Triggered/psychotic episode amusement thread. Post em

Triggered/psychotic episode amusement thread. Post em.

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Trump broke him.

Well the Qtards are about to blow

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take a look at the dozen shill threads here today about how a bunch of leftists can't even make it through one address without shooting their load early

more like Nancy is about to break Trump's tiny balls

so much for the cuckfence

Its going to be great opening our war scrapbooks decades from now and see these gems

I can just imagine this kike ape sat there for hours thinking this shit up

>"Triggered/psychotic episode amusement thread. Post em."

President Trump is three inches taller.

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Doing a rehearsal like a true thespian

He's off his meds i bet. He's loco.

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>">"Triggered/psychotic episode amusement thread. Post em.""

Wtf am i reading aylmao

Wtf is this about?

Some shitty amateur comedian was trying to shill himself on here with his "Hurrr Trump Bad" tweets without realizing the shill threads are bullshit. Long story short, this faggot got so triggered he went on one of the most hilarious Screee fests I've ever seen on Jow Forums when he got called out.

Does anyone else remember this? He was making all of these huge claims about himself and all of them were proven to be lies. He then melted down literally 300ing his own shill thread Screeeing like a maniac.

Did he just insinuate that Donald fucked men? WTF timeline is this kek.


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>mental health counselor

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What a strange man.

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Why are you posting a mod of the oldest pasta on Jow Forums as if it's real. Tell me this is some meta 34D irony or r u just a horrendously new

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I missed that entirely.

>Lowercase F
What did they mean by this

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Jow Forums is pretty broken up about this, Trump KEKED

I laughed when he said he was better looking than Trump.

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That doesn't even make sense, memeflag.

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He's got a point. Certainly more coherent than Dildo Donnie's rambling retard speech.

I'm actually worried about his mental health. Trump Derangement Syndrome really ruined him.

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one of the nice side effects of the twitter / reddit reality bubble, is that a lot of people start to believe that their opinions are righteously factual and convincing, and that they merely need to show up and start spouting TRUTH to convert the unwashed masses to their point of view. and that the recipients will be like, "noooo too much truuuuuuuth, ralph pls go!!" (because that's how it works on plebbit)

needless to say it doesn't usually go well when they spend any amount of time on Jow Forums. they come in here armed with "well ackshully ... drumpf" and meet a 100-foot wall of holocaust denial and niggerniggernigger.

that said, those screenshots look larpy as fuck. I refuse believe anybody is that un-self-aware.

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>the Left are actually the racists


Have fun.


can somebody with a degree in leftist faggotry explain to me why EVERYBODY on twitter has a checkmark now? what exactly is it supposed to connote when it appears to be open to everybody, like our borders?

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I just dont get why these celebrities feel the need to express their political opinions on Twitter. I dont care if i was the biggest racist in the world. You wouldnt see one political or racial anything from me.

God i hate how he writes like a nigger. Jews corrode everything they touch, even the alphabet

I don't think he has a problem with the surname "Loesch" because he's a left winger.

>stuck with a stepfather who was going to rape us

speaking from experience?

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psychologists of the future are going to be studying TDS for a long time.

Yeah. Usually works out pretty well.

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So if you don't disown him, you're a racist, but if you disown him, you're still a racist?

So much of this.

same reason every kid in 8th grade HAD to wear a certain brand of clothes. all their friends are doing it, it's expected of them, and they desperately want to fit in with their peer group.
it's like an investment in their future. these celebs are betting the farm on the idea that Trump is going to be ruined and they're going to be rewarded in the "afterlife" (next presidency) for shouting the loudest and craziest.

Man that horrible NaziCommie!

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I went to his Twitter page and it’s full of anti-Trump tweets. I was just scrolling down for 10 or so minutes and saw I was only at January 10th. This guy is out of his fucking mind kek

Have these morons ever explained how Trump is KKK? All he said was build a wall to stop the wave of illegal immigrants which include rapist, murders and drug traffickers.

I can't recall him saying anything else or doing anything else that could make them think he was racist.

literally who is this psychotic boomer

>Lowercase F
It's an underground utility mark for dig crews.
Orange is for Communication wires.

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They pulled her videos of her talking about that from YouTube.
We where using her to explain why a Jew can never be trusted by non Jews.
She explained it well.

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inb4 Qtards start the plotline of Shattered Union

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Someone should pull his dual citizenship.
If I remember correctly he's Canadian. Could pull visa if he's not a dually, then no more working for him in USA.

Hey lil Donnie. I just fucked my She Beast wife only using one viagra pill. How many do you take? Bet you feel stupid now.

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Okay kike. How about I give you some more Zyklon B you subhuman rat. Be grateful whites have tolerated your peoples existence this long

>gets freaked out by a flag
>calls her sister in Israel
>yeah flags are bad and scary for us
>gases Palestinians.

Your hand after high fiving Ron Perlman

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I don't get it. What's on his dirty jew hand?

go dilate your crotch wound, faggot. oh and don't forget the estradol.

I think playing a tough guy in Sons of Anarchy got in Ron Perlman's head.

based and check-pilled.
these are their leaders lmao. why are ""progressives"" such tards? it's like they're literally programmed.

>it's like they're literally programmed.

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this could be turned into a "you done goofed, i've contacyed the cyberpolice and we are backtracing you ip" copypasta


What an unfortunate name.

poopoo peepee


Bottom center tweet.

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Truly, the amount of projection in that woman's post is mind-blowing. She needs to tell the full story so I can have a good fap.

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Exactly. One thing the Left NEVER does is forgive. Apologizing or recanting only makes them attack harder. Look at what happens to the people who cave vs. the ones who tell them to fuck themselves.

>"I gotta admit, I look pretty bad a— on the bike. Pretty sexy. Pretty gangsta. I also gotta admit… bikes don’t like me. And it’s mutual," Perlman wrote.
>"So just as I was getting my sea legs under me, it got pulled out from under me. And I never rode any more than that until Sons Of Anarchy came around. And depending on who you ask, I never did much riding after the fact, either," he added. "Me and the bike - we - let's put it this way - I'd rather be eating Haagen-Dazs."
such a fucking homo


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Isnt this the guy that smeared "Fuck Trump" with his own shit?

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Someone should find a screencap of the troll from the Ernest does Halloween movie and tweet it to him saying how he's become a real life version of his former acting role. The resulting butthurt will be amazing.

yep, i saw that, the guys mentally challenged

Ron perlman fucking lost it

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