Time to bomb a small south american country (again) to save face.

Attached: savage.jpg (762x530, 58K)

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She's right, too.


Insane fucking GHOUL.

Shes right.

Im officially

And not even joking im so fucking tired of trumps lies

Off the trump train.

kill yourself shill rat

Damn straight.

A government by the jews and for the jews


She's right.

Trump is a fucking failure and now everyone has seen it

yeah.. long slow clap for Skeletor and the DEMS for opening the government for three weeks. She really got the better of him.

literally cringe
what the fuck


alignable.com/aledo-tx/coulson-and-associates trump just needs to call uponst a master negotiator to save the republic

White men need to be banned from office.

Attached: azbWavD.jpg (743x1321, 121K)

c o p e

damn, Trump just got cucked into a new dimension I didn't even think existed. Thing is, Trump supporters really will believe anything he says so it's stilla sound strategy for him.

I'm almost 55 years old. I've been around to see:

Reagan try to tell me ketchup is a vegetable.
Bush 41 tell me to read his lips.
Clinton be a sexual psychopath.
Bush 43 be Bush 43
Obama think his skin colour passed for political policy.

I thought I had a decent bullshit filter. But Trump caught me off guard. At least he wasn't a professional politician. The lowest of the low. I thought, ok maybe here's something different.

Nope. Just the same old bullshit. Fuck him. And fuck any of his grovelling apologists. You're the real NPCs


But I thought she wanted to negotiate funding. Was she just lying so that he'd reopen the government?

It's over. He'll get nothing done and he'll get primaried.

You can't lose much harder than he lost today.

forgot pic lol

Attached: 267.jpg (381x500, 111K)

Trump's balls are in Pelosi's court.

totally happened

border security =/= wall

The wall was never on the table, and will never be funded.

>You're the real NPCs
>You're the real NPCs
shareblue spotted

OK, so border security is good but walls aren't. But Pelosi said stopping illegal immigration is immoral...

Trump is a zionist bitch puppet

Retard. This is the same bill and deal that had bipartisan support and Trump was going to sign before Coulter called him a buck and he backed out and started this shit for his wall.

Yup she's right, and the worst thing of it all is that Hannity will say that's a legit wall and the last remnant of Trumptards will echo him.


So here is what has happened. Trump backed out of a deal he initially agreed with and then shutdown the government for 35 days to just sign the same bill in the end.

"The art of the deal"

They all are. You need a third party politician. They're still corrupt because they're working within the system, but not as much.

Who is John Harwood?

she's an honorary kike, but she's not wrong