know that is not happening and will never happen. All 20 killion will be granted amnesty. We don't have borders, we will be shitskin nation in a decade or two.

Which is why I am only interested in secessionist movements nowadays. We have lost. This is not America anymore. Time to bail.

Republicans are useless and I am not really interested in voting for them anymore. I want out.

>Shill faggot. Guess you just got paid
What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
>Dude. The bottom line is we aren't getting any wall.
Did anybody here even watch the speech. he practically said that the democrats have now conceded that a functioning barrier is necessary. And then grandstanded for the rest of the speech about why walls/barriers are so great and what they prevent. And then said thank you and good day.
Come back when you actually watch it.

He doesn't have as much leverage as you seem to think.

If TSA and air traffic controllers won't play ball the entire country shuts down. Business doesn't want that, people would riot, it would be an enormous shitshow.

the shutdown is not to screw people over so they don't get paid. It's he refuses to accept a bad faith deal by the US dems. But he's obviously something happened behind the scenes, go watch the speech. he practically said that the democrats have now conceded that a functioning barrier is necessary. And then grandstanded for the rest of the speech about why walls/barriers are so great and what they prevent. And then said thank you and good day.
Come back when you actually watch it.
So in other words i don't think you need to wait much longer for there to be some significant results.

I don't blame the ignorant comments, because many haven't watched the speech and still comment anyways, because it literally just happened just a short while ago. But here it is
Starts at 1h01m0s trump makes his entrance to the podium.
Go watch it!

words words words.

reality isn't made of words, it's made of assets and actions. Trump doesn't have leverage here. The shutdown is a bargaining chip for him, but one that doesn't work if it causes mass dysfunction like every major airport in the country closing.

His strategy of walk away until you get what you want only works insofar as he can take the consequences of walking away. That's not a level of dysfunction that's an acceptable risk. What he's doing right now is caving and trying to figure out another way to get what he wants.

>reality isn't made of words, it's made of assets and actions. Trump doesn't have leverage here. The shutdown is a bargaining chip for him, but one that doesn't work if it causes mass dysfunction like every major airport in the country closing.
You profoundly misunderstand what you think the 'strategy' was.

>His strategy of walk away until you get what you want only works insofar as he can take the consequences of walking away.
This was not the strategy. they refused to even negotiate whatsoever. They laid down the terms and said take it or leave it. And so he shut down the government till such a time as they would become more reasonable.

In some kind of way in your brain. You have managed to construct the situation in exactly the inverse of what it actually was.
He will end the shutdown when they are reasonable instead of thinking they can set terms and say take it or leave it. And his speech is all about that they have become reasonable. And now we can make a good deal in other words.

that's exactly what the strategy was. He's rejecting their terms and walking away. But he can't keep it shut down if all the airport workers go on strike. And they have begun floating that option and people are resigning.

>that's exactly what the strategy was. He's rejecting their terms and walking away. But he can't keep it shut down if all the airport workers go on strike. And they have begun floating that option and people are resigning.
No. It's simply wrong. If he could only shut down the government officials he would have. But that's not how it works. But in a shutdown they shut the entire thing down, so he used that clause. It's not possible to do it selectively. So these other people who didn't get their pay. It wasn't to punish them. No it wasn't. You have totally misunderstood this entire thing. And so the US democrats used this. And said.
>hah you used that clause, now these others don't get paid for us refusing to negotiate, so now we will use that, the angrier they get, we will now say to them blame trump for it. When really it is because it's us that are trying to dick him.

Do you really think he's like
>let me dick specifically airport personel and these other people.
No it's because when that clause is invoked so to speak. The entire thing shuts down. In order to force the US democrats like pelosi and schumer to get to the negotiation table. Those are the ones it is really about.
It's not about the airport personel idiot!

I never said it was punishment bro. You don't understand what is happening. Trump will not get wall funding from the Dems for reopening the government.

The TSA and air traffic controllers are federal employees that if they stop showing up, will cripple the entire country. They have leverage over Trump because of this. Trump doesn't want that to happen, so he reopens. Democrats give him nothing in return, because the shutdown he's using as a negotiation tactic is not sustainable. He has nothing on them, they have no reason to give him anything. He will posture about some compromise and maybe one will eventually happen. But he lost this negotiation with them.

>The TSA and air traffic controllers are federal employees that if they stop showing up, will cripple the entire country. They have leverage over Trump because of this. Trump doesn't want that to happen, so he reopens. Democrats give him nothing in return, because the shutdown he's using as a negotiation tactic is not sustainable. He has nothing on them, they have no reason to give him anything. He will posture about some compromise and maybe one will eventually happen. But he lost this negotiation with them.
Except in his speech that is the OPPOSITE he is saying. He's saying they realize now that this border barrier is necessary. And then 90% of the rest of his speech is about why barriers are good! and the bad things they prevent. And then thank you and good day.

He's saying that because he doesn't want to look like he lost. You can't just listen to what he says without looking at what leverage he has. He doesn't have leverage, they're not going to give him shit. There's no wall-funding for his re-opening.

>But he lost this negotiation with them.
No he didn't. the US dems are ok with them being squeezed like the air traffic controllers and things you mention. The US dems are A OK with them being squeezed. To try to shit on trump. And try to get him to accept something he should not accept. This is a bad deal. It´s bad faith deal. It's bullshit through and through. The US democrats are total pieces of trash. Trying to pretend they are saving money for americans. When every fucking year it costs US taxpayers 100+ billion for illlegal aliens 40% of which comes through the southern border, rest is overstayed visas and these things. What is 40% of 100 billion? That should be the MINIMUM any logical person would give to barrier construction. MINIMUM. They want to give 1.3 billion and pretend they are good. Whilst throwing us taxpayers money in the toilet! nearly 100x as much every year.
What YOU don´t get is what a total fraud these are. Their ideas make no sense. Because it always make no sense if you want to destroy a nation. Because that's the idea. That is kalergi initiated in 60's. Also in europe. It´s same thing.

He got his ass kicked because he's a terrible president, but you knew that didn't you?
I mean if I voted for him I'd be mad just at how inept this man seems to be

>apologizing for Trump

>1.8 million democrat votes

It's exactly same thing we have in EU
let me tell you something about EU and how they sucker us into it. We have shengen zone for transportation for ease of transport. Why we don't have walls right now. Then we have outer perimeter border of shengen. If shengen is penetrated. They walk around. Normally nations had manned national borders with military if necessary and solid barriers. The EU does same thing. They try to take sovereignty of member states away. Say we can't control our borders. Then FLOOD US WITH IMMIGRANTS. And then pretend it's evil to have solid barriers that they can't penetrate. You can build solid barrier very easily where people die if they try to scale it. Literally it will kill them. It's very easy. It's dirt cheap aswell. It's all an agenda to do certain things to these people of these nations. Which is to overwhelm them with other people to destroy them ultimately.
And these who are involved in doing this, are going to be killed by a human, or someone who come down from a spaceship ultimately for earth cleansing and terraforming for the new thing. Either way. these jews and others responsible for this. They are going to go, i can assure you of that.

Talk is cheap.

The USA is going to be Brazil 2.0, so we better start cosying up to Russia.

So you are worried about leverage all these stupid things. You don't even understand what the agenda is and what it is about. They have downed your intellect so much, that they have devalued the conversation to something that is so unbelievably small as getting you to think that a barrier doesn't fucking work. That you can get past it like you are some kind of mission impossible. So don't have it. Don't you see it's because what they want to do, is so mindblowingly stupid and bad, from a perspective of doing reasonable and sound things. That that's the final fig leaf they have. Arguing irrationally.
>well walls don't work
Ofcourse they do!
>walls can't keep anyone out
It's so unbelievable easy to design a low tech wall that will literaly fucking annihilate everyone who try to even scale it. So they bleed out on the ground if they aren't dismembered trying to cross say a 3 tier structure. But if you make it wild enough you can just have one. and that's it. They take one look after several of them are just go in a bad way. They won't ever think of trying again. this is CHILDSPLAY. I can get a 10 year old to design one like that.

>Ofcourse they do!
It's all moot, because the USA will not have a wall.

You're just taking what Trump says at face value, which is retarded.

He also said Mexico would pay for the wall, and that's never going to happen. Nobody is even arguing whether a wall would work or not, I was saying the Democrats have no reason to negotiate with him and they won't.

He made a good move re-opening and moving to pay the workers. It buys him time and goodwill so they are less likely to strike. But he can't sustain a shut-down and he hasn't won wall funding. And I don't think he will.

I wonder why he forgot that part


>It's all moot, because the USA will not have a wall.
Well first off, it already has, the shittier bollard fence style design with the iron rods. That trump got wittled down to. His initial proposal of 50b would be ofcourse the more reasonable yet as low cost as possible but super good 'that is what i could be proud of/put my name on' style trump barrier. Now they are gotten so low that he's getting too pissed off of this is not what i am comfortable to deliver such shit product to people i promised something really great and functional and efficient.
ofcourse they will have a decent barrier eventually, and we will have one aswell. My nation is such geographical perfect for one. Armed with fucking artillery and ocean on both sides. It's like a perfect landborder we have. When all this EU and shit is done. And we have sovereign nations, well all have them. With ofcourse gates so we can move from nation to nation. It's about fucking time too. There's absolutely no reason not to either. Look what happened in 2015. They walk straight through europe, and walk through my country too. And they went to sweden for gibs. a journalist even ask them why you not want you fake refugee to seek asylum i peaceful country. Sweden has more gibs, we want sweden not denmark. hahaha. FUCK THESE PEOPLE MAN. FUCK EM!
We have bridge with sweden aswell. that should be hypermilitarized aswell. We need to prepare in advance for these fucking assholes taking over sweden norgebro. Then we can go in and liberate them. Like spaniards retook their country from 500 years of muslim occupation. But the muslims invaded spain and took it over then used it to try to invade france but failed. That's how i see sweden now. We need to liberate sweden in future. When they get civil war point. We go in kick the fucking niggers and muslims out. like the spaniards did.

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Can we make a thirty foot wide thirty foot deep trench instead? Not a new structure

Oh i forgot.
What would have happened if there was a wall perimeter of ANY of these fucking nations inside shengen as they walked through. They wouldn't have walked fucking ANYWHERE. instead they walk through our fucking country saying they want to got to sweden and go in our boat. Since our shengen perimeter was breached. Fucking JOKE!

I'd give non-criminal Dreamers a path to citizenship for like 10 grand but I'd kick their parents out.
>10 Gs and your folks have to go or you can leave with them.

The take away is that Trump was a jewish plant to attempt to defuse white anger and provide false hope.

Stop putting any faith the our countries fraudulent (((election))) system. It's just a show to distract the masses from the real power structure and (((power-brokers))).

Only a violent revolution and the complete extermination of jews will save this country.

If you really want to know what trump thinks about walls see here.

what a hilarious strawman.

Don’t be a faggot our problems can be corrected

>The take away is that Trump was a jewish plant to attempt to defuse white anger and provide false hope.
I'm starting to think that as well.

It is a tactical retreat, no more.

>mfw libtards only think the chessboard only has 2 dimensions.

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Walls for thee but none for me

They are all going to die anyways, the jews the muslims, the freemasons, all the stinking lot of these bastards. I just personally don´t want to die, and i don't want for my people to die, before the final decision is made.
Fuck these people, they live on borrowed time already thinking they will own the earth by destroying people who are trying to be nice. For this they will pay a heavy price. Their stupid little brains cannot even comprehend what's going to happen. It's going to be glorious to see these fucking assholes crawl. No fairness in their mind, never was. Stupid fucking assholes.
>Walls for thee but none for me
It's a metaphorical speech about breaking through what you seem to see as an insurmountable task. he uses a wall for that. Because that's a barrier you normally can't cross. It's very very very hard, and few will make it across an actual one. The barriers he is talking about is not about being a criminal and going as illegal alien into another nation. But about mental blocks in your mind where you tell yourself you probably can't do that.
Right now in the US budget they gave many billions for israel to have southern border barrier with egypt–Israel_barrier
But they won't even give 1.3 billion these US dems for border security with rest of the americas, when it's wide fucking open. MASSIVE HOLES in it. And in some areas it's just like a waist high fence.
>oh yeah i respect US so much i will stop right there and go home.
No these people don't respect it. I'd argue just start shooting them. Just demobilizing wounds like arm and leg or shoulder. Like if you don't want a border wall. Just allow free fire. ofcourse you'll spend boatloads of extra money on stationing all those people without a barrier. Because ofcourse the entire point of a barrier. that is not designed so you don't even have to be there. Where it's a non lethal barrier. Is that you can have border patrol gather

I'm almost 55 years old. I've been around to see:

Reagan try to tell me ketchup is a vegetable.
Bush 41 tell me to read his lips.
Clinton be a sexual psychopath.
Bush 43 be Bush 43
Obama think his skin colour passed for political policy.

I thought I had a decent bullshit filter. But Trump caught me off guard. At least he wasn't a professional politician. The lowest of the low. I thought, ok maybe here's something different.

Nope. Just the same old bullshit. Fuck him. And fuck any of his grovelling apologists. You're the real NPCs.

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I don’t think it will work either, once whites realize Trump cucked big time. They’ll put matters into their own hands and push for secession. It’s bound to happen at some point.

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In the few places they try to cross. Barriers make it very much easier to patrol! But if you are some irrational idiot who bow down to the platitudes don't have a wall. Station military with lethal action authoritized. Just fucking shoot them. That'll stop them. ofcourse then they will cry in media oh border patrol shot somebody. Well if you wanted a wall they wouldn't need to shoot them. So why don't you want a barrier they can't just walk through so you don't have to shoot them all?
The reason they want to get across in first place is because they know once they are in USA they can get court hearing. False but it's not enforced that they don't have rights. So it's about them tricking somebody to be on US soil. So border patrol can't do their fucking job without a barrier. Because they can't just blow their fucking head off like.
>you are trespassing on US soil
>tresspassers are to be shot on sight.
No. This is why a barrier is necessary.

Too lazy to cut through the wall? NP just overstay my Visa. Go around it, but get to the other side of that wall.

user, I appreciate your reasonable and spot on analysis.

no wall, no useless workers fired no hope for the future. get out while you can if our white or even east asian. they will be hunting your daughters and wives in the streets and the police will be clapping as they drive by.

>Too lazy to cut through the wall? NP just overstay my Visa. Go around it, but get to the other side of that wall.
here is why a barrier is good for that for example.
Let's say you overstay visa. ICE gets you. Gets thrown out. You can't just find a place where there is no barrier and just jump right back over. Because obviously you won't get a visa once you are deported. So it stops the deported from coming right back in.

>Just fucking shoot them. That'll stop them.
Yes. but that is not going to happen.

The Feds are crashing the economy as we speak, so Trump is not going to be reelected.

Lol if ICE rounded up everybody who overstayed their visas or were here illegally then I guess problem already solved huh. I think you missed the part also where the vast majority of Americans dont want a wall. Probably because everything you know about America you learned here.

You're not even American, Muhammed.

>Jow Forums will defend this

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>Yes. but that is not going to happen.
Right but i see so many idiots argue why have wall, because they think in their mind wall is immoral. So stupid and indoctrinated. So they would rather have military style checkpoints all along the thousands of kilometers of border. Ok you have military there everything tanks whatever. Well.. without a barrier, they can just start running. How to stop them. Shoot them. Barrier is very useful, because they can´t just run past you! Also compute the numbers for all that military personell in thousand of kilometers at the border at all times. It's totally insane if you want to save money. Barrier. It's why you build a barrier. Cause it's easier. Once they are inside your country. You don't even have enough police force to play cat and mouse with these people. Since they are already understaffed to just barely deal with the calls they get when some asshole citizen is doing something. They arrive 20 minutes too late or whatever. What you think will happen with illegal aliens. It's just nonsense to not have a barrier. Just pure nonsense.

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>Lol if ICE rounded up everybody who overstayed their visas or were here illegally then I guess problem already solved huh. I think you missed the part also where the vast majority of Americans dont want a wall. Probably because everything you know about America you learned here.
Traitors don't want america to not be overrun by foreigners, people they don't have any clue who are. So what.

So you want a country that was never yours because you are piece of shit, i get it.

>kushner floats citizenship for 1.8 million 'dreamers

We didn't vote for fucking Kushner, and fuck Trump for letting this kike call the shots on every issue.

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America was overrun by foreigners from the start you absolute moron. You're just talking about Mexicans, you can be honest here this is your safe space. But it's already too late anyways. Even if not a single Mexican was ever allowed in they are already the majority and out breading whites 10 to 1 it's already gg on the white race bud. Cri moar.

Implying kushner was acting on his own.

>America was overrun by foreigners from the start you absolute moron. You're just talking about Mexicans, you can be honest here this is your safe space. But it's already too late anyways. Even if not a single Mexican was ever allowed in they are already the majority and out breading whites 10 to 1 it's already gg on the white race bud. Cri moar.
And then you going to go be annihilated by the space ship people. GG faggot. You think you will inherit anything. You can't even build a proper society. And you want to turn that key when there is noone around for 'humanity' at that point. You want to do that. Oh man i hope i will be alive to see the expressionless look on your face.

You fucking little infant you think man exists for its own pleasure.

You won't be w h i t e b o i. Your days are numbered lel. What have you done for 14 words today, post on Jow Forums?

KEK IN CHIEF. hows that tax break though ahha

>Your days are numbered lel.
We'll just be Russia's bitch, instead of yours.

It's the USA that is going to be Brazil 2.0.

What do you think happened to the antedeluvian civilizations? They vanished without a fucking trace for doing half of what you are wanting to do. And they were a heck lot smarter than we are. And you want to make sure it's only dumb people like you who are left. AND then you think you will chart your own course. Let me give you a direction for your course correction then. It's facing downwards. Down into the DUST! ashes to ashes dust to dust. because that's what happens to a carbon based organism when it is recieving hellfire. It is reduced to nothing but what it came from. To it's base elements. For reuse and retooling. Have a good evening. I hope everything you will want. Take you want BUT PAY FOR IT!
>You won't be w h i t e b o i. Your days are numbered lel. What have you done for 14 words today, post on Jow Forums?
Your days are numbered more than you know. The more of good ethnicities you take out. The closer you are to those numbers being very very low.

Humans around for millions of years. Whites only last 10,000
>master race

Take what you want but PAY FOR IT. remember that you fucking nigger. You are abberations who merely larp as humans, but inside you are nothing hollowness without end. When the actual humans come. Those who come to collect. Will be very angry with you. And they will show you no mercy. But you are used to that, because you have none yourself. So why should you even complain if you get what you want. Because that's really what you want isn't it. I hope you get it. I truly do HAHAHA

>Humans around for millions of years. Whites only last 10,000
Humans won't exist in 160 years tops.
>master race
There is nothing like that. But it's objective that we did things better.
You breed like rabbits can't even contain yourself to your own environment. Is why you are cancelled. And your desire to annihilate the few who do. Just puts the final nail in the coffin.
The fuck do i care. I am just observing what is happening to you. I am fully convinced that most of humanity is a total shitshow in the first place. If we are totally gone. You will experience horrors like you couldn't possibly imagine. Before someone elects to take you out of your own misery you have produced. But for me. I'd argue it should be as long as possible before that happens. Wallowing in your own filth!

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Implying Kushner doesn't have Trump's ear and to be clear I was also implying your mother is a cock-gobbling whore who goes into thirsting heat every time she sees a nigger.

>Humans around for millions of years.
What did they do for these hypothetical 100 million years you say humanity existed? Ah not so much. Ahh so that's your plan!