State of The_Donald

State of The_Donald.

Attached: bill.png (791x511, 70K)

kill yourself shill rat

He's right tbqh

>muh compromise
Meanwhile all reddit and twitter are laughing in his face because he folded and gave them the "compromise" they wanted.

Bill OReilly stealing from styxenhammer

MAGApede are nothing but boomer politics at this point.

But hes right.

Can you not see what is happening? He needs absolutely no room for the dems to wiggle. Every time hes says lets negotiate -they have a counter demand, which he assents to -at which the dems move the goalpost -making themselves look worse and worse.

Now, when trump brings it up again in 3 weeks -they wont have anymore goalposts...

Another inept conservative. Many such cases.

>when you're a newshillfag trying out Jow Forums and constantly upload the wrong picture for the content of the post
either the bots are broken or you idiots are just technologically incompetent

Trump shouldn’t be making deals with people who utterly despise him. Would a sheep become best friends with a wolf? He got cucked

Attached: 1C4DA634-6724-4F1F-AAC5-EDBB61FD152E.jpg (352x395, 45K)



Apologizing for the President who just fucked over his whole voter base

>making themselves look worse and worse.
nobody cares what things look like, they only care about building a wall, or stopping it

no, you are literally a fucking idiot that either doesn't know how the government works, or are pretending not to know just to get (You)s
you realize that you shill fags have not turned a single person and every single user that agrees with you is another one of your discord faggots right? this is not a joke, you people are so plainly obvious that nobody takes you seriously and never has

>who just fucked over his whole voter base.
you people are so half-brained it's sad. his whole voter base doesn't agree with every single thing he wants. nobody in existence agrees explicitly with everything someone else agrees with, it's impossible, kek

>shouldn’t be making deals

Its his only choice -unless he wants to declare a national emergency.

If he does declare it -he needs absolutely zero ability for any dems to say that he didnt do everything in his power; that he didnt make every concession possible.

I have a feeling that he is about to drop the fucking hammer and he needs it to look like there was no other option.


>Trump shouldn’t be making deals
He doesn't have a fucking supermajority, this is how divided government works.
You don't get to go unilaterally. Obama tried that, and it took like 9 months for Trump to undo 90% of his legacy because the president doesn't actually have that much power over this stuff.

Bill O'Reilly is still pushing his bullshit?

Where were you when republicucks became the thing they hated most?

Reddit is cancer.

This. Not to mention the courts would be way more adversarial with Trump than they were with Obongo.