This thread is for those of us that recognize that it is really, truly a good thing that happened. Here's your QRD. >three weeks of funding for gov >increased funding for stronger border >both sides actually reached a mature and working compromise
Both sides got a bit of what they wanted, yet we're going to see endless threads making outrageous partisan claims, most of them from memeflags. Where are the bi-partisans, the moderates, the people that ACTUALLY care about the general welfare and WANT to see a United States made whole again?
Leftists will say this thread is damage control. Rightists may call me a cuck.
But if you're at all like me, and you consider things objectively (you know who you are, those that don't have NO idea) then you'll see this as a good thing for everyone.
Maybe this thread will quickly fade into obscurity, I don't care. But if you're an American and you're feeling like your "side" is all that matters, you are not my countryman. *mic drop*
>Leftists will say this thread is damage control. It's a stage of grief called "bargaining"
Isaac Sanchez
Joshua Thompson
>It's okay if our rights are trampled on and whitey gets replaced, as long as no one's feelings were hurt.
Liam Ramirez
Yeah it was actually fine, he needs to follow through with shut down and state of emergency in febuary though
But I’m done with Jow Forums for today as it’s going to be a troll and shill shitstorm for hours
Nicholas Clark
If the Border Patrol numbers about illegal crossings being turned away — as well as news about deporting people undergoing the legal process —are any indication, he's already doing more about the situation than Congress seems willing to allow.
He's cleansing America without Congress while everyone freaks out about wall funding that he can unilaterally order at any time he wants.
Isaiah James
No (You)s for memflags. None of this happened. Agreed, but as the OP I gotta stick around for at least a bit. One posters are all faggots. But I'm sure I'll join you in self-inflicted exile before too long while the retards have their fights.
Charles Bennett
This is the only way it could have happened. The fact that he gave an actual speech means that they are confident in cooperation. Pelosi has probably already agreed, but gets to save face and look like she stared him down.
I was just listening to the art of war again. He says to always leave your enemy an avenue of escape. I'm not disappointed because this is what I was expecting.
Hunter Howard
So the Right has no reason to feel down, while the Left has no reason to feel smug. A very mature outlook. Glad to meet another well-read individual.
Easton Jones
Liberals got their way. No wall and shutdown is over.