Well, I have. If you wanna defend your homeland. Why don't you do something about it?
Have you done your service?
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It's been a while. Why do you care? I am still active with the reserves.
Ive seen things you wouldnt believe
Oh swede, you still think you can save your country: haven't you seen what dystopic nightmare it has become?
You are ten to fifteen years too late to fight your battle, sadly
not protecting your country is degenerate
12 years German army.
1992 to 2004
Still have nightmares
How is signing up to go fight in the middle east protecting my homeland?
I'm medically disqualified from ever serving, I don't think I would even get drafted. No, I'm not a cripple or a retard
I was active, in the infantry. Currently active in the reserves
America hasn't fought a just war in my lifetime and joining the reserves, as I would like to, just guarantees that you'll become an active duty individual augmentee. As a married man, all service would do is ruin my life and put me to work for the wrong interests.
I'll get my commission when WW3 or Civil War 2 breaks out.