Now that Trump proved himself to be a boomer wimp, who should primary him?

Now that Trump proved himself to be a boomer wimp, who should primary him?

I say /ourguy/ Dick should run for the GOP nomination

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kill yourself shill rat

Richard is controlled opposition.

Is there anyone who isn't controlled opposition in your schizophrenic minds?

We know he's controlled opposition, because during the primary Hillary Clinton invented the term "alt-right" and introduced it to the public lexicon in 2016. Soon thereafter this Richard Spencer guy shows up, who no one on Jow Forums had ever heard of, and was anointed leader of the alt-right by main stream media.

Richard came up with the term alt-right years before 2016


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You do realize that he is funded by Israel, loves the jews, loves the gays, and he is controlled opposition. Plus, hes rich and from a rich family, yet he has ruined all the social and political clout he got with the UTR things

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