There's literally nothing wrong with being gay

Why are christcucks and alt-righters so triggered by them?

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Gay culture is subverting our children and turning them into faggots.

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Except the part where you're a faggot.


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Children can't turn into gays. They're either born that way or they're not. And being gay is not a new phenomenon. It's been here since the beginning of mankind. Go open a history book.

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Redpills incoming

Don't forget to sage

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Can't speak for the alt-right but from a Christian perspective, you could look at the book of Leviticus in the Bible particularly chapter 18 verse 22. Also, go over to I Kings chapter 22 verse 46. Then if you're still with me zoom on over to Romans if I've not made your head spin check out chapter 1 verse 27... Wow, pretty damning right?

So what do we do? We can't be gay, what does God want us to do?

Well check out Genesis chapter 2 verse 24!

God bless.

>Children can't turn into gays. They're either born that way or they're not.
Why are so many WNBA players gay, possibly even a majority? Is female height and athleticism genetically related to homosexuality?

>There's literally nothing wrong with being gay

There's literally nothing wrong to throw faggots from rooftops.

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Get ready faggots. Ropes are comin. You took the fuckin mile. homos only exist because someone sexually assaulted them as children

the maximum level of state enforced acceptance was reached a while ago but those that represent us keep pushing.

D-did he dead?

Sage bump

The function of sexual attraction is to spur the creature toward having sex. The function of sex is reproduction. Sexual attraction is inextricably linked with reproduction. Therefore to be sexually attracted to someone with whom you cannot reproduce is dysfunctional. It is a disorder.

Why are so many faggots molested while they are young boys? Abused becomes the abuser and the cycle continues. Fags would still exist if there were no pedos but it would be like 5% of the current faggot population.

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If not, they probably stone him.
Because all the subhumans like (You) deserve that end fucking american trash.

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its mostly nurture as theres no gay gene

Gays tend to be more degenerate, promiscuous and less stable. However, I don't believe all of the gays that exist in the world do exactly that and they are already in small numbers, so its entirely a big deal. Personally I'd be more worried about the catholic/christian church accepting miscegenation, since that's what resulted in many populations throughout many different areas around the world.

this. too many bad ones that degrade society, its like finding a good black man in the seas of niggers


I think Lyndon LaRouche had the definitive word on this matter:

>I will not tolerate any denial of civil rights to a person who happens to be homosexual. Ordinarily, a homosexual is like an ordinary person suffering the affliction of nasty boils; one recognizes the distinction between the person and the affliction.

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they need to be thrown off the top of tall buildings.

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Do you realize we would go extinct if everyone decided to be a faggot?

I don't see any reason to encourage that sort of behavior.

Because they remind them of their own internalized repressed homosexuality

educate yourself, bigot.

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Because they're sick and need help. Plus, since they can't reproduce, they recruit, picking on the young and gullible for their perversions.

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I believe I have Alzheimer's, what I meant to say is "so its entirely not a big deal". Either way its pretty bad, but not as bad, in my opinion, as killing off your entire lineage and pretending that you are either one of the ancestors you are half mixed with. But then again this is "natural", since most of the things about the modern western world is degenerate. Culture, religion, tradition and beliefs are all shit today within the west.

Where in the bible is miscegenation stated to be wrong though?

Good thing it is not a choice.

If everyone behaved like you no one would have any kids and we'd all go extinct anyhow. Good thing we are all not like you.

ok all gays move to island. make butt babies and rub slits together. see if a baby comes out, stupid fucks

To add to this, watch any Kid's Baking Championship on Food Network, and you'll find that most if not all of the boys act like queers. These kids haven't reached puberty much less know which hole they want to fuck yet, but they act like they have to this queer personal to get noticed.
As for grown queers, I feel hate half of them and feel sorry for most. Something that will never get put out in the world is that rape is rampant in the gay community. The liberal side doesn't want to hear it because that would shatter the image of the feminine man who is innocent and just wants to love. The conservative side doesn't want to hear it because it makes them cringe. Any who, I work around a few gays, and 2/3 of them have told me that they had been sexually assaulted. I bet if a study was done over this, I would have more than anecdotes, but as much as I am disgusted by these stories, I can't help but feel sorry for thrm. Queer community is as bad as nigger community in that if you go to the police, you'll be shunned by everyone, and it's the only community that'll accept them.

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i'm not a fan of fags
they don't slang dope on street corners and commit drive-by shootings (as far as i know)
they keep their neighborhoods looking pretty nice
and they usually seem to get educated and work decent jobs
i know there are degenerate-level fags etc...
blackpill me on fags - niggers are a bigger issue

btw, i do not support fags in the military

>t. discord tranny

Not all homosexuals subscribe to gay culture. Many, myself included, are vehemently opposed to it and the decadence it entails.

No, what i'm saying is that Christianity accepts miscegenation as it is, however nations have in the past declined to support it, such as the US in the past. In south america though it went full swing and created what is today's favelas.

So you're a gay incel?

Niggers have no agency and will be a tool used by anyone with agency.
Fags have agency and are therefore a much bigger risk.

I’m gay, what’re you gonna do about it m8?

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More of a volcel, as I could have engaged in casual sex if I so wished, yet prefer to wait for a proper relationship, as hard as it may be to attain one as a faggot in a culture of senseless hedonism.

Wrong. Its a perversion & an abomination

You're reducing the risk of disease and an endless stream of "broken" relationships, so you are definitely doing something right.

except the part where you are degenerate who can't breed and are unironically a genetical deadend, spitting in the face of all your ancestors.

you fuck men in the ass, that's gross and very unhealthy. you are literally putting shit on your dick. the fact you are attracted and want to suck to a man's dick is more than creepy - also it's against nature in terms of maintaining your species DNA and if you are willing or get off on fucking the poop shoot cause you like to stick your dick in small tight places who is to say what you won't do or what you won't stick your dick into that is small? one step closer to being a pedo and that perception will ALWAYS be there. Keep your kids away from gays, cause you never know


>can't reproduce

Pick one idiot. Nature makes sure wrong kind of humans cant breed

Slippery slope.

it's all fun and games until they want to come into a cake shop and demand a pedophile cake of raping young boys.

>There's literally nothing wrong with being gay
Or prolapsed assholes genital warts or AIDS.

jannies must be light in the feet

because sick fags feel like the world should patronize them?
they are 9/10 bricks in the wall who will promote whatever the current jewish subversion of the month is with little thought on what they are supporting.
i could add its just gross, but thats moot...

I don't understand why people here call gays degenerate while they jerk off to rape hentai. Guys themselves are fucking degenerate, regardless of whether they are straight or gay. I mean gay parades disgust me, but you guys disgust me too sometimes.

>Living a life without women

sounds pretty based and redpilled to me

Whether there's anything wrong kinda depends on your values.

We currently tolerate homosexuality because of our individualist liberal values; "everyone should be free to do as they wish, except where that causes excessive harm to others." Under this set of values there is no secular logic for prohibiting gay relationships, it's a classic example of people doing things with their freedom that other people don't like; fine, but you don't have any right to tell them not to do it. If they cause harm, fine, those are separate issues of rape/abuse/violence/whatever, not anything to do with homosexuality in particular.

The only secular logic that does exist is when you change your values to be more like "every human is free except where their duty to the group calls them." Because then you can say things like "even if you have homosexual urges you should suppress them and have a family anyway, making the next generation is more important than what kind of sex you like."

I haven't masturbated in ages and am still gay...wth

>super aids
>super gonorrhea
>anti natalist
>waste of social welfare program

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First it starts with wanting to stick your peepee in a tight vagoo. Then the slope gets slipperier, you find yourself craving something tighter and tighter. Careful boys, avoid the sex jew and stay away from all holes

Yep. Nothing wrong with your boyfriend yanking his shit covered dick out of your ass and shoving it down your throat.

Fucking degenerate faggots.

They need a bullet up the ass not dick.

Sauce on this anime

Gays are fine as long as they are pro gun.

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This is where the real pain starts. Two queers, coming together, can never, ever, have a true family. They can never come together, and from both of their forms produce a new one, both unique and combined from both of them. One can get a surrogate pregnant, but it isn’t the couple’s child. It is the person and the surrogate’s forms come together. They can take someone else’s child, but it is then wholly not theirs. And nothing can or will ever change this. What greater hell can there be than to have literally everything someone else has–to have the state, the great leviathan, proclaiming you have what others have–but at the end of the day, as you fall asleep, in those few moments you lose the ability to even lie to yourself, you realize no, you can never, by design, have what others have. You are left to life in a hazy illusion for the duration of your life–a cocoon of lies and false reality. One that will niggle at the back of the mind forever, whispering pain.
You gays will never be happy in life.

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