The time for war has come

I will be called many things in this thread, but those who will come to call me those things never had an intent to fight.

The time for DOTR has come.

If you are serious it is time for you to activate.
Otherwise you will remain surrounded by those seeking peaceful solutions to a prob that has none.

If your serious about this, its time.
The happening has come.

Gl space cowboys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Hello, fellow anons. It is time to engage in terrorism so we can throw away all of our political momentum"

I'll pass

Your momentum has come to a halt, your children will be brown

You never intended to fight.
Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow.

OP if you’ve never read the turner diaries before please consider the following

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Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.
Sorry for wanting to be smart

The real redpill is that [spoiler]racists are dumb af[/spoiler]

>political momentum
How's that Obamacare coming along
>engage in terrorism
Fighting for your constitution is patriotic, the opposite of terrorism.
YOU are a bitch, like your daddy before you.

No dice

Thank you for your instructions, Agent, now get the fuck out.

Yep. Heil Hitler!

>political momentum
>literally zero arrests made

we are doomed.

At this moment in time things have gotten so retarded that we have feds pretending to be revolutionaries to trick opticsfags into thinking that revolutionaries are 100% retarded so that they wont become revolutionaries while the real revolutionaries also fufill the same purpose but accidentally, also we have feds pretending to be opticsfags to trick revolutionaries into doing something stupid which is what they want them to do while also the exact opposite of what they want them to do while the opticsfags dont want them to revolt for any reason although wanting the same outcome.

Did that make sense Jow Forums? no? good then it was an accurate description of the scenario we find ourselves in

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Goddamn it. We need a war, but there will be no war, yet we NEED A WAR!!!!!!!!!!!

i can't even explain this one its just a parody of a parody of real thing of a psyop of a parody

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even God wants a war, FBI damned if they want to be, but I believe even they understand the plague that is gripping our nation these days, and so could only understand God's will

at least there will always be serious criminals to apprehend, God will always need his loyal FBI, but maybe just let the children duke it out otherwise

nice meme tabs. but i have no intent to commit any crimes, and everything stated above is about minecraft.

besides im probably on a trillion lists already.

>Goddamn it. We need a war, but there will be no war, yet we NEED A WAR!!!!!!!!!!!
true. the alternative is a slow burn.
Accurate assessment.
disengaging from the system may be the only realistic way to fight the beast desu. The only way you will personally be free anyways.

Traitors first

I have a cabin. Time to sell everything in the city and move away.

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>no tab for "dog fellatio"
Fake and gay

Such things are best not discussed on an open forum, you know this user.

...thats not even close to true you worthless faggot.

Yeah, but still not actually illegal or even terroristic threatening.
At least not in my state. If I lived in florida or soemthing id ebe fucked.


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If you actually want to do something and set something up. Jow Forums is no longer the place to do it. This place has been completely compromised by leftypol, discord trannies and literal shills. The few actually rightwingers here are also cucks who probably don't even go outside on a daily basis. Jow Forums is a lost frontier and its time to find somewhere else.

Clean up your own house first. There are other Jow Forums boards openly mocking you right now.

>random fat incel gets arrested
go for it man

it does become a crime if you say specifics.
What is DOTR?
Day of the rubber of course ;^)

You seem retarded.

If you were a genuine patriot, you wouldn't use dumbshit untermensch terms like "DOTR."

Fuck you just as much as any commie. You probably are a commie.

why do you assume that everyone is such a stereotype?
CSO 0372

Most serious, dedicated posters on Jow Forums are in their mid to late 20's, given the age of Jow Forums itself. This is not the age at which lone wolves strike. Maintain for 15 years, then sit back and watch the fury, if you choose not to participate

I don't like having to post this on a compromised board, but there's a reason we're not on the streets "protesting"

>TFW posting from disarmed, snooped upon Bongland.
The worst thing is that the vast majority of people here are totally vapid and disengaged from politics.
Revolutions only start when the food begins to run out, and only seldom then.
We will riot when / if they shelve Brexit, but until things get seriously 'kinetic' nothing will ever change.

Are you sure?
You just had no intention of fighting.
and as such it is no longer an option.
Only flight.
All we can do is retreat due to lack of group cohesion.

lol you sound like a giant faggot. Ask your mommy first before you try to be special ops kiddo

They wouldn't look into Nick Cruz, what makes you think they would give two shits or a fraction of a fuck about some larping faggot on 4chin?

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Retreat to where user? The whole Western world is fucked.

Look up my MoS
CSO 0372

Ive got property deep in the woods.
Already calling my property agent. Its time to leave the cities.

Collectivism breeds easy cohesion whilst libertarians stuggle to come together as a group, and this is not a natural concept to you?

Flaccid progressives can flock as they wish, it has no impact as it's so easy to observe and control

that sucks since all the brown children are going into wood chippers on day 4

Also its not illegal.
When did I say dates or times.
Did I instruct anyone to kill anyone?


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Lol you are so fucking gay jfc

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Isn't it funny when Mueller makes moves in his probe there's always a "white nationalist" attack at the same time?

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I guess I have to wait.
we need this future, but unless it pops off we are fucked.
pic related

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The truth is, most of us will die of old age in nursing homes, abused in our final years by shit colored aides and doctors that don't give a fuck about us. Our kids, after being raised right, will fall victim to the Jewish mind rape on social media,and will leave us to die in our own filth, only waiting to collect what little assets we have, only to have us unceremoniously cremated. There is the future of the United States.

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kek ok

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I have a passport.
Any decent countries?

Not so

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

This place is incredibly useful for surface ops either way. Nobody is wasting their time by being here. Other than the unpaid shills

We saw the thread yesterday from the ADL making us look like shit because of incels like you killing people. Fuck off and take your thread with you. Our numbers must grow.

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Your whole life is a failure and you try to give it purpose by "trolling le ebil nazis" on their dumpster board. Sorry comrade.

>not a weegie

hold your horses there tex, the confederates fucked up by fighting first at Fort Sumter and we're not gonna make that mistake.

now run along ya fairy.

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*firing first

pedophiles are running roughshod over the entire west and are actively hunting down any (((((Trump))))) supporters (read: white pypo).
>ballots not bullets in 2016 was a lullaby to put a troublesome population back to sleep while the pedophile apparatus set up swat teams to break into your house while (((((CNN)))) news crews wait to film you and your family being killed
it is clearer than ever that bullets not ballots is the only thing that ever counted, if voting could change anything it would have been made illegal by now

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please DO NOT kill politicians
please DO NOT kill academics and intellectuals
this would NOT solve all of our problems

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Lmao, the only way it would be time is if things deteriorated to a point that the legal system couldnt prosecute.

No one would get away with it. Being in jail or dead is no way to fight the good fight

This. Playing the whole thing as self defence is key. I don't think we'll have to wait much longer either, seeing how histrionic the left is becoming. If Trump is re-elected in 2020 they'll chimp out for sure

>If Trump is re-elected in 2020
he won’t be.

You're a pussy.

i know they will, i'm expecting it

>referencing a pedo

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Only an Irishman could have mastered a cogent and concise description of our quandary.


At some point the energy will just keep building and building and then suddenly explode, as it's doing in France. There's no way to really predict it. Fedfags think they can manipulate the energy to their will but they can't, ultimately. What will be will be. Que sera, sera.

Hoard and protect your resources. Acquire skills and knowledge. Wait. Prepare. It's all most people can do. We know an upheaval is coming. We just can't possibly say when, or even exactly what form it will take.

Based and saved

>He won't be
>Right wingers won't chimp out when the leftists subsequently implement a new "Assault Weapons Ban" and begin increasing curtailment of speech.

Probably not, but I'm holding onto hope. I didn't think he'd win in 2016, and I was wrog

Well obviously. Venezuela doesn't even have a President now.

Nobody cares.

Indeed. This is still a good place to chat occasionally, when the pathetic no-life shills are passed out drunk or whatever equals leisure for them. The occasional spur-of-the-moment psyop usually does well, and there's plenty of humor and clever memes in the off-hours, but that's about it.

Imagine being an Irishman and not understanding the history of your own island.

Remind me what you did to us in the 20s and 80s Padraig?

looking at this i dont think they will

hes right tho.

My hope is that Brexit itself, and the following potential lean period, may help drive some of the parasitical low-level foreigners from your lands, and provide an opportunity period within which you may be able to quietly purge some of the more high-level traitors and infiltrators.

You still have a lot of work to do if you want to save England. Imho it's worth saving.

Was gonna say. Literal glowniggers browse this board to shitpost. Pol may be honest in its feelings of demise over the west or identifying problems but it is unreasonable to think that the average person here, even regular users, is anything but a shitposter with a slightly more attuned geopolitical and sociopolitical sense. And so far it has changed the political gestalt mostly-peacefully, and therein, by peaceful methods. I don't think the board as whole realizes how much influence it has in representative electoral politics. Prepping and etc. is one thing but I don't think the average person actively shills for anything other than what are basically just very advanced persuasion campaigns. Like hyper-aggressive canvasers with more resources to draw on intellectually.

My point was basically pol is a board of peace unironically, whether it realizes it or not.

Not if we stick together.

Nice try FBI

Several arrests of Trump associates.
Full steam ahead in that political momentum.
We're all fucked. Time to get out lads.

i hope so.
I pray it works.
Because we are fucked.


Safe to say all who agree with this sentiment are Russian shills. Or 12 years old and uneducated on the impossibility of Anarchy in a first world country. I suppose it would make sense, if you were born in a poor Russian country where everyone hates their lives, to start an Anti-government movement. If any modern day country started a revolution/anarchy I would suspect Russia. Not the USA

also sweden is well past the point of no return.

Oh yeah, he will. You're helping that happen, right now.

Spoken like a true shill

That was my insinuation.

They don't need to ban ownership of weapons, only their sale. Think bubba et al will kick off if their guns are grandfathered in?

Same with free expression - they take it salami thin slice by salami thin slice.

That's assuming we actually leave the EU in any meaningful way.

We're also desperately short on any real political leadership. The two main parties are either the unironic marxist with a Home Secretary that would throw the doors wide open to the world or a conservative party that is for higher taxation and more state control.

I wouldn't be averse to the nukes falling at this point honestly.

>Duhhhh you won't fight
>I won't fight
What did OP mean by this?

You will no doubt lead by example.

Lol he realized if he didnt cover his ass he would have been in trouble.

All of you are fucking terrorists.

Terrorist scum.

>political momentum
Pretty fucking sad when you make fun of the French, but don't have half if their domestic potential.


how does this work really? we can all agree that the problem is that you have corporations running your country. you got legalized bribery in lobbing, for profit prisons, for profit wars. for profir education (student loans), for profit health care.
lets say that you hang all the public "traitors" (politicians, news anchors, etc), what then? you don't know the names of the people that bought the politicians and news people in the first place. what then?