Carry that Stone

Is Roger Stone guilty or just extremely negligent?

Attached: stoned.png (383x374, 317K)

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This is clearly more awesome and historically unprecedented as an entire country not having a known President.

Who is the President of Venezuela again?

Roger Stone never gave an ISIS terrorist a single dollar.

kill yourself shill rat

Roger Stone never facilitated the unlawful entry of millions of illegal immigrants into the US

another thread

Why were there reporters and cameras at his house before the raid?
The amount of people and guns used by the FBI also seems ridiculous.

The cameras and such being there seems a bit suspicious, though I am glad he was arrested.

Dude, I haven't assessed the current charges, but it is well known that this Roger Stone douchebag is guilty of at least 50 things over his career. He is a paramount conman and always has been. He is like a senior conman in Trump's orbit.

All of the people around Trump are criminals, conmans, mobsters or worse. Whatever prosecutors have on them is only the tip of the iceberg. That's why they flip so fast.

With Cohen it was dead easy:

Prosecutors: We have you on these 7 charges.

Cohen: Fk you I'm not talking.

P: We are also exploring these other 15 things: your mafia ties, the mafia money you used to buy your house, and how it connects to your wife and her father, also your money laundering dealings with the russian bank and 3 other tax evasion schemes. If you talk to use about the 7 things we already have evidence for, we'll stop building a case for the other 15 things.

Cohen: Sounds good. What do you need to know, but only about the first 7 things please. And can you keep my wife and house out of this?

The FBI is guilty of
1) voter intimidation
2) election fraud
3) using terror in connection with (1) and (2)
this adds up to treason
that means hanging the FBI agents that did this
or lethal injection
I guess public executions are no longer considered cool

Roger Stone is the Bobby Seale of our time. This stunt virtually guarantees trump 4 more years.

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>I guess public executions are no longer considered cool
I think they are positively great. I wanted to see GWBush tried for crimes against humanity, and I wanted him to hang for justice like a middle-eastern dictator.

Treason is still punishable by death. I want to cut down on the people named Trump. Ideally in a public execution, so that the world can see that justice was done. By the law.

I literally don't give a fuck and I support anyone who is helping keep liberals and socialists out of office no matter what they do as long as it isn't massacring children or some shit. We need to stop democracy from destroying our nation

That said, he is clearly fucking innocent. Witch hunt!


also he survived the 2 shots.

they had to euthanize him to make it work.

I think the charges are contrived procedure issues with no underlying crime like with Flynn.
My concern with Stone is he ran into trouble before and the FBI may have previous leverage over him. He is connected to Manafort and there seemed to be links to NXIVM and the Podestas in other deals. He has a long history as political operator. I hope he is innocent and a true patriot Trump supporter but he may have vulnerabilities.
Mueller doesn't really represent the citizens of the US but more likely the international Cabal (Skull&Bones, CFR, Rhodes roundtable groups etc..)

Roger Stone is playing the FBI like a fiddle.

Did you guys not see him laughing and smiling at his presser after he was bailed out?

Roger Stone is wayyy to experienced and politically savvy to incriminate himself for no reason.

He may actually have been involved in communications surrounding the DNC and Clinton being exposed for criminal activities.

You tell me, user

Attached: 6C18C2B3-9CE4-4E87-9FF5-A370DADCFCDE.jpg (1242x1775, 159K)

He's white you fucking moron.

Neither. Stone did nothing wrong.

Edgy 20 year old incoming

guilty of what? obstruction and lying to congress? process crimes that get used to make it possible to search his property so that mueller can increase the expanse of his investigation? so-called "liberals" actually celebrate this weird expansion of federal power, all while clambering for silencing the speech of their opponents and claiming they're not fascists. :thinking:
