*curb your enthusiasm theme starts playing*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wonder how they feel now about TRUMP wanting to bring jobs back

They deserve it

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Open bob bitch lasagna! (And that's a good thing)

The schadenfreude I feel towards these people is immeasurable

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> On September 12, 2018, it was announced that K. Guru Gowrappan would succeed Tim Armstrong as CEO, effective October 1.

> In December 2018 Verizon announced that it was cutting 10% of Oath's workforce and would write down the value of the business by $4.6B. Verizon management blamed competitive pressures and that the business never achieved the anticipated benefits. The move wiped out all of the goodwill on the balance sheets that accompanied the acquisitions.

> Oath was renamed Verizon Media on January 8, 2019.

I mean, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people but shouldn't US businesses be managed by American CEOs and not nepotistic Pajeets or Chinks and whatnot? It's still, funny though.

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Poos vs Jews

When are we going to crack down on pajeet businesses only hiring other pajeets it's insanely widespread and nobody bats an eye.


It's racist to not allow the two most numerous, thieving, nepotistic groups on earth to ruin your corporations.

>When are we going to crack down on pajeet businesses only hiring other pajeets it's insanely widespread and nobody bats an eye.
when a Jew gets denied a job offer by a pajeet

learn to code
gowrappan is %100 /ourguy/

Just learn how to code.

>mass layoffs among (((journalists)))
oh no that sucks

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Both demographics are also child sex fiends. I think this is why India was so romanticized by Jews.

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"Jobs are being filled by cheap visa workers"

So basically, the companies are discriminating against American workers? The shock!

'university' educated libtards wanted open borders and mass migration of brown hordes because they thought the brown people would only perform blue collar/manual labor type jobs.

its nice to see them all get redpilled.

(And that's a good thing!)

"maybe those republicans were right after all"

Trump wants more H1B visas you fucking cucks

>Media jobs replaced by Pajeets
Now they can know the pain of being in IT.

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>Both demographics are also child sex fiends.
When will pol reach a point where a majority of the people who post here realize that "Indian" is less of a racial/ethnic demographic than "American"? It's not even that complicated. How can anyone be this dumb?

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I know some decent people. Some are older, and fled the print market for the Web market... The future is bleak for writers. I have a few reasons for that.

1. A lot of sites are using more "jump" stories. One in particular that is very bad about this is Newsmax. They'll write an original opening paragraph, then say "read more about it (insert link to original source)." So you'll have one or two editors surfing the web who put a bunch of jump stories up. This only takes a few minutes. You can let many freelancers go this way. The editors are overworked, but they're desperate to keep their jobs.
2. More online publications now are demanding all rights, to infinity and beyond, to any original work submitted by freelancers. Over time, they build a collection of these. Enter the overworked editor. All he/she has to do is pull that story about sleep and weight loss, change the title and the opening paragraph, and voila! You didn't have to pay a freelancer today to write "original" content for your site.
3. The demand is higher than ever for one person to have multiple skills. High preference is given to hires that can edit photographs, write, edit, and can format the stories for the web. Bilingual is becoming a MAJOR plus as well.
4. SOON, and I mean SOON, we won't need humans to write any of this. Programs are becoming incredibly sophisticated. In the very near future, the overworked editor, with a few keystrokes, will generate "original" pieces, which he/she proofreads, and then puts up.
5. But we'll always need breaking video from the scene, right? Oh, you underestimate the army of folks with phones who love to upload their "shocking" videos to their social media for attention. We're already seeing this happen.

Yes because h1b Visa candidates replace mostly dem jobs.
Think about it for a few minutes
Overpaid workers where capability and training aren't as important as cost concerns, that dont have unions or require security clearances, but can attract h1b candidates.
That's the average dem ideologue in a nutshell

Finally maybe the fucking cancer in the media will realize how the working class feels

stay mad cow kisser

lol media shill for free market capitalism
tell us Globalization is good
Get rekt

They can always learn to code.

Nope. Most of the cancer comes from trust fund kids who are part-time "contributors" to places like Buzzfeed, or they're on Welfare, likely living in "artists communes" (repurposed old warehouses). Their primary source of income is NOT from their "journalism." Those little pieces are more for vanity. They'll feel as entitled as ever for a living, even if they never get paid a pittance for their bullshit ever again. They'll still get their ego swells from their blogs and number of shares on Twitter.

link sauce?

>let freelancers go
freelancers aren't employed by the site in the first place, hence the term "freelancers" there's zero need to fire freelancers when you just stop giving them assignments

They can get jobs in GEOTUS MAGA factories
that are being built across the rust belt.

That's the thing. Freelancers aren't even full-time. No benefits what-so-ever. It's scraps. And many of these sites aren't even paying out scraps anymore. There isn't much of a future for written journalism.

It's called Free Market for a reason commie! Don't worry equilibrium soon(Not) looooool

>1000 journos lost their job

Journalists acting like they just got shoah'd

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>TRUMP wanting to bring jobs back
>pic related

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GEOTUS can use them as labour to build the wall.

>STEM jobs are dem jobs

If the huffpo-style social engineering grinds to a halt I'll be happy enough for this shutdown. Half of the content shared internationally is just translated versions of the crap produced in the US, so maybe we can get a rest too.

Now get a job, journo cunts. I hear mr. Shekelberg is hiring for a movie. Pic related

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Whilst I agree the journslist’s are a bunch of cunts, replacing them with Parjeets imported on H1B visas sets a bad precedent for those working in the Professional Service industry.

>There isn't much of a future for written journalism.
You could say as much for any "high status" jobs, the dirty secret is that they don't make any money. Those careers are for people with a guaranteed source of income, usually trust fund kids or hotties/twinks with a rich partner. It's a shame they managed to trick so many people to think they could make a career in media/art/whatever too.

link to the article please.

I'd be perfectly fine with seeing all the self loathing white journalists all get completely replaced by poo's.

Please be real

This is the future they chose.

Should've known better than to expect anything intelligent

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the journalists or every single white European working in a Professional Services job??

You have any reading material for this subject? I know the art world is notorious for being trust fund kids larping as Bohemians, but hadn't heard of it extending to journalism (which I always associated with low IQ content farming, still-barely-economical Op Eds, and Soros / Slim, unironically).

Send vagene
Bitch lasagna

Yes. Colleges oversell degrees in journalism to the point that it should be a crime. The market has changed drastically since the Internet came around. A lot of publications have shuttered entirely, or stopped print altogether and went straight to digital. It used to be that a writer could earn a relatively decent living, even if it was just cobbling together multiple freelance gigs. Now, honestly it's just not possible. The brunt of the work is being left up to editors. I haven't seen any published statistics, but I would have to say my observation, and the observation of others, is if you want to be a writer for a local newspaper for example, you are expected to have a degree, strong writing and editing skills, photography skills, photo-editing skills, familiarity with publishing software, and the pay is typically less than that of an entry-level elementary school teacher.

Underrated and fact.

The journalists, who overwhelmingly vote in favor of replacement policies. In my country it's already a forgone conclusion by this point, as long as these faggots are starving with everyone else and remembered for the kikes they are, I'm thrilled. You might have a point that it sets a bad precedent in America, though.

Based. When is canada going to be officially added to the peoples republic?

This is like a lot of jobs now. That's why AOC and Tucker Carlson are going to drain the swamp in a few years.

WTF I'm voting for Hillary now.

Neck yourself faggot

Your castes don't mean you're actually different people Pajeet.

Be careful what you wish for, there is no crazy like high caste poo crazy.

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Haha, in their hysteria to hurt Trump they are now slowly becoming /ourmedia/. First the "illegal immigration soars under Trump", now this... Soon they'll complain about the crime rate amongst negroes and Hispanics, only to show that Trump doesn't do anything about it. Free redpills for everybody!

Dude, you have no idea. Part of it I think too though is that no one wants to work for Indians. Those businesses are almost always low IQ and barely literate, which is why they need people who speak their own language and tend to do more business with their own group. The ones who are educated and grow up here are usually just your stock NPC goodboys and just want to make money with interchangeable coworkers regardless of race, but the problem is when you import a steady supply from the old world, they Balkanize, and chain migration does the rest.

>If your fear that your job could be taken away from migrants, your job is not very complicated to do, and you should look at doing something else, like programming


They are being completely obliterated by their own choices, EAT SHIT, FAGGOTS.

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>A lot of sites are using more "jump" stories. One in particular that is very bad about this is Newsmax. They'll write an original opening paragraph, then say "read more about it (insert link to original source)." So you'll have one or two editors surfing the web who put a bunch of jump stories up. This only takes a few minutes. You can let many freelancers go this way. The editors are overworked, but they're desperate to keep their jobs.
Stumbleupon used to be rife with this sort of thing, and it was infuriating. The whole article would be maybe two sentences commenting on a paragraph long excerpt from the original article. Sometimes they would form a chain.

Thanks for effortpost, user, informative. You should read Trust Me, I'm Lying by Ryan Holiday if you get the chance. Talks a lot about dynamics of online journalism.

He said that while simulating changing the rules so they have to be paid the same rate as American workers and cannot bring over their spouses on H4 visas.


No one cares pajeet


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fuck them

They unironically are.

I did this a few times as a NEET and am still vaguely resentful over falling for the ruse.

>American journalists, editors, computer experts, and videographers
...and how many have a dual citizenship with a certain illegitimate country in the ME I wonder...?

It's not the number of jobs lost, it's the (((people))) in those jobs

And? They're probably way better at their jobs than the people they are firing. If it wasn't for the visas the media would be even worse.


They won't because americans are largely fat and lazy mudbloods. They eat trash food full of sugar and cheap oils, and then cry that they're sore and tired all the time.

>dios mio! la creatura posts again!

Wow, this loss of journalists will sure have a large material impact on the US economy
>oh no, starbucks and onions will have lower revenues

>libtard bloggers shill about how glad they are privileged white racists are being driven out of tech by pajeets
>libtard bloggers now being replaced by cheap foreigners
there's a reason they're called Useful Idiots

Is this a meme? I see it as a response to every pajeet post

The British Empire wanted to make Pajeets into a mid-level clerical class all around the empire. That's why you still have so many in South Africa. The Empire is gone, but the US did the same think by accident by their visa policy and now you get JEWS 2.0. This is actually great - we now have two additional species (Indians and Chinese) introduced into the jews' ecological niche, which will diminish their overall power. Divide et Impera.

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>Hello, this is Pajeet Surindar reporting to you live outside the White House, where beautiful First Lady Melania Trump is seen speaking to a foreign ambassador. She is so beautiful. I want to feel her presidential bobs.
>Pajeet, you cannot say that on live television.
>Fuck you, you mother bitch! You try to take away the only happiness in my life. She is goddess!
>Pajeet, you will be reprimanded for this. Melania is mine. I am boss!
>Mother chode! I will fuck your daughter, Rasheed!
>Your wife will be raped by my three foot, penis, you shitty little bitch boy! Come back to office and I will slap you!
>I will after I take beautiful Melania as my wife, and I will fuck her in front of your pathetic penis!
>Fuck you!
>Fuck you!

>This is CNN

>Today, Pradesh Raji is going to interview a transgender person about the difficulties of being trans in society, such as worry of rape
>Yvonne's feed appears to be having some issues so Pradesh will reply to Yvonne from Yvonne's text correspondence
>Pradesh: I see your worry, Yvonne but be strong. My uncle is transman too and it's a difficult job, but he never have to worry about rape. Perhaps you show too much bobs to strange people? You should show bobs to Pradesh. I just appreciate and no rape.

Can't wait for this

Hello racist! Hope you agree that racism is good now when it goes against your economic interest! Haha!

Two (probably) new words to add to your vocabulary. Nepotism and prejudice.

It's ok, they are only low end blue collar jobs.
They can learn to code.

Cheap foreign brown labor for white collar
Cheap foreign brown labor for blue collar
God Bless America

The transman Pajeet always offers kind sentiments.

Give source

An improvement I see

Yes, the only one more kind in their sentiments is the train and plane hopping loli chasing Pajeet who gets catfished by a Granpa Pajeet, fights said catfisher and loses, and then ends it all by addressing his audience by saying "Hahaha! How are you all doing today?"