Kraut/pol/&AfD General - Anti Tay Ausgabe


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>AfD TV (german)[Open][Open][Open]

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E[Open]

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Anti-Tay edition

>Sütti nu lasse se die Frau in ruh!

Attached: choke me daddy.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

Quick reality check, you're a fucking incel and neet Sütti.

too much of pic related?

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Not my doing, but neither will i disavow this.

gif related

ah, its popcorn Friday

its my favorite meme, where is TDG??

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let the summoning begin

Attached: Eternal Bantz Incarnation of Nonconformists.png (4584x1064, 2M)

:DDD fugg!!!

bump for ebin summoning:

You sound a little heated.
by-the-by: all these things sound like you-problems, not like me-problems because you bring them up much more often and seem to be more angry about them than i.

so here's my idea: you are free to change these things (for as long its within the confines of the law) and otherwise you are free to go shut your mimimi-talk for good, will you?

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Wir brauchen Konvergenz!

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member to hide your power level though

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So when was it when kraut/pol/ died effectively?

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>for as long its within the confines of the law

>>>kraut/pol/ calling TDG intensifies

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Attached: Hide your powerlevel edit by krautanon.png (539x750, 116K)

EZ question. When the last happening (the hacker thing at the beginning of the year) ended.

Early Summer 2018

>tfw your powerlevel is aufgeflogen and people start avoiding you

hit that searchlight button!

Attached: Summoning.jpg (402x600, 56K)

>tfw you are a high functioning crazy chemist who is going to be able to hire himself soon because he has written a best seller
fugg! :DDD

coincidentally that's when I settled down here :D
you attribute too much power to me

hey alte stumpe
feel you, everyone is making mistakes like this in their lives

Attached: Alte Stumpe.png (500x667, 206K)


> The Greens are still the second most popular party
> Germs
> great people

Do you remember the times when Kraut/pol/ threads had up to 50-60 posters on average with no thread getting older than 3-4 hours?

That was only during the 2017 election

Why did you Asis started circle jerking to scare others off?

We often reach 40-50 posters here, too, and there is nothing happening. Last happening was thehackening, but there were bans en masse.

>Sütti nu lasse se die Frau in ruh!

Topkek!! :DDD

Attached: uuh_thats_a_Twingo.jpg (500x576, 32K)

this was the cause. fucking namefagging

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it's a BINGO!

6 minutes only! Noice!

I dont recognize your filenames or your Tripcode

>Papiere bitte!

Attached: ausritt.jpg (794x537, 51K)

is it really tdg?
cause Im not sure about this

yup, that's him. alter ego engaged :D

It is.
calm the hickety-heck down, sombrero-non.

good edition

Shitposting senses ... ;)

Bonsoir, Monsieur! Je suis ici sur ordre spécial du Reichsamt für Memenforschung ...

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Is this another Episode of "Everybody hates Tay" ?

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>alter ego engaged

Attached: engage_full_fuehrer.gif (247x197, 941K)

all episodes are "Everybody hates Tay"
with small variations from time to time :D

don't spare on gas!

Attached: Gas bill too little.png (781x1170, 1.95M)

Oof took a beating then :D
you cant be too secure

>Bonsoir, Monsieur! Je suis ici sur ordre spécial du Reichsamt für Memenforschung ...
that sounds like an autistic Austrian :D
>comment était temps?
heard there was alot of snow in Schluchtenscheisserland

Attached: stop playing.png (588x902, 548K)

Got a better idea.

Attached: tay6.jpg (1120x121, 20K)

Last season was boring, to many Drama and not enough comedy...

She doesn't get to bring friends here

Attached: UUUU.png (438x833, 605K)

>cannot pay gas bill


Yes but not here in Vienna sadly.

Attached: duttln.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>posting misleading post out of context

>>cannot pay gas bill
the same problem the nazis had... oy gewalt.

yeah, they don't make good series like that anymore...

grammatically correct! you've been borged?

Attached: eternal Lithuanian glowing.png (784x1011, 726K)

I didn't see that last season, got bored after season 4.
did she get "fwends"?

Nice shop

Good that you know the language of your masters.

dang feels bad man, on the other just looked out and we have a sweet scruff of white shit on the streets right now.
just 3 months too late.

I sometimes forget you are trained in the speech of CS:GO

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it's the same writer circklejerk -
>seems like this one will be the friend
>drama to the max
>in the end it flops
rinse and repeat... as BKA said - gets boring real quick

Recently fucked whores on a trip to africa

Rate my degeneracy

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I fucked 5 different girls in 11 days during the season finale in NYC. That are 5 more girls then you will ever fuck in your life. Also I got invited to a private new years eve party, they obviously did that because they hated me.

congratulations on your AIDS!

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I hope it's getting better soon

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Учи Pyccкий Язык, бpaтюня...

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>what is a condom?

Attached: ohreally.jpg (692x530, 58K)

I have the stupid inkling that this post was supposed to reach

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>as long as the trains run in time... ;)

Do not expect anything from Winter-Chan this year anymore. In Vienna you usually just get Inversionswetterlage and shitty air quality anyway when it gets really cold.


Hikogdo he ytschy etot. Lutschje govori po-hemezki, muttushek.

I had an inkling to post "ditto" to that one too :D

>not bug chasing
wew laddie!


OK, very comfy, but I have to go recuperate.
g'night ya'll!

>gif related
> In Vienna you usually just get Inversionswetterlage and shitty air quality anyway when it gets really cold.
I read about how Smog is created when the temperatures shift, interesting topic
btw based Lungenärzte in Germany just fucked the Greens sideways by commenting the future Car bans

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No reason to be jealous


it's not like they will give a shit about it. It's just right-wing populist pseudoscience anyways if it doesnt fit into their narrative.

Yeah, i was born red-headed just to be pale with jealousy by default.
and also to camoflague myself in a wallpaper shop.
The raufasertapeten-aisle is my territory, blyat.

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You leave Tay Tay alone!
She's an Arian goddess! Purer than any of you German Muslims Nazi throlls.

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Yrah, read about that! Now the whole Feinstaub issue usually totally ignores the source. Diesel usually has a filter anyway and if it is 'blown out' periodically the particles should technically have clumped together already. Oil heating and such is mich worse I say, same for industrial emissions and from construction works. Though I noticed the last few days when thresholds were exceeded by double that as soon as I went outside my nose started clogging up and the snot had a greyish color afterwards. Nasty.


i like the word "throll" now.

yeah, Lügel and some other claimed "oh vey its 100 Doctors but all these Doctors arent in a Universitätsklinik so they are technically no Scientists gevalt" and some other Strawmen Arguments like this shit....
really tiresome.
good thing is none of these Doctors vote Greens anymore and they will not forget how they got ignored by politicians and treated by the media

Big City Expierence my Friend.
no Metropole without the Dirt.
funny how Greens killed the Nuclear Plants first instead of Oil Heating, Coal Energy Plants and so on.
stupid fucks, they dont even know how such a Nuclear Facility works!
also there have been big progress on the field of generating Energy by Radiotion itself.
soon we will bury up those "Nuclear wastes" because its a valuable Ressource!
Nuclear Energy is the Past they say.
but Its past, present and Future!

hello Latvian Incel

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>As opposed to this undefinable blobb

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ohh no. why do you do that to me?

Let's be real Reputation wasn't particular good. I have my doubts she will ever make such an amazing album like 1989 again.

Tay is a coping soviet rapebaby.

>Secretly playing with his Wurstsalat

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Lemme smash?


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save the gif version
its all yours.
be sure to behead and bury the corpse afterwards

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>Südtirol, Heimat der Helden. Frei und Wild
The truth can be ugly. Merkel deserves the burka

>gommie with bad dasde

Added to gif collection and danx

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Nice trips of truth

Only further proves their complete lack of technological understanding. Only because some drunk Russian engineers built a faulty reactor...