Germany has a very high share of coal energy

And that is despite all our green energy memeing. What’s so bad about coal anyway?

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>What’s so bad about coal anyway?
Coal is good for economy, so the Jews hate it.
>And that is despite all our green energy memeing.
Because the politicians know it's a jewish meme

in awe at the size of these lads, absolute units

>Germany burns coal. What’s so bad about coal anyway?
You need to pay the toll.

Bad for the general air quality and surrounding areas and the rest of Europe gets butthurt because we have to be more green and you keep using more and more coal

I think it's a way for the Democrats to keep 3rd world countries down and to retain western supremacy.

1. Demonize affordable energy,
2. force everybody (including poor countries) to rely on expensive renewable energy
3. ???
4. Western supremacy maintained over the hundreds of years.

The other way around actually.

>Make energy expensive in western countries
>Blame production costs and outsource manufacturing to less cucked coutries.

China/Indian just don't care about the impact of their production on the global scale.

why are Germans so scared of nuclear energy?

>What’s so bad about coal anyway?
It burns dirty compared to other carbon fuel sources. Still, it's what you've got, so it's what you're going to burn. We've got natural gas, and as a result we're the only country with majorly declining emissions.

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Germany is a pretty crowded country, and people don't like living near nuclear plants. Plus it isn't scalable and takes an insane amount of time for construction/permitting.

The world really needs to switch to nuclear.

soot in the air. the major source of aerosols that increase albedo. coal power also produces more radioactivity than fission per kilowatt hour

>What’s so bad about coal anyway?
You'd think Germany would love coal. They could proudly declare that their entire nation was now coal burners.

Coal has been the lifeblood of the German industry for over 200yrs, it’s devilization is idiotic.

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The real question is what's so bad about nuclear energy anyway?
All they've managed to do with these retarded green plotics is waste tax money and make us more dependent on cloal energy than ever before.

Nevermind the retardedly high energy prices we all have to pay now.

They want to get rid of coal now.

The first time I've seen these leftists demonstrating against coal I couldn't believe my eyes. Completely idiotic.

No nuclear, no coal. Where do they think their electricty comes from?

Then they want electric cars, which would require even more electricity. Hu?


>Where do they think their electricty comes from?
They don't think that hard.

>The real question is what's so bad about nuclear energy anyway?

It’s actually kind of costly. No shit.

the general population doesn't look at it that way. "evil radiation" is what people are scared of.

Maybe it is outdated and excessive excavations contingently spoil the german ecosystem that is already a handful of clay?

> 556 get
noice, but seriously whats up with "radiation" i know global warming is a hoax for starters

Coal to liquid hydrocarbon will become increasingly important as crude reserves decreasing raises oil prices and declining demand for coal-fired electricity lowers coal price
Bergius for gasoline and kerosene, Fischer Tropsch for diesel and lubricants

True, it is the “evil radiation” BUT it is also kind of costly.

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>Coal gasification is the answer to our domestic fuel needs
>If only we knew how to do this
>Eureka! Perhaps if we built ovens to raise the temperature of coal, thus releasing the volatile hydrocarbon compounds which then would be cooled into liquid fuel
>Would take a lot of labor and would definitely require rail service to the facility
>Would require considerable investment, maybe we could bring in some US investors like Brown Brothers Harriman

Are all Germans really this fucking brainwashed and ignorant of actual history?

Attached: GermanCoalGasificationPlant.jpg (1200x845, 180K)

The mercury released by burning coal is converted into
a far more toxic form when it enters the food chain.
Mercury is released into the air from a coal-fired power
plant, and falls to the ground with snow and rain. From
there, it drains into watersheds, rivers, and lakes and
settles into sediment.Apr 17, 2010
Mercury from Coal - Ground Truth Trekking

how come none of you fucking geniuses
are posting this. pic is what the world
should be using. nah lets just turn into
real life wojaks.

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A significant portion of that cost comes from people being irrational about radiation which causes the creation of all sorts of red tape and committees full of people hostile to nuclear who make it their mission to incur as much cost on nuclear.

Also 2.5 per kwh is really good for a very low carbon source, compare that to solar or wind (and for good laugh include storage with those sources). Hydro is the best source of energy when the resource is available and can be tapped. Outside of Canada and Africa there is not much hydro that can exploited.

I know a easy solution, instead of burning coal how about Merkel makes a highway for ''refugees'' that leads to a big power plant that instead of burning coal now burns refugees to generate power.

Its about reducing CO2.

As for using coal for fuel, I don't think we have enough coal for that.

>I'm retarded
>Reducing the trace gas that is essential to life on this planet is a great concern
All the best Germans either died in the wars or left.
t. Of German ancestry

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Dude, we dont have enough coal to power all our fuel needs. I am quite sure. Yes, someone would have already thought about it.

nothing except it turns berlin into a dirty shithole every winter and enables "burn the coal, pay the toll" jokes

This is what happens when you shut down your nuclear plants. Nuclear power is the only clean energy that can generate enough MWHs to supply industrial economies. FFS, you people didn't even invest in greater wind/solar manufacturing. What did you expect to happen?

>all or nothing
Why does it need to be all?
The Oil Shale gasification in the US and Canada does not produce all of our liquid fuel either, but it is still worthwhile.
Also: I was not actually suggesting that Germany do major coal gasification, I was merely pointing out that at one time it was indeed a major source of petrol there.

of course it does. Everyone knows Germans are natural coal burners.

Coal is cheap and abandoned in Germany. Nuclear fuel has to bne brought in from the Frenchies and they charge 300% the normal price.

Pay the toll, bitch.

Good questions overall. Wish I could give you a good answer. Maybe oil is simply cheaper?

The french has more than 50 nuclear reactors. It seems to work fine, or do the french die of cancer?

Yeah, but the point is that you can buy it. Where can you buy enough wind turbines and solar panels to supply 650 TWHs? Literally where. Not even asking where you'll put those plants or if the weather will accommodate them or if you can build the capacitors to prevent brownouts, literally where would you buy them? They don't exist. You need massive government investment into the manufacturing of them or it will take you decades to get there and in the mean time your country is polluting like crazy because patience and prudence are not in the German political vocabulary.
You've made really impressive gains since 2003 (quadrupled!), but you still haven't made a third of your energy production green, according to a site that prefers the best case estimates. AFAIK, you haven't followed the Australians and invested in capacitors that make fully green energy production possible.

Meanwhile, you could have been fully nuclear by now with near zero emissions. Don't cry "but permits!" at me. The government makes the permitting requirements. The government is not nuclear friendly, because reasons.

Coal is bad because it's a finite resource. And by burning it we are literally moving that coal from underground into our lungs.

This is France's energy usage by type for comparison with Germany's here

Pretty impressive, desu

Yet strangely people throw a massive tantrum when a nuclear waste deposit is to be built close to their town. Go figure.

I'm sure you wouldn't mind a nuclear waste deposit being set up close to your town, right?

Ship it to the Antarctic or somewhere in Russia.

So you don't have a non-meme answer. Suit yourself.

Made by the KRUPP company

Bagger 288


What about shipping to Russia, is outrageous?

Why would the waste need to be here where many people live?

The russsians threw the largest nuclear bomb ever over parts of their own country. They have enough of it.

nuclear waste is harmless you can even eat nuclear waste lol what is wrong with u pussies

that doesn't account for building costs and infrastructure to take care of nuclear waste. A nuclear power plant costs around 14 billion

>unironically burning coal

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Oh, maaannn; I miss the times when germany was well known for its electro and hardbass music. Although I never attended love parade myself, I miss it as well. The tradition of a few days of shamelessness was a good vent for hard working people.

Huh. It's almost like green energy is a meme and, outside of the presence of very specific conditions (ie geothermal energy in Iceland) simply can't do the heavy lifting needed to keep modern infrastructure running.

The moment they knew you can't deal with the nuclear waste they can charge whatever they want for it, plus the cost of building the bunkers.
>pay immense amounts of money for them to take the waste
>nuclear becomes more expensive than renewable

>love parade

God himself intervened to stop that Arbeitslager würdige Treiben.

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Fucking Soviets had to ruin Nuclear power forever for the rest of us.

How do you know what that accounts for or doesn't?

Unironically, I would not. Uranium is mined from underground, where it is radioactive. It gets refined, used, and buried deeper underground than where it came from. The jobs also pay well due to the dangers.

Germany burns too much coal

holy shit what year is it
oh apparently it was 2009

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You can never stop that. The third Reich wasn't able to control the Hamburg Kiez because riots were too hard.

>labor camp worthy goings
what a wonderful phrase

There it is.

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>Plus it isn't scalable
I beg your pardon?

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>What’s so bad about coal anyway?
The fact that your woman are burning it.



Merkel said your going off nuclear. But why?

And the French are voting to get rid of that lol what a bunch of fools

Because the green party wanted so.


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Fuck sakes Hans your going to Nat Gas power gen soon . That why Trump took Siemens from you

NO NO No Hans USA Exxon wants Russia's Gas trade in Europe

France to announced it's shutting down Nuke power gen

Get off my property, fren

Exxon wants LNG ports in Greece and Poland . They want Europes power Gen trade

Production isn't scaleable. See how it goes up in plateaus? That's because nuclear generation is all or nothing. You build a new plant, turn it on, and you've got max capacity for that plant. You can't like, burn at half capacity during off peak hours like you can for petroleum/gas/coal plants. If you want more energy, you need to build more plants.

If it were up to me, It'd be done by sunset.

Pay us reperations for northern crusades fren.

Exxon will be fracking Marasellas shale gas . It'll be shipped to LNG ports in Europe.

Exxon will just change out the reactor with a large gas turbine

much cleaner than coal


Yes, but they aren't getting it. Nordstream 2 is almost ready.

>nucular bad
>coal bad
>windmills bad muh birds
The fuck you gonna make power from, fermented kale? At some point this has to stop.

Macron is Trumps boy now. and Trump is Exxons boy

>The fuck you gonna make power from
Nothing. That's the point of all this.

germans are massive coal burners, who would have guessed?

There still fighting over that

>You can't like, burn at half capacity during off peak hours like you can for petroleum/gas/coal plants.
That's a myth. Nuclear power plants can regulate their output.
It's easier for a boiling water reactor than for the pressurized water reactors that France operates, but nowadays its not a problem.
In fact, all French nuclear plant are able to do load-following.
And nuclear plants usually avoid doing so not because they are not able to, but because they're base load power plants that are supposed to continually operate at max power, just like most coal plants btw.

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When did trump take Siemens from us? He tried to fuck with Siemens and get the us company "general electric" intro iraq. But Siemens got the job.

Trump took your Siemens away for that purpose They make the large gas turbines for power gen.

NEVAR. But you are welcome if you are interested in an Anschluss.

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Thats how USA works. They steal your technology. Ford owned Volvo and Jaquear for a while and acquired their technology . Cheaper than R&D


There it is

Fair enough. I'm not an expert but I guess my info is a bit out of date. Didn't realize they modernized the reactors. Probably why the graph smooths out at the top, but the other points remain.

Yeah. And the green party in germany consits of US-democratic boot lickers.

Exxon wanted a LNG port on the coast of Syria (Assad's turf ) Russians got in the way .

It's just PR

>What’s so bad about coal anyway?
>>What’s so bad about coal anyway?
>Coal is good for economy, so the Jews hate it.
nothing wrong with coal, especially with new tech which cleans the emissions before they leave the stack.

Ruskiebro is right, jews don't like it because many nations have coal, and they don't want them to be energy independent.