Say it with me Jow Forums

Say it with me Jow Forums


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kill yourself shill rat

I'll play devil's advocate here. He's pretty fucking stupid just like his supporters. probly just forgot.

In that 2018 quote he didn't mention concrete

welp at least he gave Wall Street Jews a trillion$ in tax cuts, right maga shits?

Yeah anyone unhappy with Trump for flaking out at every opportunity and doubling back on a central campaign promise while sending 10 billion dollars to Mexico and 40 billion fucking dollars to Israel is a shill. Surely no one could actually be displeased with this flawless performance.

fuck off cock sucker if you don’t see he’s controlled op you need to be purged along with the leftists on dotr

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A wall of lead all the way across?

>being this pissed off because your propaganda outlets have to lay off people because of the shutdown

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Rainbow flags and dildos

Well what did you expect when the 2016 national (s)elecetion ritual in the Jewnited States only ran 3 lefties for prez?

ITT: dem shills

don't worry, Trump just outplayed everyone

>muh 4d chess

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I'll keep posting this until it gets through. The message repeats as needed.

I'm almost 55 years old. I've been around to see:

Reagan try to tell me ketchup is a vegetable.
Bush 41 tell me to read his lips.
Clinton be a sexual psychopath.
Bush 43 be Bush 43
Obama think his skin colour passed for political policy.

I thought I had a decent bullshit filter. But Trump caught me off guard. At least he wasn't a professional politician. The lowest of the low. I thought, ok maybe here's something different.

Nope. Just the same old bullshit. Fuck him. And fuck any of his grovelling apologists. You're the real NPCs.

need to placate the people, specially the opposition people, just before the big calamity

kys, shariablue

Trump just forced you to play ball. We're gonna get that well, read between the lines of what Trump said

Except I want h1b Visa and other legal immigrants. Unless white people decide to start breeding again

>read between the lines of what Trump said
Russia won, since the USA will go majority non-white, and stop being a player on the world stage.


Just deranged and being overwhelmed with his shit show that isn't affecting just one of his failing businesses

>Unless white people decide to start breeding again
How can they afford that, when Trump have not done anything to stop immigrants from further lowering wages and increasing the cost of housing?

the true face of the based spic and based nigger

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Remember when people at Trump rallies shouted "Build metal fences at specific spots when the Democrats say it's okay!"

Trump caved like a little bitch.


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>being this retarded
white people arent reproducing due to increased shitskins making housing too expensive while simultaneously gutting whites out of the middle class via H1B fucking kill your self nigger